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Hans Alborn
Chemistry Research
Research Chemist

Phone: (352) 374-5714
Fax: (352) 374-5707

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Chemical Communications of Plants, Insects, Microbes, and Nematodes
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 439278

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Group movement in entomopathogenic nematodes: aggregation levels vary based on context Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stevens, G., Muhammad, U., Gulzar, S., Stevens, A., Pimentel, E., Erdogan, H., Schliekelman, P., Kaplan, F., Alborn, H.T., Shapiro Ilan, D.I., Lewis, E.E. 2024. Group movement in entomopathogenic nematodes: aggregation levels vary based on context. Journal of Nematology. 203.Article 108070.
What is more important to host-seeking entomopathogenic nematodes, innate or learned preference? Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gaffke, A.M., Romero, M.I., Alborn, H.T. 2023. What is more important to host-seeking entomopathogenic nematodes, innate or learned preference?. Agriculture Journal. 13(9):1802.
The evolution of strictly monofunctional naphthoquinol C-methyltransferases is vital in cyanobacteria and plastids Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stutts, L., Latimer, S., Batyrshina, Z., Dickinson, G., Alborn, H.T., Block, A.K., Basset, G.J. 2023. The evolution of strictly monofunctional naphthoquinol C-methyltransferases is vital in cyanobacteria and plastids. The Plant Cell. 35:3686-3696.
Many parasitoids lack adult fat accumulation, despite fatty acid synthesis: A discussion of concepts and considerations for future research Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Visser, B., Le Lann, C., Nieberding, C.M., Lammers, M., Hahn, D.A., Alborn, H.T., Enriquez, T., Scheifler, M., Harvey, J.A., Ellers, J. 2023. Many parasitoids lack adult fat accumulation, despite fatty acid synthesis: A discussion of concepts and considerations for future research. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 3:100055.
Pepper weevil, Anthonomus eugenii (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) suppression on jalapeño pepper using non-host insect repellent plants Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Adeleye, V.O., Seal, D.R., Liburd, O.E., Mcauslane, H., Alborn, H.T. 2022. Pepper weevil, Anthonomus eugenii (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) suppression on jalapeño pepper using non-host insect repellent plants. Crop Protection. 154:105893.
The impact of post-harvest storage on sweetcorn aroma Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yactayo Chang, J.P., Boehlein, S., Libertini, G., Beiriger, R., Resende, M., Bruton, R.G., Alborn, H.T., Tracy, W.F., Block, A.K. 2022. The impact of post-harvest storage on sweetcorn aroma. Phytochemistry Letters. 52:33-39.
Deadly scents: Exposure to plant volatiles increases mortality of entomopathogenic nematodes during infection Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gaffke, A.M., Shapiro-Ilan, D., Alborn, H.T. 2022. Deadly scents: Exposure to plant volatiles increases mortality of entomopathogenic nematodes during infection. Frontiers in Physiology. 13:978359.
Production of the green leaf volatile (Z)-3-hexenal by a zea mays hydroperoxide lyase Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yactayo Chang, J.P., Hunter III, C.T., Alborn, H.T., Christensen, S.A., Block, A.K. 2022. Production of the green leaf volatile (Z)-3-hexenal by a zea mays hydroperoxide lyase. Plants. 11(17):2201.
Infected host responses across entomopathogenic nematode phylogeny Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Erdogan, H., Stevens, G., Stevens, A., Shapiro Ilan, D.I., Kaplan, F., Alborn, H.T., Lewis, E.E. 2022. Infected host responses across entomopathogenic nematode phylogeny. Journal of Nematology. 53,e2021-105.
Metabolomics by UHPLC-HRMS reveals the impact of heat stress on pathogen-elicited immunity in Maize Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Christensen, S.A.; Santana, E.; Alborn, H.T.; Block, A.K.; Chamberlain, C.A. 2021. Metabolomics by UHPLC-HRMS reveals the impact of heat stress on pathogen-elicited immunity in Maize. Metabolomics. 17:6.
Nematodes follow a leader Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Erdogan, H., Cruzado-Gutierrez, K., Stevens, G., Shapiro Ilan, D.I., Kaplan, F., Alborn, H.T., Lewis, E.E. 2021. Nematodes follow a leader. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9,740351.
Detecting the conspecific: herbivory induced olfactory cues in the fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ingber, D.A., Christensen, S.A., Alborn, H.T., Hiltpold, I. 2021. Detecting the conspecific: herbivory induced olfactory cues in the fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Metabolites. 11, 583.
Sampling of volatiles in closed systems: a controlled comparison of three solventless volatile collection methods Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alborn, H.T., Bruton, R.G., Beck, J.J. 2021. Sampling of volatiles in closed systems: a controlled comparison of three solventless volatile collection methods. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 47:930-940.
Using Chemical Ecology to Enhance Weed Biological Control Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gaffke, A.M., Alborn, H.T., Dudley, T.L., Bean, D.W. 2021. Using chemical ecology to enhance weed biological control. Insects. 8:695.
Disentangling the influence of water limitation and simultaneous above and belowground herbivory on plant tolerance and resistance to stress Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mundim, F.; Vieira-Neto, E.; Alborn, H.T.; Bruna, E. 2021. Disentangling the influence of water limitation and simultaneous above and belowground herbivory on plant tolerance and resistance to stress. Journal of Ecology. 109:2729–2739.
A multicomponent marking phermone produced by the PEPPER WEEVIL, Anthonomus eugeni (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Addesso, K.M.; Alborn, H.T.; Bruton, R.G.; Mcauslane, H.J. 2021. A multicomponent marking phermone produced by the PEPPER WEEVIL, Anthonomus eugeni (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Chemoecology 31:247-258. 2021.
Phenotypic plasticity explains apparent reverse evolution of fat synthesis in parasitic wasps. Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Visser, B.; Alborn, H.T.; Rondeaux, S.; Haillot, M; Hance, T.; Rebar, D.; Reiderer, J.M.; Tiso, S.; Van Eldijk, T.J.; Weissing, F.J.; Nieberding, C.M. 2021. Phenotypic plasticity explains apparent reverse evolution of fat synthesis in parasitic wasps.. Scientific Reports. 11:775.
Desorption temperature, spme and natural product analyses, how low can we go Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gaffke, A.M., Alborn, H.T. 2021. Desorption temperature, spme and natural product analyses, how low can we go. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 47:134-138.
A comparison of collection methods for microbial volatiles Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rering, C.C., Gaffke, A.M., Rudolph, A.B., Beck, J.J., Alborn, H.T. 2020. A comparison of collection methods for microbial volatiles. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 4:598967.
Fine-tuning the composition of the cranberry weevil (Coleoptera Curculionidae) aggregation pheromone Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rodriguez-Saona, C., Alborn, H.T., Oehlschlager, C., Calvo, C., Kyryczenko-Roth, V., Sunil Tewari, S., Sylvia, M.M., Averill, A.L. 2020. Fine-tuning the composition of the cranberry weevil (Coleoptera Curculionidae) aggregation pheromone. Journal of Applied Entomology. 2020;144:417–421.
Setaria viridis as a model for translational genetic studies of jasmonic acid-responsive insect defenses in Zea mays Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hunter III, C.T., Block, A.K., Christensen, S.A., Li, Q., Rering, C.C., Alborn, H.T. 2020. Setaria viridis as a model for translational genetic studies of jasmonic acid-responsive insect defenses in Zea mays. Plant Science. 291, February 2020, 110329.
Preferential infectivity of entomopathogenic nematodes in an envenomed host Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mbata, G., Shapiro Ilan, D.I., Alborn, H.T., Strand, M. 2019. Preferential infectivity of entomopathogenic nematodes in an envenomed host. International Journal for Parasitology. 49(9):737-745.
Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of the kudzu bug, Megacopta cribrari (Hemiptera: Plataspidae to volatile compounds identified from, kudzu and soybean plants Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, L., Hu, X.P., Allan, S.A., Alborn, H.T., Bernier, U.R. 2019. Electrophysiological and behavioral responses of the kudzu bug, Megacopta cribrari (Hemiptera: Plataspidae to volatile compounds identified from, kudzu and soybean plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 67(15):4177-4183.
Development and behavioral ecology of Conopomorpha cramerella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Niogret, J., Ekayanti, A., Ingram, K., Lambert, S., Kendra, P.E., Alborn, H.T., Epsky, N.D. 2019. Development and behavioral ecology of Conopomorpha cramerella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Florida Entomologist. 102(2):382-387.
How do nematodes learn to find a host? - (Popular Publication)
Willett, D.S., Alborn, H.T., Stelinski, L., Shapiro Ilan, D.I. 2019. How do nematodes learn to find a host?. Science Journal for Kids. pgs.1-4.
Herbivorous caterpillars can utilize three mechanisms to alter green leaf volatile emission Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jones, A.C., Seidl-Adams, I., Engelberth, J., Hunter III, C.T., Alborn, H.T., Tumlinson, J.H. 2019. Herbivorous caterpillars can utilize three mechanisms to alter green leaf volatile emission. Environmental Entomology. 48(2):419–425.
Risk taking of educated nematodes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Willett, D.S., Alborn, H.T., Stelinski, L.L., Shapiro Ilan, D.I. 2018. Risk taking of educated nematodes. PLoS One. 13(10):e0205804.
Interactions among plants, insects, and microbes: elucidation of inter-organismal chemical communications in agricultural ecology Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beck, J.J., Alborn, H.T., Block, A.K., Christensen, S.A., Hunter III, C.T., Rering, C.C., Seidl-Adams, I., Stuhl, C.J., Torto, B., Tumlinson, J.H. 2018. Interactions among plants, insects, and microbes: elucidation of inter-organismal chemical communications in agricultural ecology. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 66(26):6663-6674. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.8b01763.
Role of plant volatiles in host plant recognition by Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kostromytska, O.S., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Alborn, H.T., Koppenhofer, A.M. 2018. Role of plant volatiles in host plant recognition by Listronotus maculicollis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of Chemical Ecology. 44(6):580-590. doi:10.1007/s10886-018-0964-y.
Comparison of trap types, placement, and colors for monitoring Anthonomus musculus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adults in highbush blueberries Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Silva, D., Kyryczenko-Roth, V., Alborn, H.T., Rodriguez-Saona, C. 2018. Comparison of trap types, placement, and colors for monitoring Anthonomus musculus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) adults in highbush blueberries. Journal of Insect Science. 18(2):1-9.
A technique for thermal desorption analyses suitable for thermally-labile, volatile compounds Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alborn, H.T. 2018. A technique for thermal desorption analyses suitable for thermally-labile, volatile compounds. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 44(2):103-110. doi:10.1007/s10886-018-0924-6.
Commercial hybrids and mutant genotypes reveal complex protective roles for inducible terpenoid defenses - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Christensen, S.A., Sims, J., Vaughan, M.M., Hunter III, C.T., Block, A.K., Willett, D.S., Alborn, H.T., Huffaker, A., Schmelz, E.A. 2018. Commercial hybrids and mutant genotypes reveal complex protective roles for inducible terpenoid defenses. Journal of Experimental Botany. doi:10.1093/jxb/erx495.
Herbivore derived fatty-acid amides elicit reactive oxygen species burst in plants - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Block, A.K., Christensen, S.A., Hunter Iii, C.T., Alborn, H.T. 2017. Herbivore derived fatty-acid amides elicit reactive oxygen species burst in plants. Journal of Experimental Botany. doi:10.1093/jxb/erx449.
Movement patterns in entomopathogenic nematodes: continuous vs. temporal Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ruan, W., Shapiro Ilan, D.I., Lewis, E., Kaplan, F., Alborn, H.T., Gu, X., Schliekelman, P. 2018. Movement patterns in entomopathogenic nematodes: continuous vs. temporal. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 151:137-143. https://doi:10.1016/j.jip.2017.11.010.
Dynamics of belowground diffusion and diffusion and degradation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Willett, D.S., Som, S., Alborn, H.T. 2017. Dynamics of belowground diffusion and diffusion and degradation. Rhizosphere 2004. 4:70-74. doi:10.1016/j.rhisph.2017.07.004.
Identification of an insect-produced olfactory cue that primes plant defenses - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Helms, A.M., Moraes, C.M., Troger, A., Alborn, H.T., Francke, W., Tooker, J.F., Mescher, M.C. 2017. Identification of an insect-produced olfactory cue that primes plant defenses. Nature Communications. 8(1):337. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00335-8.
On the evolutionary arms-race between Utetheisa ornatrix moth and its Florida host, Crotalaria pumila: chemical attraction, and mechanical defense - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sourakov, A., Alborn, H.T. 2017. On the evolutionary arms-race between Utetheisa ornatrix moth and its Florida host, Crotalaria pumila: chemical attraction, and mechanical defense. Tropical Lepidoptera. 27:16-18.
Multitrophic effects of belowground parasitoid learning - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Willett, D.S., Alborn, H.T., Stelinski, L.L. 2017. Multitrophic effects of belowground parasitoid learning. Scientific Reports. 7(1):1-10. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-02193-2.
Elevated carbon dioxide reduces emission of herbivore induced volatiles in Zea mays - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Block, A.K., Vaughan, M.M., Christensen, S.A., Alborn, H.T., Tumlinson, J.H. 2017. Elevated carbon dioxide reduces emission of herbivore induced volatiles in Zea mays. Plant Cell and Environment. doi:10.1111/pce.12976.
Seteria viridis as a model for pathogen resistance in the Poaceae - (Abstract Only)
Concurrence in the ability for lipid synthesis between life stages in insects - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Visser, B., Willett, D.S., Alborn, H.T., Harvey, J.A. 2017. Concurrence in the ability for lipid synthesis between life stages in insects. Royal Society Open Science. 4:160815.
Reduced stomatal conductance in plants grown under elevated carbon dioxide leads to lower emission of herbivore induced volatiles. - (Abstract Only)
Differential response of a local population of entomopathogenic nematodes to non-native herbivore induced plant volatiles (HIPV) in the laboratory and field - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rivera, M.J., Rodriguez-Saona, C., Alborn, H.T., Koppenhofer, A.M. 2016. Differential response of a local population of entomopathogenic nematodes to non-native herbivore induced plant volatiles (HIPV) in the laboratory and field. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 42:1259-1264.
A whole-plant perspective reveals unexpected impacts of above- and belowground herbivores on plant growth and defense - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mundim, F.M., Alborn, H.T., Vieira-Neto, E.H., Bruna, E.M. 2017. A whole-plant perspective reveals unexpected impacts of above- and belowground herbivores on plant growth and defense. Ecology. 98(1):70-78.
EPN Chemical ecology and new techniques for below ground sampling and analyses of volatile semiochemicals - (Abstract Only)
Below-ground chemical ecology and IPM - (Abstract Only)
Jasmonate-mediated stomatal closure under elevated CO2 revealed by time-resolved metabolomics - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Geng, S., Biswavas Misra, B., De Armas, E., Huhman, D., Alborn, H.T., Sumner, L.W., Chen, S. 2016. Jasmonate-mediated stomatal closure under elevated CO2 revealed by time-resolved metabolomics. Plant Journal. 88:947-962.
Interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and drought on the maize phytochemical defense response against mycotoxigenic Fusarium verticillioides Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vaughan, M.M., Huffaker, A., Schmelz, E.A., Dafoe, N.J., Christensen, S.A., McAuslane, H.J., Alborn, H.T., Allen, L.H., Teal, P.E.A. 2016. Interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and drought on the maize phytochemical defense response against mycotoxigenic Fusarium verticillioides. PLoS One. 11(7):e0159270. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159270.
Maize terpenoid phytoalexins function in resistance against both abiotic and biotic stress - (Abstract Only)
Vaughan, M.M., Christensen, S.A., Schmelz, E.A., Huffaker, A., McAuslane, H., Alborn, H.T., Allen, L.H., Teal, P.E. 2016. Maize terpenoid phytoalexins function in resistance against both abiotic and biotic stress [abstract].
Ecology of the cocoa pod borer, Conopomorpha cramerella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a major pest for the cocoa industry - (Abstract Only)
Niogret, J., Alborn, H.T., Ingram, H., Kendra, P.E., Lambert, S., Epsky, N.D. 2016. Ecology of the cocoa pod borer, Conopomorpha cramerella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a major pest for the cocoa industry. Meeting Abstract. XXV International Congress of Entomology Orlando, FL. Sept 25-30, 2016
Agricultural and ecological implications of interspecific social behavioral plasticity in entomopathogenic nematodes - (Abstract Only)
Overview of the cocoa pod borer, conopomorpha cramerella (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), a major pest for the cocoa industry. - (Abstract Only)
A maize death acid, 10-oxo-11-phytoenoic acid, is the predominant cyclopentenone signal present during multiple stress and developmental conditions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Christensen, S.A., Huffaker, A., Hunter III, C.T., Alborn, H.T., Schmelz, E. 2016. A maize death acid, 10-oxo-11-phytoenoic acid, is the predominant cyclopentenone signal present during multiple stress and developmental conditions. Plant Signaling and Behavior. 11(2):e1120395.
Social networks of educated nematodes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maize death acids, 9-lipoxygenase-derived cyclopente(a)nones display activity as cytotoxic phytoalexins and transcriptional mediators - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Christensen, S.A., Huffaker, A., Kaplan, F., Sims, J.W., Ziemann, S., Doehlemann, G., Ji, L., Schmitz, R.J., Kolomiets, M.V., Alborn, H.T., Mori, N., Jander, G., Ni, X., Sartor, R.C., Byers, S.O., Abdo, Z., Schmelz, E.A. 2015. Maize death acids, 9-lipoxygenase-derived cyclopente(a)nones display activity as cytotoxic phytoalexins and transcriptional mediators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112(36):11407-11412.
Oviposition cues of the blueberry gall midge, dasineura oxycoccana - (Abstract Only)
Ecdysteroid biosynthesis in varroa mites: identification of halloween genes from the biosynthetic pathway and their regulation during reproduction - (Abstract Only)
Ecdysteroid biosynthesis in varroa mites: identification of halloween genes from the biosynthetic pathway - (Abstract Only)
Evolved differences in larval social behavior mediated by novel pheromones - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mast, J.D., Moraes, C., Alborn, H.T., Lavis, L.D., Stern, D.L. 2014. Evolved differences in larval social behavior mediated by novel pheromones. Nature. 3:e04205.
Accumulation of terpenoid phytoalexins in maize roots is associated with drought tolerance Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vaughan, M.M., Christensen, S., Schmelz, E.A., Huffaker, A., McAuslane, H.J., Alborn, H.T., Romero, M., Allen, L.H., Teal, P.E.A. 2015. Accumulation of terpenoid phytoalexins in maize roots is associated with drought tolerance. Plant, Cell and Environment. 38:2195–2207.
Three halloween genes from the varroa mite, varroa destructor (Anderson & Trueman) and their expression during reproduction - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cabrera, A.R., Shirk, P.D., Evans, J.D., Hung, K., Sims, J.W., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E. 2014. Three halloween genes from the varroa mite, varroa destructor (Anderson & Trueman) and their expression during reproduction. Insect Molecular Biology. doi: 10.1111/imb.12155.
Effects of elevated [CO2] on maize defense against mycotoxigenic Fusarium verticillioides - (Abstract Only)
Vaughan, M.M., Huffaker, A., Schmelz, E.A., Dafoe, N.J., Christensen, S.A., Sims, J.W., Martins, V.F., Swerbilow, J., Romero, M.I., Alborn, H.T., Allen, L.H., Teal, P.E. 2014. Effects of elevated [CO2] on maize defense against mycotoxigenic Fusarium verticillioides [abstract].
Toxicity of six plant extracts and two pyridine alkaloids from Ricinus communis against the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wachira, S.W., Omar, S., Jacob, J.W., Wahome, M., Alborn, H.T., Spring, D.R., Masiga, D.K., Torto, B. 2014. Toxicity of six plant extracts and two pyridine alkaloids from Ricinus communis against the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. Parasites & Vectors. 7:312-319.
Effects of elevated CO2 on maize defense against mycotoxigenic Fusarium verticillioides Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vaughan, M.M., Huffaker, A., Schmelz, E.A., Dafoe, N.J., Christensen, S.A., Sims, J.W., Martins, V.F., Swerbilow, J.C., Romero, M.I., Alborn, H.T., Allen Jr, L.H., Teal, P.E. 2014. Effects of elevated CO2 on maize defense against mycotoxigenic Fusarium verticillioides. Plant Cell and Environment. doi: 10.1111/pce.12337.
Identification of methyl farnesoate from the hemolymph of insects - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Teal, P.E., Jones, D., Jones, G., Torto, B., Nyasembe, V., Borgemister, C., Alborn, H.T., Kaplan, F., Boucias, D., Lietze, V. 2014. Identification of methyl farnesoate from the hemolymph of insects. Journal of Natural Products. 77(2):402-405.
Semiochemical based attraction of small hive beetle: a window into evolution and invasive biology - (Abstract Only)
Seed treatment with live or dead Fusarium verticillioides equivalently reduces the severity of subsequent stalk rot - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Martins, V.F., Vaughan, M.M., Huffaker, A., Schmelz, E.A., Christensen, S.A., Sims, J.W., Benda, N.D., Swerbilow, J.C., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E. 2013. Seed treatment with live or dead Fusarium verticillioides equivalently reduces the severity of subsequent stalk rot. Journal of Phytopathology. 162(3):201-204.
Sending mixed messages: a trophic cascade produced by a belowground herbivore-induced cue - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ali, J.G., Campos-Herrera, R., Alborn, H.T., Duncan, L.W., Stelinski, L.L. 2013. Sending mixed messages: a trophic cascade produced by a belowground herbivore-induced cue. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39:1140-1147.
Root zone chemical ecology: new techniques for below grounf sampling and mass spectrometric analyses of volatile semiochemicals - (Abstract Only)
Chemical signals from plants previously infected with root knot nematodes affect behavior of infective juvenile root knot nematodes - (Abstract Only)
Development of kairomone based control programs for cocoa pod borer - (Abstract Only)
Maize kauralexins: insights into structure, function, and biosynthesis - (Abstract Only)
An amino acid substitution inhibits specialist herbivore production of a competitive antagonist effector and recovers insect-induced plant defenses - (Abstract Only)
Plant elicitor peptides are conserved signals regulating direct and indirect anti-herbivore defense - (Abstract Only)
Plant elicitor peptides are conserved signals regulating direct and indirect anti-herbivore defense - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Huffaker, A., Pearce, G., Veyrat, N., Erb, M., Turlings, T.C., Sartor, R., Shen, Z., Briggs, S.P., Vaughan, M.M., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E., Schmelz, E.A. 2013. Plant elicitor peptides are conserved signals regulating direct and indirect anti-herbivore defense. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110(14):5707-5712.
Semiochemical based attraction of Small Hive Beetle: a window into evolution and invasive biology - (Abstract Only)
Sex-specific mating pheromones in the nematode Panagrellus redivivus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Choe, A., Chuman, T., Von Reuss, S.H., Doseey, A.T., Yim, J., Ajredini, R., Kolawa, A.A., Kaplan, F., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E., Schroeder, F.C., Sternberg, P.W., Edison, A.S. 2012. Sex-specific mating pheromones in the nematode Panagrellus redivivus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109(51):20949-20954.
An amino acid substitution inhibits specialist herbivore production of an antagonist effector and recovers insect-induced plant defenses - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Schmelz, E.A., Huffaker, A., Carroll, M.J., Alborn, H.T., Ali, J.G., Teal, P.E. 2012. An amino acid substitution inhibits specialist herbivore production of an antagonist effector and recovers insect-induced plant defenses . Plant Physiology. 160(3):1468-1478.
Interspecific nematode signals regulate dispersal behavior - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kaplan, F., Alborn, H.T., Von Reuss, S.H., Ajredini, R., Ali, J.G., Akyazi, F., Stelinski, L.L., Edison, A.S., Schroeder, F.C., Teal, P.E. 2012. Interspecific nematode signals regulate dispersal behavior. PLoS One. 7(6):1-8.
Subterranean, herbivore-induced plant volatile increases biological control activity of multiple beneficial nematode species in distinct habitats - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ali, J.G., Alborn, H.T., Campos-Herrera, R., Kaplan, F., Duncan, L.W., Rodriquez-Saona, C., Koppenhofer, A.M., Stelinski, L.L. 2012. Subterranean, herbivore-induced plant volatile increases biological control activity of multiple beneficial nematode species in distinct habitats. PLoS One. 7(6):1-8.
Identification and synthesis of a male-produced pheromone for the neotropical root weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lapointe, S.L., Alessandro, R.T., Robbins, P.S., Khrimian, A., Svatos, A., Dickens, J.C., Otalora-Luna, F., Kaplan, F., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E. 2012. Identification and synthesis of a male-produced pheromone for the neotropical root weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 38:408-417.
Maize terpene volatiles serve as precursors to an array of defensive phytoalexins following insect and pathogen attack - (Abstract Only)
Induced release of a plant-defense volatile 'deceptively' attracts insect vectors to plants infected with a bacterial pathogen - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mann, R.S., Ali, J.G., Hermann, S.L., Tiwari, S., Pelz-Stelinski, K., Alborn, H.T., Stelinski, L.L. 2012. Induced release of a plant-defense volatile 'deceptively' attracts insect vectors to plants infected with a bacterial pathogen. PLoS Pathogens. 8(3):e1002610. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1002610.
Maize terpene volatiles serve as precursors to an array of defensive phytoalexins following insect and pathogen attack - (Abstract Only)
Semichemical based attraction of small hive beetle: a window into evolution and invasive biology - (Abstract Only)
Banded cucumber beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) resistance in romaine lettuce: understanding latex chemistry - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sethi, A., Alborn, H.T., Mcauslane, H.J., Nuessly, G.S., Nagata, R.T. 2012. Banded cucumber beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) resistance in romaine lettuce: understanding latex chemistry. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 6:269-281.
Ecology of the Asian citrus pysllid - (Abstract Only)
Kauralexins: newly discovered ent-kaurane-related diterpenoid phytoalexins in maize - (Abstract Only)
Chemical ecology and isolation of biologically active compounds from parasitic nematodes - (Abstract Only)
Root zone chemical ecology: Semiochemically mediated manipulations of nematode behavior - (Abstract Only)
Density-based regulation of ascr#2 and ascr#4 expression in Caenorhabditis elegans - (Abstract Only)
Novel acidic sesquiterpenoids constitute a dominant class of pathogen-induced phytoalexins in maize - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Huffaker, A., Kaplan, F., Vaughan, M.M., Dafoe, N.J., Ni, X., Rocca, J.R., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E., Schmelz, E.A. 2011. Novel acidic sesquiterpenoids constitute a dominant class of pathogen-induced phytoalexins in maize. Plant Physiology. 156:2082-2097.
Fragrance composition of Dendrophylax lindenii (Orchidaceae) using novel technique applied in situ - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sadler, J.J., Smith, J.M., Zettler, L.W., Alborn, H.T., Richardson, L.W. 2011. Fragrance composition of Dendrophylax lindenii (Orchidaceae) using novel technique applied in situ. European Journal of Environmental Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 137-141.
Maize Kauralexins: inducible diterpenoid phytoalexins protect against fungal pathogens - (Abstract Only)
Identification and field evaluation of attractants for the cranberry weevil, Anthonomus musculus say - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Szendrei, Z., Averill, A., Alborn, H.T., Rodriquez Saona, C. 2011. Identification and field evaluation of attractants for the cranberry weevil, Anthonomus musculus say. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 37:387-397.
Ascaroside expression in Caenorhabditis elegans is strongly dependent on diet and developmental stage - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kaplan, F., Srinivasan, J., Mahanti, P., Ajredini, R., Durak, O., Nimalendran, R., Sternberg, P.W., Teal, P.E., Schroeder, F.C., Edison, A.S., Alborn, H.T. 2011. Ascaroside expression in Caenorhabditis elegans is strongly dependent on diet and developmental stage. PLoS One. 6(3):1-7.
Identity, regulation, and activity of inducible diterpenoid phytoalexins in maize - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Schmelz, E.A., Kaplan, F., Huffaker, A., Dafoe, N.J., Vaughan, M.M., Ni, X., Rocca, J.R., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E. 2011. Identity, regulation, and activity of inducible diterpenoid phytoalexins in maize. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108(13):5455-5460.
Constitutive and induced subterranean plant volatiles attract both entomopathogenic and plant parasitic nematodes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ali, J.G., Alborn, H.T., Stelinski, L.L. 2010. Constitutive and induced subterranean plant volatiles attract both entomopathogenic and plant parasitic nematodes. Journal of Ecology. 99(1):26-35.
Attraction of pepper weevil to volatiles from damaged pepper plants - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Addesso, K.M., Mcauslane, H.J., Alborn, H.T. 2011. Attraction of pepper weevil to volatiles from damaged pepper plants. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 138(1):1-11.
Dispersers shape fruit diversity in Ficus (Moraceae) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lomascolo, S.B., Levey, D.J., Kimball, R.T., Bolker, B.M., Alborn, H.T. 2010. Dispersers shape fruit diversity in Ficus (Moraceae). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107(33):14668-14672.
Induced defenses in maize following attack by the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) - (Abstract Only)
Subterranean Herbivore-induced Volatiles Released by Citrus Roots upon Feeding by Diaprepes abbreviatus Recruit Entomopathogenic Nematodes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ali, J.G., Alborn, H.T., Stelinski, L.L. 2010. Subterranean Herbivore-induced Volatiles Released by Citrus Roots upon Feeding by Diaprepes abbreviatus Recruit Entomopathogenic Nematodes. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 36: 361-368.
Fatty acid-amino acid conjugates diversification in Lepidopteran caterpillars - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yoshinaga, N., Alborn, H.T., Nakanishi, T., Suckling, D.M., Nishida, R., Tumlinson, J.H., Mori, N. 2010. Fatty acid-amino acid conjugates diversification in Lepidopteran caterpillars. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 36:319-325.
A semiochemical-based push-pull management strategy for pepper weevil - (Abstract Only)
Bacterial attraction and quorum sensing inhibition in Caenorhabditis elegans exudates - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kaplan, F., Badri, D.V., Zachariah, C., Ajredini, R., Sandoval, F.J., Roje, S., Levine, L.H., Zhang, F., Robinette, S.L., Alborn, H.T., Zhao, W., Stadler, M., Nimalendran, R., Dossey, A.T., Bruschweiler, R., Vivanco, J.M., Edison, A.S. 2009. Bacterial attraction and quorum sensing inhibition in Caenorhabditis elegans exudates. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 35:878-892.
Concentration dependent differential activity of signalling molecules in Caenorhabditis elegans - (Abstract Only)
High Sensitivity NMR and Mixture Analysis for Nematode Behavioral Metabolomics - (Abstract Only)
Environmentally Regulated Abiotic Release of Volatile Pheromones from the Sugar-based Oral Secretions of Caribflies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Walse, S.S., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E. 2008. Environmentally Regulated Abiotic Release of Volatile Pheromones from the Sugar-based Oral Secretions of Caribflies. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews. 1(4):205-217.
Phytohormone-based activity mapping of insect herbivore-produced elicitors - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Schmelz, E.A., Engelberth, J., Alborn, H.T., Tumlinson, J.H., Teal, P.E. 2009. Phytohormone-based activity mapping of insect herbivore-produced elicitors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 106(2):653-657.
Active role of fatty acid amino acid conjugates in nitrogen metabolidm by Spodoptera litura larvae - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yoshinaga, N., Aboshi, T., Abe, T., Nishida, R., Alborn, H.T., Tumlinson, J.H., Mori, N. 2008. Active role of fatty acid amino acid conjugates in nitrogen metabolidm by Spodoptera litura larvae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 105:18058-18063.
The diversity of caeliferins in American grasshoppers, what possible function? - (Abstract Only)
Increased universality of Lepidopteran elicitor compounds across insects: Identification of fatty acid amino acid conjugates (FACs) - (Abstract Only)
Function and evolutionary diversity of fatty acid amino acid conjugates (FACs)in Lepidopteran caterpillars - (Abstract Only)
Environmentally regulated abiotic release of volatile pheromones from the sugar-based oral secretions of caribflies - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Walse, S.S., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E. 2008. Environmentally regulated abiotic release of volatile pheromones from the sugar-based oral secretions of caribflies. Green Chemistry. 1(4):205-217.
A blend of small molecules regulates both mating and development in Caenorhabditis elegans - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Srinivasan, J., Kaplan, F., Ajredini, R., Zachariah, C., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E., Edison, A.S., Sternberg, P.W., Schroeder, F.C. 2008. A blend of small molecules regulates both mating and development in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature Magazine. 454(28):1115-1119.
Romaine lettuce latex deters feeding of banded cucumber beetle: a vehicle for deployment of biochemical defenses - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sethi, A., Mcauslane, H.J., Alborn, H.T., Nagata, R.T., Nuessly, G.S. 2008. Romaine lettuce latex deters feeding of banded cucumber beetle: a vehicle for deployment of biochemical defenses. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 128:410-420
Multitrophic interactions between insects, fungi and plants: Using naturally produced chemicals to solve an invasive species problem - (Abstract Only)
Arthropod-associated plant effectors (AAPEs):elicitors and suppressors of crop defense - (Book / Chapter)
Alborn, H.T., Schmelz, E.A. 2008. Arthropod-associated plant effectors (AAPEs):elicitors and suppressors of crop defense. In:Capinera, J.L., editor. Encyclopedia of Entomology. 2nd edition. New York, NY: Springer. p. 299-303.
Disulfooxy fatty acids from the American bird grasshopper Schistocerca americana, elicitors of plant volatiles - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alborn, H.T., Hansen, T.H., Jones, T.H., Bennett, D.C., Tumlinson, J.H., Schmelz, E.A., Teal, P.E. 2007. Disulfooxy fatty acids from the American bird grasshopper Schistocerca americana, elicitors of plant volatiles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 104(32):12976-12981.
Novel fatty acid-related compounds from the American bird grasshopper, Schistocerca americana, elicit plant volatiles - (Abstract Only)
Composition of volatiles from fermenting pollen dough and attractiveness to the small hive beetle Aethina Tumida, a parasite of the honeybee Apis mellifera - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Torto, B., Arbogast, R.T., Alborn, H.T., Suazo, A., Van Engelsdorp, D., Boucias, D., Tumlinson, J.H., Teal, P.E. 2007. Composition of volatiles from fermenting pollen dough and attractiveness to the small hive beetle Aethina Tumida, a parasite of the honeybee Apis mellifera. Apidologie. 38:380-389.
Cowpea chloroplastic ATP synthase is the source of multiple plant defense elicitors during insect herbivory - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Schmelz, E.A., Leclere, S.L., Carroll, M.J., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E. 2007. Cowpea chloroplastic ATP synthase is the source of multiple plant defense elicitors during insect herbivory. Plant Physiology. 144(2):793-805.
Schmelz, E.A., Carroll, M.J., LeClere, S.L., Phipps, S.M., Meredith, J.A., Chourey, P.S., Alborn, H.T., Teal, P.E. 2006. Fragments of ATP synthase mediate plant perception of insect attack. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 103(23):8894-8899.
Response of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida) to a blend of chemicals identified from honeybee (Apis mellifera) volatiles - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Torto, B., Suazo, A., Alborn, H.T., Tumlinson Iii, J.H., Teal, P.E. 2005. Response of the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida) to a blend of chemicals identified from honeybee (Apis mellifera) volatiles. Apidologie. 36:523-532.
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