Center for Grain and Animal Health Research is home to four research units. Each unit has scientists recognized world-wide for their innovative research and technology development.
Scientists with the Arthropod-Borne Animal Disease Research Unit conduct research to explore ways to prevent current and emerging livestock diseases.
Scientists with the Grain Quality & Structure Research Unit conduct basic and applied research to identify the physical and biochemical components that determine grain quality focusing on hard winter wheat and grain sorghum.
Researchers with the Hard Winter Wheat & Genetics Research Unit are working to develop germplasms for wheat diseases such as stem rust and improve wheat tolerance to heat, drought, and insects.
Entomologists with Stored Product Insect and Engineering Research focus on managing pests in stored raw grains and processed grains.
The Center Director is James Campbell.
Phone: (785)776-2717
Fax: (785)776-2789
USDA-ARS-PA-Center for Grain & Animal Health Res.
1515 College Ave
Manhattan, KS 66502