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National Germplasm Resources Laboratory
Research Leader

Phone: (301) 504-5951

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Characterization and Detection of Viruses that Impact the Exchange and Curation of Plant Germplasm
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 441151
Operate and Improve the GRIN-Global Information Management System and Other GRIN Websites to Support USDA/ARS Genetic Resource Collections
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 443955
Genetic Resources Acquisition, Conservation, International Exchange, and Taxonomic Expertise in Support of the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 444127

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Complete genome of Vaccinium-associated virus C, a new virus in the family Totiviridae sequenced from Vaccinium floribundum Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alvarez-Quinto, R., Grinstead, S.C., Kinard, G.R., Martin, R., Mollov, D.S. 2024. Complete genome of Vaccinium-associated virus C, a new virus in the family Totiviridae sequenced from Vaccinium floribundum. Archives of Virology.
GRIN-U: Educational content about plant genetic resources - (Trade Journal)
Volk, G.M., Chen, K., Kinard, G.R., Gu, L., Byrne, P. 2024. GRIN-U: Educational content about plant genetic resources. Pomona. 57:16-18.
Complete sequence and genome characterization of Miscanthus virus M, a new betaflexivirus from Miscanthus sp Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Abrahamian, P., Grinstead, S.C., Kinard, G.R., Goenaga, R.J., Rott, P., Mollov, D.S. 2024. Complete sequence and genome characterization of Miscanthus virus M, a new betaflexivirus from Miscanthus sp. Archives of Virology.
Workforce development and capacity-building: Applications of HRD to online training in plant genetic resources - (Abstract Only) Online portal for learning materials on plant genetic resources Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Byrne, P.F., Volk, G.M., Namuth-Covert, D., Chen, K., Kinard, G.R., Gu, L.M., Gardner, C., Mahama, A., Douglass, F., Cerimele, G., Gray, S., Zarestky, J., Morris, G. 2023. Online portal for learning materials on plant genetic resources. Natural Sciences Education. 52(1). Article e20109. An online repository for learning materials on plant genetic resources - (Abstract Only)
Byrne, P.F., Namuth-Covert, D., Kinard, G.R., Gu, L.M., Chen, K., Volk, G.M. 2022. An online repository for learning materials on plant genetic resources [abstract]. 2022 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. Paper No. 77-1.
The U.S. National Plant Germplasm System...Preserves Genetic Diversity for All People for All Time - (Trade Journal)
Kinard, G.R., Bassil, N.V., Hummer, K.E., Reinhold, L.A., Aradhya, M.K., Smith, J.L., Kluepfel, D.A., Galarneau, E.R., Gutierrez, B.L. 2022. The U.S. National Plant Germplasm System...Preserves Genetic Diversity for All People for All Time. Fruit Gardener. March and April 2022/page 12-15.
Conserving fruit and nut germplasm in the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System: foundation for our food supply - (Trade Journal)
Kinard, G.R., Bassil, N.V., Hummer, K.E., Reinhold, L.A., Aradhya, M.K., Smith, J.L., Galarneau, E.R., Gutierrez, B.L. 2022. Conserving fruit and nut germplasm in the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System: foundation for our food supply. Pomona. Volume LV, No. 1, Winter 2022:31-33.
Phytosanitary and regulatory issues in the movement of plant genetic resources - (Book / Chapter)
Williams, K.A., Kinard, G.R. 2021. Phytosanitary and regulatory issues in the movement of plant genetic resources. Book Chapter.
National Plant Germplasm System - (Popular Publication)
Kinard, G.R., Williams, K.A. 2020. National Plant Germplasm System. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Molecular characterization and detection of two novel carlaviruses infecting cactus Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Peng, L., Wu, L., Grinstead, S.C., Kinard, G.R., Li, R. 2019. Molecular characterization and detection of two novel carlaviruses infecting cactus. Archives of Virology.
First report of Beet western yellows virus infecting Epiphyllum spp - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Eicholtz, M.I., Grinstead, S.C., Wu, L., Kinard, G.R., Li, R. 2017. First report of Beet western yellows virus infecting Epiphyllum spp. Plant Disease.
Molecular hybridization techniques for detecting and studying viroids - (Book / Chapter)
Pallas, V., Sanchez-Navarro, J., Kinard, G.R., Di Serio, F. 2017. Molecular hybridization techniques for detecting and studying viroids. In: Hadidi, A., Flores, R., Randles, J., Palukaitas, P., editors. Viroids and Satellites. 1st edition. Cambridge, MA: Academic Press. p. 369-379.
Introduction to the newly released GRIN-Global - (Proceedings)
Kinard, G.R., Bockelman, H.E., Eizenga, G.C., Reisinger, M.A. 2017. Introduction to the newly released GRIN-Global. Rice Technical Working Group Meeting Proceedings. 2016 Proceedings available on CDROM, page 72.
Evaluation of the virus and viroid infection status of flowering cherry (Prunus yedoensis) collections in Korea and the United States - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cheong, E.J., Kim, C., Kinard, G.R., Li, R. 2015. Evaluation of the virus and viroid infection status of flowering cherry (Prunus yedoensis) collections in Korea and the United States. Journal of Plant Pathology. 97: 155-160.
Simultaneous identification and molecular characterization of viruses associated with an apple tree with mosaic symptom - (Abstract Only)
Genetic diversity and population structure of begomoviruses infecting sweet potato - (Abstract Only)
Li, R., Kinard, G.R., Mollov, D.S., Tahir, M.N., Lan, P., Li, F. 2015. Genetic diversity and population structure of begomoviruses infecting sweet potato. Phytopathology. 105:S4.135.
Collecting crop wild relatives: an emerging priority - (Book / Chapter)
Greene, S.L., Khoury, C., Williams, K.A., Wiersema, J.H., Kinard, G.R. 2015. Collecting crop wild relatives: an emerging priority. Meeting Abstract. National Native Seed Conference, Santa Fe, NM April 10-13, 2015.
Clematis Chlorotic Mottle Virus, a novel virus occurring in Clematis in the USA - (Abstract Only)
Mollov, D.S., Lockhart, B., Phibbs, A., Creswell, T., Ruhl, G., Dorman, E., Kinard, G.R., Jordan, R. 2014. Clematis Chlorotic Mottle Virus, a novel virus occurring in Clematis in the USA. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. Phytopathology 104:S3.81.
Development a of multiplex TaqMan real-time RT-PCR assay for simultaneous detection of Asian prunus viruses, plum bark necrosis stem pitting associated virus, and peach latent mosaic virus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Using the GRIN-Global System to Identify Useful Plant Genetic Resources & Information - (Abstract Only)
Gardner, C.A., Cyr, P.D., Millard, M.J., Gu, L.M., Reisinger, M.A., Emberland, G.P., Sinnott, Q.P., Chung, J.C., Kinard, G.R., Bretting, P.K. 2012. Using the GRIN-Global System to Identify Useful Plant Genetic Resources & Information. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Meeting. Abstract 259-4.
Complete genome sequence of Pokeweed mosaic virus and its relationship to other members of the genus Potyvirus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xu, D., Wang, M., Kinard, G.R., Li, R. 2012. Complete genome sequence of Pokeweed mosaic virus and its relationship to other members of the genus Potyvirus. Archives of Virology. 157:2023-2026.
One-Step Multiplex RT-PCR for Simultaneous Detection of Four Pome Tree Viroids - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Molecular analysis of complete genomic sequences of four isolates of Gooseberry vein banding associated virus - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xu, D., Mock, R.G., Kinard, G.R., Li, R. 2011. Molecular analysis of complete genomic sequences of four isolates of Gooseberry vein banding associated virus. Virus Genes. 43:130-137.
The GRIN-Global Information Management System – Public Interface Demonstration and Input Opportunity - (Abstract Only)
Cyr, P.D., Gardner, C.A., Little, R.E., Gu, L.M., Weaver, B.E., Millard, M.J., Emberland, G.P., Reisinger, M.A., Sinnott, Q.P., Kinard, G.R., Mackay, M., Guarino, L., Bretting, P.K. 2011. The GRIN-Global Information Management System – Public Interface Demonstration and Input Opportunity. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. Abstract C904, p. 267.
Development of a polyprobe to detect six viroids of pome and stone fruits - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liming, L., Li, R., Mock, R.G., Kinard, G.R. 2011. Development of a polyprobe to detect six viroids of pome and stone fruits. Journal of Virological Methods. 171:91-97.
GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System - (Abstract Only)
Cyr, P.D., Weaver, B., Millard, M.J., Gardner, C.A., Bohning, M.A., Emberland, G.P., Sinnott, Q.P., Kinard, G.R., Franco, T., Mackay, M., Guarino, L., Bretting, P.K. 2009. GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System [abstract]. Plant & Animal Genome XVII: International Conference on the Status of Plant & Animal Genome Research. Poster abstract number 800, p. 136.
GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank Information Management System - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Postman, J.D., Bretting, P.K., Kinard, G.R., Cyr, P.D., Weaver, B., Millard, M.J., Gardner, C.A., Bohning, M.A., Emberland, G.P., Sinnott, Q.P., Ayala Silva, T., Hummer, K.E., Franco, T., Mackay, M., Guarino, L. 2010. GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank Information Management System. Acta Horticulturae. 859:49-55.
The GRIN-Global Information Management System – A Preview and Opportunity for Public User Input - (Abstract Only)
Cyr, P.D., Little, R.E., Weaver, B.E., Millard, M.J., Gardner, C.A., Emberland, G.P., Reisinger, M.A., Sinnott, Q.P., Kinard, G.R., Bretting, P.K. 2010. The GRIN-Global Information Management System – A Preview and Opportunity for Public User Input [abstract]. Plant and Animal Genome XVII Conference. P800.
GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System - (Abstract Only)
Cyr, P.D., Weaver, B.E., Millard, M.J., Gardner, C.A., Bohning, M.A., Emberland, G.P., Sinnott, Q.P., Kinard, G.R., Franco, T., Mackay, M., Guarino, L., Postman, J.D., Hummer, K.E., Ayala Silva, T., Bretting, P.K. 2009. GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System [abstract]. 21st Annual AAIC Meeting-The Next Generation of Industrial Crops, Processes, and Products. p. 46.
A global portal enabling worldwide access to information on conservation and use of biodiversity for food and agriculture - (Book / Chapter)
Arnaud, E., Dias, S., Mackay, M., Cyr, P.D., Gardner, C.A., Bretting, P.K., Kinard, G.R., Guarino, L. 2010. A global portal enabling worldwide access to information on conservation and use of biodiversity for food and agriculture. In: Maurer, L., Tochtermann, K. Information and Communication Technologies for Biodiversity Conservation and Agriculture. Aachen, Germany: Shaker Verlag. p. 173-186.
GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System - (Abstract Only)
Cyr, P.D., Weaver, B., Millard, M.J., Gardner, C.A., Bohning, M.A., Emberland, G.P., Sinnott, Q.P., Kinard, G.R., Bretting, P.K. 2009. GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts.
GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System - (Abstract Only)
Cyr, P.D., Weaver, B., Millard, M.J., Gardner, C.A., Bohning, M.A., Emberland, G.P., Sinnott, Q.P., Kinard, G.R., Postman, J.D., Franco, T., Mackay, M., Guarino, L., Bretting, P.K. 2009. GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System. Proceedings American Society of Horticultural Sciences. HORTSCIENCE. 44(4):1179.
GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System - (Abstract Only)
Cyr, P.D., Weaver, B.E., Millard, M.J., Gardner, C.A., Bohning, M.A., Emberland, G.P., Sinnott, Q.P., Kinard, G.R., Franco, T., Mackay, M., Guarino, L., Postman, J.D., Hummer, K.E., Ayala Silva, T., Bretting, P.K. 2009. GRIN-Global: An International Project to Develop a Global Plant Genebank and Information Management System [abstract]. Maize Genetics Conference Abstracts. 51:P43.
A Reliable and Inexpensive Method of Nucleic Acid Extraction for the PCR-Based Detection of Diverse Plant Pathogens - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, R., Mock, R.G., Huang, Q., Abad, J., Hartung, J.S., Kinard, G.R. 2008. A Reliable and Inexpensive Method of Nucleic Acid Extraction for the PCR-Based Detection of Diverse Plant Pathogens. Journal of Virological Methods. 154:48-55.