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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Ames, Iowa » National Laboratory for Agriculture and The Environment » Soil, Water & Air Resources Research » Research

Research Programs and Projects at this Location

ARS research is organized into National Programs. Within each National Program are research projects. Listed below are  the National Programs and research projects currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a National Program (NP) will take you  to the main ARS site for more information on the program. Clicking on a research  project title will take you to more information on the project.

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Soil and Air (NP #212)
Improved Management of Nutrients, Water, Agrochemicals, and Energy to Enhance Agriculture System Sustainability
(In-House Appropriated)
Optimizing Carbon Management for Enhancing Soil and Crop Performances
(In-House Appropriated)
Estimating and Projecting Spring Freeze Risk to Midwest Specialty Crops
Action Area No. 2 (AA2) – Greenhouse Gas Research Network –Animal Housing Emissions - Ames, Iowa
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
NRCS Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Assessing the Effects of Conservation Practices on Crop Yield, Water Quality, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the U.S. Corn Belt
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Accelerating the Transition to Climate-Smart Strategies by Bolstering the Extension to Midwest Climate Hub Connection
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Midwest Partnerships for Actionable Climate Tools and Training (IMPACT2): Supporting System Transformation on Working Lands
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Commercial Farm-field Network to Quantify Emissions and Carbon Storage from Agricultural Bio-energy Feedstock Production
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
The Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship (CAMF): Peer-to-Peer Learning for Farmers and Agricultural Advisors
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Field Scale Assessment of Factors Controlling Corn and Soybean Production Efficiency
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Iowa State University Extension Climate Program
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mapping Subsoil Fragipan Breakdown by Ryegrass Cover Cropping
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Midwest Climate Hub Extension Liaison
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Purdue University - Midwest Regional Climate Center, Agricultural Climatology Data and Tools
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
University of Minnesota Extension Climate for Tribal and Under - Resourced Farmers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Revealing Corn Root Microbiome Associations to Increase Iowa Corn Producer Sustainability
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Grass, Forage, and Rangeland Agroecosystems (NP #215)
Estimating and Projecting Spring Freeze Risk to Midwest Specialty Crops
NRCS Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Accelerating the Transition to Climate-Smart Strategies by Bolstering the Extension to Midwest Climate Hub Connection
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Midwest Partnerships for Actionable Climate Tools and Training (IMPACT2): Supporting System Transformation on Working Lands
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
The Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship (CAMF): Peer-to-Peer Learning for Farmers and Agricultural Advisors
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Iowa State University Extension Climate Program
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Midwest Climate Hub Extension Liaison
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Purdue University - Midwest Regional Climate Center, Agricultural Climatology Data and Tools
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
University of Minnesota Extension Climate for Tribal and Under - Resourced Farmers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainable Agricultural Systems Research (NP #216)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs – Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices – Ames, Iowa
(In-House Appropriated)
Estimating and Projecting Spring Freeze Risk to Midwest Specialty Crops
USDA Midwest Climate Hub Climate Services Assessment
NRCS Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Accelerating the Transition to Climate-Smart Strategies by Bolstering the Extension to Midwest Climate Hub Connection
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Midwest Partnerships for Actionable Climate Tools and Training (IMPACT2): Supporting System Transformation on Working Lands
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
The Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship (CAMF): Peer-to-Peer Learning for Farmers and Agricultural Advisors
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Specialty Crop Resilience to Climate Change and Pests in the Midwest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Iowa State University Extension Climate Program
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Midwest Climate Hub Extension Liaison
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Purdue University - Midwest Regional Climate Center, Agricultural Climatology Data and Tools
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
University of Minnesota Extension Climate for Tribal and Under - Resourced Farmers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)