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Research Project: Uncertainty of Future Water Availability Due to Climate Change and Impacts on the Long Term Sustainability and Resilience of Agricultural Lands in the Southern Great Plains

Location: Great Plains Agroclimate and Natural Resources Research

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)

A century and a half precipitation oxygen isoscape for China generated using data fusion and bias correction Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Chen, J., Zhang, X.J., Peng, P., Risi, C. 2023. A century and a half precipitation oxygen isoscape for China generated using data fusion and bias correction. Scientific Data. Article 10. Article 185.

Evaluation of five different sediment fingerprinting approaches for estimating sediment source contributions in an arid region Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Niu, B., Zhang, X.J., Liu, B., Qu, J., Liu, B. 2022. Evaluation of five different sediment fingerprinting approaches for estimating sediment source contributions in an arid region. Geoderma. 427:116131.

Scale effects of the monthly streamflow prediction using a state-of-the-art deep learning model Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xu, W., Chen, J., Zhang, X.J. 2022. Scale effects of the monthly streamflow prediction using a state-of-the-art deep learning model. Water Resources Management.

Simulating the potential effects of elevated CO2 concentration and temperature coupled with storm intensification on crop yield, surface runoff, and soil loss based on 25 GCMs ensemble: A site-specific case study in Oklahoma Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yuan, L., Zhang, X.J., Busteed, P.R., Flanagan, D.C. 2022. Simulating the potential effects of elevated CO2 concentration and temperature coupled with storm intensification on crop yield, surface runoff, and soil loss based on 25 GCMs ensemble: A site-specific case study in Oklahoma. Catena. 214:106251.

Modeling surface runoff and soil loss response to climate change under GCM ensembles and multiple cropping and tillage systems in Oklahoma Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yuan, L., Zhang, X.J., Busteed, P.R., Flanagan, D.C., Srivastava, A. 2022. Modeling surface runoff and soil loss response to climate change under GCM ensembles and multiple cropping and tillage systems in Oklahoma. Soil and Tillage Research. 218. Article 105926.

Simulated atmospheric response to four projected land use land cover change scenarios for 2050 in the north central United States - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Flanagan, P.X., Mahmood, R., Sohl, T., Svoboda, M., Wardlow, B., Hayes, M., Rappin, E. 2021. Simulated atmospheric response to four projected land use land cover change scenarios for 2050 in the north central United States. Earth Interactions. 152(1):177-194.

Sand cover enhances rill formation under laboratory rainfall simulation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ren, Z., Zhang, X., Zhang, X.J., Li, Z., Zhou, Z., Li, P. 2021. Sand cover enhances rill formation under laboratory rainfall simulation. Catena. 205. Article 105472.

Reply to comments on “Characterizing detachment and transport processes of interrill soil erosion, Geoderma (2020) 114549” Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, X.J., Zheng, F., Chen, J., Garbrecht, J. 2021. Reply to comments on “Characterizing detachment and transport processes of interrill soil erosion, Geoderma (2020) 114549”. Geoderma. 402:115183.

Spatiotemporal analysis of extreme precipitation in the Missouri River Basin from 1950-2019 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Flanagan, P.X., Mahmood, R. 2021. Spatiotemporal analysis of extreme precipitation in the Missouri River Basin from 1950-2019. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 60(6):811-827.

Challenges and potential solutions in statistical downscaling of precipitation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Zhang, X.J. 2021. Challenges and potential solutions in statistical downscaling of precipitation. Climatic Change. 165(63):1-19.

Quantifying sediment source contributions in an agricultural catchment with ephemeral and classic gullies using 137Cs technique Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, H., Liu, G., Zhang, X.J., Shi, H. 2021. Quantifying sediment source contributions in an agricultural catchment with ephemeral and classic gullies using 137Cs technique. Geoderma. 398:115112.

Effects of DEM resolutions on soil erosion prediction using Chinese soil loss equation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, A., Zhang, X.J., Liu, B. 2021. Effects of DEM resolutions on soil erosion prediction using Chinese soil loss equation. Geomorphology. 384:107706.

Seasonal changes of soil erosion and its spatial distribution on a long gentle hillslope in the Chinese Mollisol region Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, L., Zheng, F., Liu, G., Zhang, X.J., Wilson, G.V., Shi, H., Liu, X. 2021. Seasonal changes of soil erosion and its spatial distribution on a long gentle hillslope in the Chinese Mollisol region. International Soil and Water Conservation Research.

Evaluation of statistical downscaling methods for simulating daily precipitation distribution, frequency, and temporal sequence Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, X.J., Shen, M., Chen, J., Homan, J.W., Busteed, P.R. 2021. Evaluation of statistical downscaling methods for simulating daily precipitation distribution, frequency, and temporal sequence. Transactions of the ASABE. 64(3).

Relative importance of internal climate variability versus anthropogenic climate change in global climate change Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Brissette, F.P., Martel, J., Zhang, X.J., Frei, A. 2021. Relative importance of internal climate variability versus anthropogenic climate change in global climate change. Journal of Climate. 34(2):465-478.

Rill network development on loessial hillslopes in China Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shen, H., Zheng, F., Zhang, X.J., Qin, C. 2020. Rill network development on loessial hillslopes in China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 45(13):3178-3184.

Characterizing detachment and transport processes of interrill soil erosion Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, X.J., Zheng, F., Chen, J., Garbrecht, J.D. 2020. Characterizing detachment and transport processes of interrill soil erosion. Geoderma. 376:114549.

Bias correcting isotope-equipped GCMs outputs to build precipitation oxygen isoscape for eastern China Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Peng, P., Zhang, X.J., Chen, J. 2020. Bias correcting isotope-equipped GCMs outputs to build precipitation oxygen isoscape for eastern China. Journal of Hydrology. 589:125153.

Dynamic depth distribution of cesium-133 near soil surfaces in packed soils under multiple simulated rains Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, X.J. 2020. Dynamic depth distribution of cesium-133 near soil surfaces in packed soils under multiple simulated rains. Catena. 194:104710.

Dynamic changes in snowfall extremes in the Songhua River Basin, northeastern China Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhong, K., Zheng, F., Zhang, X.J., Qin, C., Xu, X., Lalic, B., Cupina, B. 2020. Dynamic changes in snowfall extremes in the Songhua River Basin, northeastern China. International Journal of Climatology.

Rare earth elements tracing interrill erosion processes as affected by near-surface hydraulic gradients Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wang, C., Wang, Y., Wang, B., Wang, Y., Zhang, W., Zhang, X.J. 2020. Rare earth elements tracing interrill erosion processes as affected by near-surface hydraulic gradients. Soil & Tillage Research. 202.

Impacts of using state-of-the-art multivariate bias correction methods on hydrological modeling over North America Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guo, Q., Chen, J., Zhang, X.J., Xu, C., Chen, H. 2020. Impacts of using state-of-the-art multivariate bias correction methods on hydrological modeling over North America. Water Resources Research. 56(5):e2019WR026659.

Targeted control of sand hazards for a railway in extremely arid regions using fingerprinting approaches Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Niu, B., Tan, L., Zhang, X.J., Qu, J., An, Z., Wang, J., Liu, B., Wang, T., Li, K. 2020. Targeted control of sand hazards for a railway in extremely arid regions using fingerprinting approaches. Geomorphology. 361. rights and content.

Transitions from irrigated to dryland agriculture in the Ogallala Aquifer: Land use suitability and regional economic impacts Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Deines, J.M., Schipanski, M.E., Golden, B., Zipper, S.C., Nozari, S., Rottler, C.M., Guerrero, B., Sharda, V. 2020. Transitions from irrigated to dryland agriculture in the Ogallala Aquifer: Land use suitability and regional economic impacts. Agricultural Water Management. 233:106061.

A markov chain-based bias correction method for simulating the temporal sequence of daily precipitation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, H., Chen, J., Zhang, X.J., Xu, C., Hui, Y. 2020. A markov chain-based bias correction method for simulating the temporal sequence of daily precipitation. Atmosphere. 11(1):109-126.

Modeling the contributions of oceanic moisture to summer precipitation in eastern China using 18O Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Peng, P., Zhang, X.J., Chen, J. 2019. Modeling the contributions of oceanic moisture to summer precipitation in eastern China using 18O. Journal of Hydrology. 581:124304.

Assessing applicability of the WEPP hillslope model to steep landscapes in the northern Loess Plateau of China Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zheng, F., Zhang, X.J., Wang, J., Flanagan, D.C. 2019. Assessing applicability of the WEPP hillslope model to steep landscapes in the northern Loess Plateau of China. Soil & Tillage Research. 197:104492.

Quantifying effects of root systems of planted and natural vegetation on rill detachment and erodibility of a loessial soil Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, J., Zhang, X.J., Zhou, Z. 2019. Quantifying effects of root systems of planted and natural vegetation on rill detachment and erodibility of a loessial soil. Soil & Tillage Research. 195:104420.

Agricultural management effects on soil health across the US Southern Great Plains Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rottler, C.M., Steiner, J.L., Brown, D.P., Duke, S.E. 2019. Agricultural management effects on soil health across the US Southern Great Plains. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 74(5):419-425.

Interactive effects of raindrop impact and groundwater seepage on soil erosion Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, G., Zheng, F., Jia, L., Jia, Y., Zhang, X.J., Hu, F., Zhang, J. 2019. Interactive effects of raindrop impact and groundwater seepage on soil erosion. Science of the Total Environment. 578.

Using multiple composite fingerprints to quantify source contributions and uncertainties in an arid region Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Niu, B., Zhang, X.J., Qu, J., Liu, B., Homan, J.W., Tan, L., An, Z. 2019. Using multiple composite fingerprints to quantify source contributions and uncertainties in an arid region. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 20:1097–1111.

Management opportunities and research priorities for great plains grasslands - (Other)
Finch, D., Baldwin, C., Brown, D.P., Driscoll, K., Fleishman, E., Ford, P., Hanberry, B., Symstad, A., Van Pelt, B., Zabel, R. 2019. Management opportunities and research priorities for great plains grasslands. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-398. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 57p.

The evolution, propagation, and spread of flash drought in the central United States during 2012 - (Peer Reviewed Journal)

A weather generator-based climate downscaling tool for assessing climate change impact on crop production and soil erosion in NE China - (Abstract Only)
Zhang, X.J., Chen, J., Zheng, F. 2019. A weather generator-based climate downscaling tool for assessing climate change impact on crop production and soil erosion in NE China [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Available at:

Effects of different DEM resolutions and sources on soil erosion: A case study using the CSLE model - (Abstract Only)
Li, A., Zhang, X.J. 2019. Effects of different DEM resolutions and sources on soil erosion: A case study using the CSLE model [abstract]. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Available at:

The performance of different fingerprinting methods in estimating sediment source contributions in an arid region - (Abstract Only)
Niu, B., Zhang, X.J. 2019. The performance of different fingerprinting methods in estimating sediment source contributions in an arid region [abstract]. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Available at:

Evaluation of regional climate services: learning from seasonal-scale examples across the Americas Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vaughan, C., Muth, M., Brown, D.P. 2019. Evaluation of regional climate services: learning from seasonal-scale examples across the Americas. Climate Services.

A new two-stage multivariate quantile mapping method for bias correcting climate model outputs Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Guo, Q., Chen, J., Zhang, X.J., Shen, M., Chen, H., Guo, S. 2019. A new two-stage multivariate quantile mapping method for bias correcting climate model outputs. Climate Dynamics.

Bias correcting climate model multi-member ensembles to access climate change impacts on hydrology Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Brissette, F.P., Zhang, X.J., Chen, H., Guo, S., Zhang, Y. 2019. Bias correcting climate model multi-member ensembles to access climate change impacts on hydrology. Climatic Change. 153(3):361-377.

Quantifying provenance of reservoir sediment using multiple composite fingerprints in an arid region experiencing both wind and water erosion Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Niu, B., Qu, J., Zhang, X.J., Liu, B., Tan, L., An, Z. 2019. Quantifying provenance of reservoir sediment using multiple composite fingerprints in an arid region experiencing both wind and water erosion. Geomorphology. 332:112-121.

Impacts of sediment load and size on rill detachment under low flow discharges Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, J., Zhou, Z., Zhang, X.J. 2019. Impacts of sediment load and size on rill detachment under low flow discharges. Journal of Hydrology. 570:719-725.

Determining and modeling dominant processes of interrill soil erosion Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, X.J. 2018. Determining and modeling dominant processes of interrill soil erosion. Water Resources Research. 55(1):4-20.

Responding to climate impacts on rangeland systems: a collaborative partnership between the USDA Agricultural Research Service, USDA Climate Hubs, and Society for Range Management - (Abstract Only)
Brown, D.P., Foley-Birrenkott, M., Eve, M.D. 2019. Responding to climate impacts on rangeland systems: a collaborative partnership between the USDA Agricultural Research Service, USDA Climate Hubs, and Society for Range Management [abstract]. Society for Range Management Meeting Proceedings. Available at:

Regional resources to address climate vulnerability in the southern plains - (Abstract Only)
Brown, D.P., Langston, M., Shafer, M. 2018. Regional resources to address climate vulnerability in the southern plains [abstract]. Texas A&M Grand Challenge Conference: Building Climate Resilience. Available at:

Effect of grass roots of re-vegetation on the soil detachment during concentrated flow - (Abstract Only)
Liu, J., Zhou, Z., Zhang, X.J. 2018. Effect of grass roots of re-vegetation on the soil detachment during concentrated flow [abstract]. American Geophysical Union. Available at:

Assessing the impacts of a changing climate in the Southern Great Plains - (Abstract Only)
Mullens, E., Bartush, B., Kloesel, K., Banner, J., Brown, D.P., Lemery, J., Lin, X., Loeffler, C., Mcmanus, G., Nielsen-Gammon, J.W., Shafer, M., Sorensen, C., Sperry, S., Wildcat, D., Ziolkowska, J. 2018. Assessing the impacts of a changing climate in the Southern Great Plains [abstract]. American Geophysical Union. Available at:

Advancing preparedness and response to drought through international cooperation - (Abstract Only)
Svoboda, M., Brown, D.P. 2019. Advancing preparedness and response to drought through international cooperation [abstract]. American Meteorological Society Proceedings. Available at:

Evaluation of regional climate services: Learning from seasonal-scale examples across the Americas - (Abstract Only)
Vaughan, C., Muth, M., Brown, D.P. 2019. Evaluation of regional climate services: Learning from seasonal-scale examples across the Americas [abstract]. American Meteorological Society Proceedings. Available at:

Identifying the impact of 2016-17 Southern Great Plains wildfires and their antecedent conditions on ecological health and recovery - (Abstract Only)
Robertson, S.D., Brown, D.P., Steiner, J.L., Teet, S.B., Wang, J., Wetter, J.T., Wu, X., Xiao, X. 2019. Identifying the impact of 2016-17 Southern Great Plains wildfires and their antecedent conditions on ecological health and recovery [abstract]. American Meteorological Society Proceedings. Available at:

Assessing and responding to the impact of 2016-18 wildfires on agricultural systems in the Southern Great Plains - (Abstract Only)
Brown, D.P., Kos, L., Mattox, M., Pope, C., Pope, S., Robertson, S.D., Shafer, M., Steiner, J.L., Teet, S.B., Wang, J., Wetter, J.T., Xiao, X. 2019. Assessing and responding to the impact of 2016-18 wildfires on agricultural systems in the Southern Great Plains [abstract]. American Meteorological Society Proceedings. Available at:

Southern Great Plains Reprint Icon - (Book / Chapter)
Kloesel, K., Bartush, B., Banner, J., Brown, D.P., Lemery, J., Lin, X., Loeffler, C., McManus, G., Mullens, E., Nielsen-Gammon, J., Shafer, M., Sorensen, C., Sperry, S., Wildcat, D., Ziolkowska, J. 2018. Southern Great Plains. In: Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M. Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart. Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II. Washington, DC, USA: U.S. Global Change Research Program. p. 978-1026.

Quantifying geostatistical properties of 137Cs and 210Pbex at small scales for improving sampling design and soil erosion estimation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, X.J., Polyakov, V.O., Liu, B., Nearing, M.A. 2018. Quantifying geostatistical properties of 137Cs and 210Pbex at small scales for improving sampling design and soil erosion estimation. Geoderma. 334:155-164.

Evaluating sediment deposition prediction by three 137Cs erosion conversion models Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, X.J., Liu, B., Wei, X., Garbrecht, J.D. 2018. Evaluating sediment deposition prediction by three 137Cs erosion conversion models. Soil Science Society of America Journal. doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.02.0080.

Agricultural management impacts on soil health across the Southern Plains of the United States - (Abstract Only)
Rottler, C.M., Steiner, J.L., Brown, D.P. 2018. Agricultural management impacts on soil health across the Southern Plains of the United States [abstract]. Ecological Society of America (ESA). Available at:

Repeated and random components in Oklahoma's monthly precipitation record Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Garbrecht, J.D., Brown, D.P., Zhang, X.J. 2018. Repeated and random components in Oklahoma's monthly precipitation record. International Soil and Water Conservation Research. 6: p. 261-263.

Developing agricultural solutions for the Southern Plains: Responding to climate change and resource constraints - (Proceedings)
Lacewell, R., Brown, D.P. 2018. Developing agricultural solutions for the Southern Plains: responding to climate change and resource constraints. Resilient Southern Plains Agriculture and Forestry in a Varying and Changing Climate. July 18-19, 2017, El Reno, OK. Available at:

A simulation of rill bed incision processes in upland concentrated flows Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Qin, C., Zheng, F., Zhang, X.J., Xu, X., Liu, G. 2018. A simulation of rill bed incision processes in upland concentrated flows. Catena. 310-319.

Quantifying contributions of slaking and mechanical breakdown of soil aggregate to splash erosion for different soils from the Loess Plateau of China Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xiao, H., Liu, G., Zhang, Q., Fenli, Z., Zhang, X.J., Liu, P., Zhang, J., Hu, F., Abd Elbasit, M.A. 2018. Quantifying contributions of slaking and mechanical breakdown of soil aggregate to splash erosion for different soils from the Loess Plateau of China. Soil & Tillage Research. 178:150-158.

Adaptation - (Government Publication)

Resilient Southern Plains agriculture and forestry in a varying and changing climate conference report - (Proceedings)
Lacewell, R., Brown, D.P. 2017. Resilient Southern Plains agriculture and forestry in a varying and changing climate conference report. Resilient Southern Plains Agriculture and Forestry in a Varying and Changing Climate. July 18-19, 2017, El Reno, OK. Available at:

2016-2017 regional drought early warning, impacts, and assessment workshops in the Rio Grande Basin - (Popular Publication)
Brown, D.P. 2017. 2016-2017 regional drought early warning, impacts, and assessment workshops in the Rio Grande Basin. Climate Services Partnership Newsletter. Available at:

Several key issues on using 137Cs method for soil erosion estimation - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, X.J. 2017. Several key issues on using 137Cs method for soil erosion estimation. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation. 37(5):342-346.

Agricultural management impacts on soil health: methods for large spacial scales Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rottler, C.M., Brown, D.P., Steiner, J.L. 2017. Agricultural management impacts on soil health: methods for large spacial scales. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. p. 1-4. https://doi:10.2134/ael2017.09.0034.

How does agricultural management for soil health in the southern plains impact a suite of soil health indicators? - (Abstract Only)
Rottler, C.M., Steiner, J.L., Brown, D.P. 2017. How does agricultural management for soil health in the southern plains impact a suite of soil health indicators? [abstract]. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Available at:

Regional services in a research context: USDA climate hubs in the agricultural research service - (Abstract Only)
Elias, E.H., Brown, D.P., Ostoja, S.M., Peck, D.E., Todey, D.P. 2017. Regional services in a research context: USDA climate hubs in the agricultural research service [abstract]. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Available at:

Communicating climate information across binational boundaries at the regional scale - lessons learned from North America - (Abstract Only)
Muth, M., Appleby, B., Borisoff, S., Brettschneider, B., Brown, D.P., Saldana Colin, J., Deland, S., Fleetwood, R., Garfin, G., De Groot, E., Ibarra, M., Kluck, D., Leroy, S., Mecray, E., Partain Jr., J., Thomas, R., Woloszyn, M. 2018. Communicating climate information across binational boundaries at the regional scale - lessons learned from North America [abstract]. American Meteorological Society Proceedings. Available at:

Regional drought early warning, impacts, and assessment for water and agriculture in the lower Rio Grande basin, 2016-2017 - (Abstract Only)
Brown, D.P., Bernadt, T., Dubois, D., Fuchs, B., Hargrove, W., Hermitte, S., Kos, L., Kremen, A., Shafer, M., Steele, C., Steele, R., Turner, C., West, C., Simpson, C. 2018. Regional drought early warning, impacts, and assessment for water and agriculture in the lower Rio Grande basin, 2016-2017 [abstract]. American Meteorological Society Proceedings. Available at:

Regional drought early warning, impacts, and assessment for water and agriculture in the lower Rio Grande valley, 2016-2017 - (Abstract Only)
Brown, D.P., Kos, L., Shafer, M. 2017. Regional drought early warning, impacts, and assessment for water and agriculture in the lower Rio Grande valley, 2016-2017 [abstract]. 42nd Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop. Available at: