Dr. Ming-Shun Chen Research Entomologist
Kansas State University 123 Waters Hall Manhattan, KS 66502
mchen@ksu.edu Telephone: 785.532.4719
B.S., Plant Protection, Hunan Agricultural University
M.S., Entomology, Fujian Agricultural University
Ph.D., Biochemistry, Kansas State University
Dr. Ming-Shun Chen is a Research Entomologist with the USDA-ARS Center for Animal Health and Grain Research in Manhattan, KS. Chen’s lab focuses on parasite effectors and their functions. Over the past years, a large number of genes encoding putative effectors have been identified from the parasite Hessian fly and other insects by Chen’s lab and collaborators. His team has discovered differential localizations of selected effector proteins once they are injected into host plants and identified different interacting targets from host plants. Chen’s team is currently analyzing the signaling pathways of these effectors leading to either enhanced host susceptibility or resistance. The team is also analyzing the unique genetics of effectors and their roles in rapid biotype sweeps in nature.
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Zhang G, Martin TJ, Fritz AK, Li Y, Seabourn BW, Chen RY, Bai G, Bowden RL, Chen MS, Rupp J, Jin Y, Chen X, Kolmer JA, Marshall DS (2022) Registration of ‘KS Hamilton’ hard red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registration 16: 73-79. https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20190
Xu Y, La G, Fatima N, Liu Z, Zhang L, Zhao L, Chen MS, Bai G (2021) Precise mapping of QTL for Hessian fly resistance in the hard winter wheat ‘Overland’. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 134(12): 3951-3962.
Wu ZZ, Qu MQ, Chen MS, Lin JT (2021) Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of saliva and salivary glands from the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri. Journal of Proteomics 238: 104136.
Chen H, Lu Q, Chen X, Ling X, Liu P, Liu N, Wang W, Zhang J, Ding W, Zhang X, Feng YH, Zhang Y, Chen MS, King-jones K (2021) Genome assembly and methylome analysis of the white wax scale insect provides insight into sexual differentiation of metamorphosis in hexapods. Molecular Ecology Resources 21(6): 1983-1995. https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.13376.
Al-jbory ZA, Aikins MJ, Park Y, Reeck GR, Chen MS (2020) Differential localization of Hessian fly candidate effectors in resistant and susceptible wheat plants. Plant Direct 4(8): e0046.
Chen X, Yang Z, Chen H, Qi Q, Liu J, Wang C, Shao S, Lu Q, Li Y, Wu H, King-Jones K, Chen MS (2020) A complex nutrient exchange between a gall-forming aphid and its plant host. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:811.
Cheng X, Graces-Carrera S, Whitworth RJ, Fellers JP, Park Y, Chen MS (2020) A horizontal gene transfer led to the acquisition of a fructan metabolic pathway in a gall midge. Advanced Biosystem. 4(4): e1900275.
Zhu L, Yuan J, O’Neal J, Brown D, Chen MS (2020) Analyzing molecular basis of heat-induced loss of wheat resistance to Hessian fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) infestation using RNA-sequencing. Journal of Economic Entomology 113 (3): 1504-1512.
Al-jbory Z.A., El-Bouhssini M., Chen MS (2018) Conserved and unique putative effectors expressed in the salivary glands of three related gall midge species. Journal of Insect Science. 18 (5): 15 (1-9).
Wang A., Ge J.Q., Chen H., Cheng X., Yang Y., Li J., Whitworth R.J., Chen MS (2018) An insect nucleoside disphosphate kinase (NDK) functions as an effector protein in wheat-Hessian fly interactions. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 100: 30-38.