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Research Project: Develop Genetic Resources and Analytic Tools for Improvement of FHB Resistance in Wheat

Location: Hard Winter Wheat Genetics Research

Project Number: 3020-21000-012-003-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 1, 2019
End Date: Aug 31, 2024

1. Develop algorithms using unsupervised classification methods for fast evaluation of the Fusarium-Damaged Kernels on multiple platforms. 2. Identify resistance genes in Lyman and CI 13227 and DNA markers linked to these genes for marker-assisted selection. 3. Develop hard winter wheat germplasm with a high level of resistance by pyramiding resistance gene Fhb1 with a gene on chromosome 5A and one or two other minor genes into U.S. hard winter wheat using marker-assisted selection and evaluate their individual and combined effects.

1. Inoculate a wheat mapping population with FHB and harvest infected plants to get both Fusarium-damaged and healthy kernels, obtain high resolution pictures of harvested mixed kernels from each line, analyze pictures to separate healthy and scabby kernels using a newly developed algorithm in a high-throughput scripting language. 2. Genotype two mapping populations using SNP markers derived from genotyping-by-sequencing; phenotype population for FHB resistance in both greenhouse and field; and conduct linkage mapping and QTL analysis. 3. Make crosses among lines with minor and major genes for FHB tolerance and low DON accumulation, select target genotypes using QTL-linked markers for backcrosses; evaluate selected progeny for FHB resistance in field and greenhouse.