Location: Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research
2019 Annual Report
This project intends to produce improved potato germplasm and varieties with emphasis on the predominant market class for the western U.S. which is characterized by long tubers and russet skin. Improved varieties will be suitable for potato processing, as well as fresh consumption. The objectives below will be the specific focus for the next five years for the project scientists Novy and Whitworth:
Objective 1: Use conventional and genomic technologies to develop improved potato germplasm and varieties representative of the primary market classes grown in the western U.S. with the following enhancements being emphasized:
• Subobjective 1A: Improve Disease and Pest Resistance
• Subobjective 1B: Improve Tuber Qualities for Processing and Fresh Use
• Subobjective 1C: Reduce Production Inputs
• Subobjective 1D: Enhance Nutritional Value
Objective 2: Accelerate breeding for resistance to potato pathogens and pests using genomic technologies.
Objective 3: Identify and utilize pathogen and pest resistance specific to potato cyst nematode (PCN) and tuber necrotic viruses (Potato virus Y, Potato mop-top virus, and Tobacco rattle virus), and characterize foliar and tuber responses of potato varieties and germplasm to the tuber necrotic viruses.
Objective 1 is non-hypothesis driven research with the goal of developing potato germplasm and varieties with tuber qualities, disease and pest resistance, and sustainable production that is superior to current industry varieties, with emphasis on primary market classes grown in the western U.S. Varieties and germplasm obtained from other breeding programs, as well as breeding clones of species and their enhanced progeny from ARS collaborators, will be hybridized with adapted parent material in our program using a modified backcross where different cultivated parent clones are used in each backcross to minimize inbreeding depression. Progenies will be screened over multiple years for enhanced traits and agronomic performance in replicated multi-site field trials in the western U.S. Use of molecular technologies (i.e. SNP microarrays, genotyping by sequencing, MAS, and genomic selection) will accelerate development of improved germplasm and varieties. Breeding clones with enhanced traits compared to industry standard varieties will be released as new varieties or as breeding germplasm. As needed, additional germplasm from outside of our program will be requested and utilized as parental material in hybridizations to generation unique populations that expedite trait enhancement.
Objective 2 is non-hypothesis driven research utilizing molecular markers with close linkage to genes conferring pest and disease resistance. Molecular markers to resistance genes for Potato virus Y, Potato leafroll virus (PLRV), and potato cyst nematode will be utilized in marker-assisted selection (MAS). Genomic technologies, including SNP microarrays, will be used to identify new genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for resistance. Mapped genes and QTLs will be sequenced and primers developed for MAS. Development of new MAS protocols is important for breeding resistance to emerging diseases (i.e. Potato mop-top virus (PMTV) and zebra chip disease. MAS application will fast-track identification of resistant individuals and facilitate the development and release of potato germplasm and varieties with enhanced disease resistance. If markers in the literature prove unsatisfactory for MAS, then we would work to identify suitable markers, as was previously done by our project for a PLRV resistance gene.
Objective 3 is non-hypothesis research focusing on the screening of diverse potato germplasm and characterization of infection-response to potato cyst nematode and three tuber necrotic viruses: PVY, (PMTV), and Tobacco rattle virus (TRV). Field evaluations for response to infection will be conducted by our project (PVY), as well as with collaborators in Washington and North Dakota (PMTV and TRV). Resistant individuals will be utilized in the breeding program as parents with incorporation of resistance conducted utilizing the modified backcross method describe in Objective 1. If levels of resistance for PCN and the tuber necrotic viruses cannot be identified within project germplasm, then new parental material with desired characteristics will be obtained from the U.S. Potato Genebank and other national and international public and private breeding programs
Progress Report
Several thousand project breeding clones were indexed for virus, planted, maintained, and harvested at multiple sites for seed increase, as well as in yield and disease trials for evaluation of their merit for continued advancement and variety release, contributing to Objective 1. Data obtained from yield and disease trials were used in identifying breeding clone A06021-1T as having desirable tuber attributes for release as the new potato variety, La Belle Russet, and contributed directly to, Sub-objective 1B. Five hundred and eighty plants representing 143 parents were also grown in the greenhouse and hybridizations made among them to generate true potato seed, the starting point for new breeding populations. Included among the parents were parental clones with resistance to potato cyst nematode (PCN) and tuber necrotic viruses (Potato virus Y (PVY), Potato mop-top virus (PMTV), and Tobacco rattle virus), thereby contributing to both Objectives 1 and 3. Approximately 67,000 true potato seed were germinated and transplanted to pots in the greenhouse to produce seedling tubers for the first field generation material. An additional second crop of potato seedlings will also be grown, and seedling tubers generated, in the fall/winter of 2019 for a total of 104,000 first-field generation clones for planting in the spring of 2020.
Marker assisted selection relating to Objective 2 was conducted beginning with second field year material. Molecular markers diagnostic for the presence of genes for resistance to PVY, Potato leafroll virus, and potato cyst nematode were assayed, and this information was used during field selection to facilitate the breeding for resistance to these diseases. We are currently developing a single assay for the presence of three sources of PVY resistance, rather than having to conduct three separate assays for each source of PVY resistance, thereby addressing Objectives 2 and 3. We are also identifying molecular markers associated with important tuber traits and disease resistance contributing directly to Sub-objectives 1A and 1B and Objective 2.
We contributed to the National Fry Processing Trial (NFPT), which seeks to identify potential new processing varieties having low tuber sugars and associated acrylamide concentrations in processed potato products. Acrylamide has been identified as being potentially detrimental to human health, with the potato processing industry actively engaged in reducing acrylamide concentrations in processed potato products through support of the NFPT. Entries for the NFPT comprise breeding clones from potato breeding programs throughout the U.S. Our project contributed 18 of 46 (39%) of the entries in the 2019 NFPT and planted, maintained, harvested, and collected data for the Idaho trial site of the NFPT, one of six trial sites nationwide. Our research efforts in the NFPT contribute directly to Sub-objective 1B.
We are evaluating our PMTV resistant varieties in a commercial production field infested with PMTV. Two PMTV resistant varieties, Castle Russet and Pomerelle Russet, and two susceptible varietal checks are being tested. Yield and tuber disease incidence and severity will be recorded, and the work will also serve as a demonstration trial for growers in this area who currently have no options for potato production in these infested fields. This contributes to Objective 3.
1. New potato variety (La Belle Russet) produces attractive tubers under varied growing environments. High marketable yield is important to potato producers. Tuber defects, such as second growth (knobs) and growth cracks, reduce marketable yield. Breeding and field evaluations over years and locations with collaborators of the Northwest Potato Variety Development Program by ARS researchers in Aberdeen, Idaho, identified a potato breeding clone with a particularly valuable trait high early harvest marketable yields across diverse growing environments. The breeding clone was released as La Belle Russet and it is suitable for both fresh consumption and processing. La Belle Russet also has prolonged tuber dormancy comparable to that of industry standard Russet Burbank, which enables for long-term storage following harvest. Adoption of La Belle Russet will benefit both the potato industry and consumers.
Review Publications
Waxman, A., Stark, J., Thornton, M.K., Olsen, N., Guenthner, J., Novy, R.G. 2018. The effect of harvest timing on French fry textural quality of three processing potato varieties: Russet Burbank, Alpine Russet, and Clearwater Russet. American Journal of Potato Research. 96(1):33-47. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-018-9686-5.
Bali, S., Patel, G., Novy, R.G., Vining, K., Thompson, A., Brown, C., Holm, D., Porter, G., Endleman, J., Sathuvalli, V. 2018. Evaluation of genetic diversity among Russet potato clones and varieties from breeding programs across the United States. PLoS One. 13(8): e0201415. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0201415.
Waxman, A., Stark, J., Guenthner, J., Olsen, N., Thornton, M., Novy, R.G. 2018. An economic analysis of the effects of harvest timing on yield, quality, and processing contract price for three potato varieties. American Journal of Potato Research. 95:549-563. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-018-9663-z.
Schmitz Carley, C.A., Coombs, J.J., Clough, M.E., DeJong, W.S., Douches, D.S., Haynes, K.G., Higgins, C.R., Holm, D.G., Miller, J.C., Navarro, F.M., Novy, R.G., Palta, J.P., Parish, D.L., Porter, G.A., Sathuvalli, V.R., Thompson, A.L., Zotarelli, L., Yencho, G.C., Endelman, J.B. 2018. Genetic covariance of environments in the potato national chip processing trial. Crop Science. 58:1-8.
Whitworth, J.L., Novy, R.G., Zasada, I.A., Dandurand, L., Wang, X., Kuhl, J.C. 2018. Resistance of potato breeding clones and cultivars to three species of potato cyst nematode. Plant Disease. 102(11):2120-2128. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-17-1978-RE.
Shock, C., Brown, C., Sathuvalli, V., Charlton, B., Yilma, S., Hane, D., Quick, R.A., Rykbost, K., James, S., Mosley, A., Feibert, E., Whitworth, J.L., Novy, R.G., Stark, J., Pavek, M., Knowles, R., Navarre, D.A., Miller, J., Holm, D., Jayanty, S., Debons, J., Vales, I., Wang, X., Hamlin, L. 2018. TerraRossa: A mid-season specialty potato with red flesh and skin and resistance to common scab and golden cyst nematode. American Journal of Potato Research. 95(5):597-605. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-018-9667-8.
Fulladolsa, A., Charkowski, A., Cai, X., Whitworth, J.L., Gray, S.M., Jansky, S.H. 2019. Germplasm with resistance to Potato Virus Y derived from Solanum chacoense: Clones M19 (39-7) and M20 (XD3). American Journal of Potato Research. 96(4):390-395. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-019-09719-6.
Yellareddygari, S., Brown, C.R., Whitworth, J.L., Quick, R.A., Hamlin, L.L., Gudmestad, N.C. 2018. Assessing potato cultivar sensitivity to tuber necrosis caused by Tobacco rattle virus. Plant Disease. 102(7):1376-1385. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-17-1918-RE.
Huang, D., Yan, G., Gudmestad, N., Whitworth, J.L., Frost, K., Crow, W. 2019. Developing a one-step multiplex PCR assay for rapid detection of four Stubby-Root Nematode species, Paratrichodorus allius, P. minor, P. porosus and Trichodorus obtusus. Plant Disease. 103(3):404-410. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-06-18-0983-RE.
Huang, D., Yan, G., Gudmestad, N., Whitworth, J.L., Frost, K., Brown, C., Ye, W., Agudelo, P., Crow, B. 2018. Molecular characterization and identification of stubby root nematode species from multiple states in the United States. Plant Disease. 102(11):2101-2111. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-10-17-1668-RE.
Massa, A.N., Manrique-Carpintero, N.C., Coombs, J.J., Haynes, K.G., Bethke, P.C., Yencho, C.G., Brandt, T., Gupta, S.K., Novy, R.G., Douches, D.S. 2018. Linkage analysis and QTL mapping in a tetraploid russet mapping population of potato. BioMed Central (BMC) Genetics. 19:87. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12863-018-0672-1.