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Title: Quantitative detection of pesticide concentration by Raman chemical method

item Chao, Kuanglin
item QIN, JIANWEI - University Of Maryland
item Kim, Moon
item Chan, Diane
item FU, XIAPING - Zhejiang University

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 7/15/2012
Publication Date: 7/30/2012
Citation: Chao, K., Qin, J., Kim, M.S., Chan, D.E., Fu, X. 2012. Quantitative detection of pesticide concentration by Raman chemical method. [abstract].

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Pesticides are used in agricultural production to control pests, diseases, weeds and other plant pathogens to minimize yield losses and maintain high product quality. Since residues from those chemical compounds can be present on the surfaces of vegetables and fruits which may cause major health problems. However, the chronic effects of pesticides from food intake on human health are not well defined, but there is increasing evidence of carcinogenicity and genotoxicity, as well as disruption of hormonal functions. (It is not easy to establish how much of a pesticide is "safe" for people. ) It is thus essential that pesticide exposure be minimized and the presence of pesticide residues in food be regulated and monitored. This study established a rapid method using a laboratory-based point-scanning Raman chemical imaging system to quantify the presence of selected pesticide compounds. Pesticide chemicals (thiabenazole, acetamiprid, Diphenylamine, azinphos-methyl, and Pyrimethanil) were mixed with organic solvents at various concentrations, to investigate spectral detection and quantification. Relationships between ingredient concentration and the height and area of Raman spectral peaks were determined. Models were developed for quantitative analysis of these pesticides.