RRSR Highlights
- USDA-ARS ecohydrologist David Hoover is among those leading the charge to better understand how ecosystems respond to multi-year droughts, improving our ability to adaptively manage arid and semiarid rangelands.
- Explore livestock performance and production data from some of the longest running grazing experiments in North America, now available through a curated digital open access program at the National Agricultural Library's Ag Data Commons!
- How do I make a drought plan?
Drought is inevitable. This handbook created by the Colorado Agricultural Drought Advisors team with help from USDA-ARS can help producers manage risks ahead of time.
- Grazing management for grassland bird habitat
This CSU Extension fact sheet shows how grazing management can support grassland bird habitat. It features co-produced research from ARS scientists and rangeland stakeholders in the Collaborative Adaptive Rangeland Management study at the Central Plains Experimental Range.
- Using long-term forecasts for stocking decisions podcast
EJ Raynor (USDA-ARS) and Retta Bruegger (Colorado State Extension) discuss an 80-year project on how long- and short-term climate and weather correlates to production on ranches, and a decision tree tool that can be used to make management decisions.
- What does resilience mean to western ranchers?
- There is nothing simple about grazing cattle
University of Wyoming Extension
LTAR Network and USDA Climate Hubs are working to develop knowledge and technology for sound resource management via research and collaboration with stakeholders. The goal is to ensure sustained crop and livestock production and ecosystem services from agroecosystems, and to forecast and verify the effects of environmental changes, public policies, and emerging technologies.
Plovers, prairie dogs, and fire: Managing semi-arid rangelands for wildlife and livestock -Providing additional desirable plover habitat compatible with livestock production can be challenging. Better understanding how plover, prairie dogs, fire, and livestock interact may provide possible solutions.
Thunder Basin Flip the agriculture and natural resources research model. -An effort started in 2014 to flip the research model specifically for the Thunder Basin region.
Prairie dogs -Keystone species or calamity?- Prairie dogs woven into Thunder Basin Grasslands ecosystem detrimental to ranching if too many, but too few and dependent wildlife disappear.
- How many cows can 1 pasture handle? New tool for ranchers - Grass Cast is ready
- The Fabulous Five ride Again - summer interns
New Grass-Cast Released --Now an innovative new Grassland Productivity Forecast or “Grass-Cast” has published its first forecast to help producers in the Northern Great Plains reduce this economically important source of uncertainty. For more information go to USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub’s website
- Dr. Lauren M. Porensky. Outstanding Young Range Professional Award from the Society for Range Management (SRM)
- Cover | Fire Ecology Journal Prescribed fire suppresses unpalatable annual grasses, improves forage quality, and enhances habitat for certain wildlife species in the shortgrass steppe at the Central Plains Experimental Range near Nunn, Colorado, USA
Cowboys, Collaboration and Conservation - New CARM Blog
- Nice article on the CARM experiment at CPER (Balancing Beef Production with Biodiversity). https://agresearchmag.ars.usda.gov/2017/oct/biodiversity/
Beef and Biodiversity – How Do We Get Both? The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is working with ranchers and other partners on research that will tell us which grazing management gets us the most bang for our buck. Thanks to Jan Suszkiw, and the ARS’s AgMag for this article!
RRSR Quick Links
PHACE Study CARM Cheatgrass Targeted Grazing
Thunder Basin Grasslands Study Modeling Wind erosion
Data & Resources
Near Real Time Data CPER Precipitation Weather Data and Information
Photo Herbarium CPER Research Application HPGRS History
The Rangeland Resources and Systems Research Unit has supported multiple long-term research programs including the International Biome Program (IBP), the U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) network, and currently, the USDA Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network. ARS scientists and their collaborators work together on interdisciplinary research addressing specific stakeholder and national issues in rangeland management. Approximately 120 data sets contributing to these research efforts are discoverable in Ag Data Commons, a digital repository curated by the National Agricultural Library. For specific questions regarding access to data, please contact our data manager, Nicole Kaplan.