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SWRC Bulletin (Early 2006)
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The SWRC Quarterly

Sound Science for Watershed Decisions

Early 2006



Latest Science Results (not yet published)

(click on title for more information)



Monitoring coarse sediment particle displacement using a radio frequency identification system


A GIS framework for surface-layer soil moisture estimation combining satellite measurements and land surface modeling with soil physical property estimation


Mapping surface roughness and soil moisture using multi-angle radar imagery without ancillary data


Monitoring  headcut migration over four decades on a rangeland area in the southwestern United States


Sediment Yield From Small Semiarid Watersheds


The sensitivity of ecosystem carbon exchange to seasonal precipitation and woody plant communities


A downscaling method for distributing surface soil moisture within a microwave pixel: Application to Monsoon'90


Relationships between land-use DOM, and inorganic nitrogen concentrations in a semi-arid catchment.


Chapter 9:  Integrating Science and Policy for Water Management


Hydrologic requirements of and evapotranspiration by riparian vegetation along the SanPedroRiver, Arizona


Changes in vegetation condition and surface fluxes during NAME 2004


Riparian vegetation classification from airborne laser scanning data with an emphasis on cottonwood trees


Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool (Agwa): Uncertainty Analysis of Common Input Data


Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA): A GIS-based Hydrologic Modeling Tool for Watershed Management and Landscape Assessment


KINEROS2 - New features and capabilities


Toward an automated tool for channel-network characterization, modeling, and assessment


Integrating hydrologic models and spatial data in a distributed internet application


KINEROS2 and the AGWA modeling framework


Discussant comments on upscaling of soil processes to a regional level


Hydrologic modeling uncertainty resulting from land cover misclassification


Planning for increasing irrigation efficiency in Mexico


Solving multiobjective problems in the irrigation districts of Mexico


Planeacion multiobjetivo en los distritos de riego en Mexico


A method for estimating spatial distribution of forage residue and livestock grazing

Papers Published This Quarter:

(click on title to download a reprint)


Semmens, D., Goodrich, D.C., Unkrich, C.L., Smith, R.E., Woolhiser, D.A., Miller, S.N. 2005. KINEROS2 and the AGWA modeling framework.Chapter 6 in The GWADI International Modeling Worshop, UNESCO on-line publication, 30 p.,


Semmens, D.J., Goodrich, D.C. 2005. Planning change: Case studies illustrating the benefits of GIS and Land-Use data in environmental planning.Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrological Perspectives for Sustainable Development, Feb. 23-25, 2005, Roorkee, India, p. 346-354.


Gonzalez-Dugo, M.P., Moran, M.S., Mateos, L., Bryant, R. 2005. Canopy temperature variability as an indicator of crop water stress severity.J. Irrig. Sci.



Our full publication list is available at . 



Future Science Events:
Several workshops and meetings are coming up, as well as a very special presentation by SWRC Retired Scientist Ken Renard at the ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed. (click here for more information)


Rainfall Report:









WGEW and SRER data can be downloaded from the web site at   


Geographic locations of the three precipitation records can be found at /ARSUserFiles/20221000/images/sw_az3.jpg



Check out the awards for ARS Tucson Scientist Russ Scott and SWRC Liaison Committee member Ruth Evelyn Cowan. (click here for more information)


Staff News:
Meet our new Research Leader, Dr. Mark Nearing (click here). Tucson ARS Scientist Dean Martens, known for his intense scientific curiosity and wonderful sense of humor, passed away last November after a brief battle with cancer (click here).
(Click here for additional staff news).


SWRC Quarterly:

Contact the SWRC Research Leader, Dr. Mark Nearing at 670-6380 x152 or  Mailing address is USDA ARS SWRC, 2000 E. Allen Rd., Tucson, AZ85719 and web address is .  The SWRC Quarterly is on-line at  /News/News.htm?modecode=53-42-45-00. 


SWRC Mission:

The Southwest Watershed Research Center conducts long-term research of soil, water and climate processes to better understand interactions with plants, animals and humans as a basis for management of semiarid watersheds.  SWRC develops new technologies for land managers, including remote sensing, computer-aided decision tools, and ecosystem models.