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Amy M McGarvey
Food Animal Metabolism Research
Biological Science Lab Technician

Phone: (701) 239-1264
Fax: (701) 239-1430

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Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Evaluation of PFAS cytotoxicity towards human gastric cells with or without the presence of microplastics - (Abstract Only)
The effects of concentration, duration of exposure, size and surface function of polymethyl methacrylate micro/nanoplastics on human liver cells - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Disposition of [14C]-polystyrene microplastics after oral administration to lactating sheep Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shelver, W.L., Mcgarvey, A.M., Billey, L.O. 2024. Disposition of [14C]-polystyrene microplastics after oral administration to lactating sheep. Food Additives & Contaminants. Part A: Chemistry, Analysis, Control, Exposure & Risk Assessment. 41:(9)1132-1143.
Effects of charge, concentration, exposure duration, and size of polymethyl methacrylate micro/nanoplastics on human liver cells - (Abstract Only)
Shelver, W.L., Billey, L.O., Mcgarvey, A.M., Hoselton, S.A., Banerjee, A. 2024. Effects of charge, concentration, exposure duration, and size of polymethyl methacrylate micro/nanoplastics on human liver cells. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). 25149.
Fate of [14C]-polystyrene microplastics after oral administration in lactating sheep - (Abstract Only)
Shelver, W.L., Mcgarvey, A.M., Billey, L.O. 2024. Fate of [14C]-polystyrene microplastics after oral administration in lactating sheep. American Chemical Society Abstracts. PAPER ID: 4091310.
Comparison of immunoassay and LC-tandem mass spectrometry analyses of ractopamine in hog oral fluid Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shelver, W.L., McGarvey, A.M., Holthusen, J.E., Young, J.M., Byrd, C.J., Smith, D.J. 2024. Comparison of immunoassay and LC-tandem mass spectrometry analyses of ractopamine in hog oral fluid. Food additives & contaminants. Part A: Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment. 41:162-174.
Absorption, distribution, and elimination of [14C]-polystyrene microplastic after oral administration in laying hens - (Abstract Only)
Fate and disposition of [14C]-polystyrene microplastic after oral administration to laying hens Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shelver, W.L., McGarvey, A.M., Billey, L.O., Banerjee, A. 2023. Fate and disposition of [14C]-polystyrene microplastic after oral administration to laying hens. Science of the Total Environment. 909. Article 168512.
Distribution of submicron [14C]-polystyrene particles in blood, eggs, and muscle after oral administration to laying hens - (Abstract Only)
Effects of polystyrene micro/nanoplastics on liver cells based on particle size, surface functionalization, concentration and exposure period Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Banerjee, A., Billey, L.O., Mcgarvey, A.M., Shelver, W.L. 2022. Effects of polystyrene micro/nanoplastics on liver cells based on particle size, surface functionalization, concentration and exposure period. Science of the Total Environment. 836:155621.
Performance of allergen testing in a survey of frozen meals and meals ready-to-eat (MREs) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shelver, W.L., McGarvey, A.M., Yeater, K.M. 2021. Performance of allergen testing in a survey of frozen meals and meals ready-to-eat (MREs). Food Additives & Contaminants. 38:1249-1259.
Evaluation of allergens in a survey of frozen meals and meals ready-to-eat (MREs) - (Abstract Only)
Shelver, W.L., Mcgarvey, A.M., Yeater, K.M. 2021. Evaluation of allergens in a survey of frozen meals and meals ready-to-eat (MREs). International Association for Food Protection. p 88.
Assessment of veterinary drugs present in pork kidney purchased from a Midwest US retail market Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shelver, W.L., Mcgarvey, A.M. 2019. Assessment of veterinary drugs present in pork kidney purchased from a Midwest US retail market. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A. 36(4):571-581.
Determination of zilpaterol in sheep urine and tissues using immunochromatographic assay - (Abstract Only)
Detection of ractopamine in sheep urine after exposure to trace levels of dietary ractopamine - (Abstract Only)
Shelver, W.L., Marx, A.A., Mcgarvey, A.M., Smith, D.J. 2016. Detection of ractopamine in sheep urine after exposure to trace levels of dietary ractopamine [abstract]. 252nd American Chemical Society Annual Meeting. 08/21-25/2016. Philadelphia, PA. AGRO 235.
Determination of penicillin G in heavy sow urine using immunochromatographic assay and microbial inhibition swab tests - (Abstract Only)
Shelver, W.L., Rahn, K.L., Mcgarvey, A.M., Holthusen, J.E., Smith, D.J. 2016. Determination of penicillin G in heavy sow urine using immunochromatographic assay and microbial inhibition swab tests [abstract]. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. 07/31/2016 - 08/03/2016. St. Louis, MO. P3-89.
Use of kidney inhibition swab test to evaluate antimicrobial residues in pork kidney from a market survey in Fargo, North Dakota - (Abstract Only)
Shelver, W.L., Mcgarvey, A.M., Loeb, E.A. 2014. Use of kidney inhibition swab test to evaluate antimicrobial residues in pork kidney from a market survey in Fargo, North Dakota [abstract]. 2014 International Association for Food Protection. Annual Meeting. August 3-6, 2014. Indianapolis, IN. Poster No. P1-66.