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Jorge Fonseca
Food Quality Laboratory
Research Leader

Phone: (301) 504-5277

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Reducing Postharvest Loss and Improving Fresh Produce Marketability and Nutritive Values through Technological Innovations and Process Optimization
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 438414
Integrated Approaches to Improve Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Quality with Improved Phenolics Contents
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 438456
System Approaches Using Genomics and Biology to Manage Postharvest Fruit Decay, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Mycotoxins to Reduce Food Loss and Waste
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 442157
Controlled Environment Approaches for Optimizing Microgreen Plant Growth and Nutritional Value
Memorandum of Understanding (M)
  Accession Number: 439353
Evaluation of Carboxamide Derivatives to Suppress Potato Sprouting as an Alternative to Current Dormancy Promoting Chemistries
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 440429

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Effect of far-red light on biomass accumulation, plant morphology, and phytonutrient composition of ruby streaks mustard at microgreen, baby leaf, and flowering stages Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Teng, Z., Luo, Y., Sun, J., Pearlstein, D.J., Oehler, M., Fitzwater, J.D., Zhou, B., Hussan, M.A., Chang, C.Y., Chen, P., Wang, Q., Fonseca, J.M. 2024. Effect of far-red light on biomass accumulation, plant morphology, and phytonutrient composition of ruby streaks mustard at microgreen, baby leaf, and flowering stages. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 72(17):9587–9598.
Differential microbiota shift on whole romaine lettuce subjected to source or forward processing and on fresh-cut products during cold storage Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gu, G., Ding, Q., Redding, M., Yang, Y., O'Brien, R., Gu, T., Zhang, B., Zhou, B., Micallef, S.A., Luo, Y., Fonseca, J.M., Nou, X. 2024. Differential microbiota shift on whole romaine lettuce subjected to source or forward processing and on fresh-cut products during cold storage. International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Varied attributes of jalapeño pepper cultivars influence fresh-cut product quality Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Park, E., Luo, Y., Zhou, B., Fonseca, J.M., Stommel, J.R. 2024. Varied attributes of jalapeño pepper cultivars influence fresh-cut product quality. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 149(3):152-161.
Avirulent isolates of Penicillium chrysogenum to control blue mold of apple caused by P. expansum Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bartholomew, H.P., Luciano-Rosario, D., Bradshaw, M., Gaskins, V.L., Peng, H., Jurick II, W.M., Fonseca, J.M. 2023. Avirulent isolates of Penicillium chrysogenum to control blue mold of apple caused by P. expansum. Microorganisms. 11(11). Article e2792.
Mining the penicillium expansum genome for virulence genes: A functional-based approach to discover novel loci mediating blue mold decay of apple fruit Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Luciano-Rosario, D., Peng, H., Gaskins, V.L., Fonseca, J.M., Keller, N.P., Jurick II, W.M. 2023. Mining the penicillium expansum genome for virulence genes: A functional-based approach to discover novel loci mediating blue mold decay of apple fruit. The Journal of Fungi. 9(11). Article e1066.
Genome-wide association mapping reveals loci for enzymatic discoloration on cut lettuce Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Peng, H., Luo, Y., Teng, Z., Zhou, B., Pearlstein, D.J., Wang, D., Turner, E.R., Nou, X., Wang, T.T., Tao, Y., Fonseca, J.M., Simko, I. 2024. Genome-wide association mapping reveals loci for enzymatic discoloration on cut lettuce. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 207. Article 112577.
Comparative Penicillium spp. transcriptomics: conserved pathways and processes revealed in ungerminated conidia and during postharvest apple fruit decay Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bartholomew, H.P., Lichtner, F., Bradshaw, M., Gaskins, V.L., Fonseca, J.M., Bennett, J., Jurick II, W.M. 2022. Comparative Penicillium spp. transcriptomics: conserved pathways and processes revealed in ungerminated conidia and during postharvest apple fruit decay. Microorganisms. 10(12). Article e2414.
Microgreens for home, commercial, and space farming – a comprehensive update of the most recent developments Reprint Icon - (Review Article)
Teng, Z., Luo, Y., Pearlstein, D.J., Wheeler, R., Johnson, C., Wang, Q., Fonseca, J.M. 2022. Microgreens for home, commercial, and space farming – a comprehensive update of the most recent developments. Annual Review of Food Science & Technology. 14:539-562.
Agarose hydrogel composite supports microgreen growth with continuous water supply under terrestrial and microgravitational conditions Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Teng, Z., Luo, Y., Pearlstein, D.J., Zhou, B., Johnson, C.M., Wang, Q., Fonseca, J.M. 2022. Agarose hydrogel composite supports microgreen growth with continuous water supply under terrestrial and microgravitational conditions. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 220:135-146.
Effects of a novel combination of gallic acid, hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid on pathogen inactivation and shelf-life of baby spinach Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhou, B., Luo, Y., Nou, X., Mwangi, E., Poverenov, E., Demokritou, P., Fonseca, J.M. 2023. Effects of a novel combination of gallic acid, hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid on pathogen inactivation and shelf-life of baby spinach. Food Control. 143. Article 109284.
PATHMAP (Pathogen And Tree fruit Health MAP): A smart phone app and interactive dashboard to record and map tree fruit diseases, disorders, and insect pests Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jurick II, W.M., Messinger, L., Wallis, A., Peter, K.A., Villani, S.M., Bradshaw, M.J., Bartholomew, H.P., Buser, M.D., Acimovic, S.G., Fonseca, J.M., Cox, K.D. 2022. PATHMAP (Pathogen And Tree fruit Health MAP): A smart phone app and interactive dashboard to record and map tree fruit diseases, disorders, and insect pests. PhytoFrontiers. 2(4):331-338.
Determining effects of temperature abuse timing on shelf life of RTE baby spinach through microbial growth models and its correlation with sensory quality Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhou, B., Luo, Y., Huang, L., Fonseca, J.M., Yan, H., Huang, J. 2022. Determining effects of temperature abuse timing on shelf life of RTE baby spinach through microbial growth models and its correlation with sensory quality. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 133. Article 108639.
Nutrition by design: Boosting selenium content and fresh matter yields of salad greens with pre-harvest light intensity and selenium applications Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhu, X., Yang, T., Sanchez, C.A., Hamilton, J.M., Fonseca, J.M. 2022. Nutrition by design: Boosting selenium content and fresh matter yields of salad greens with pre-harvest light intensity and selenium applications. Frontiers in Nutrition.
More than just a virulence factor: patulin is a non-host specific toxin requiring active efflux for auto-avoidance in Penicillium spp. and inhibits growth of multiple postharvest fungal pathogens Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bartholomew, H.P., Bradshaw, M., Macarisin, O., Gaskins, V.L., Fonseca, J.M., Jurick II, W.M. 2022. More than just a virulence factor: patulin is a non-host specific toxin requiring active efflux for auto-avoidance in Penicillium spp. and inhibits growth of multiple postharvest fungal pathogens. Toxins. 112:1165-1174.
Charting the future of e-grocery: An evaluation of the use of digital imagery as a sensory analysis tool for fresh fruits Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fonseca, J.M., Luo, Y., Park, E., Trouth, F.J. 2021. Charting the future of e-grocery: An evaluation of the use of digital imagery as a sensory analysis tool for fresh fruits. Horticulturae. 7(9):262.
Phenotypic characterization and inheritance of browning on cut surfaces of stems and leaf ribs of romaine lettuce Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Peng, H., Luo, Y., Teng, Z., Zhou, B., Bornhorst, E.R., Fonseca, J.M., Simko, I. 2021. Phenotypic characterization and inheritance of enzymatic browning on cut surfaces of stems and leaf ribs of romaine lettuce. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 181. Article 111653.
Phenotypic and genetic characterization of stem and rib browning in romaine lettuce - (Abstract Only)
Peng, H., Luo, Y., Teng, Z., Zhou, B., Bornhorst, E.R., Fonseca, J.M., Simko, I. 2021. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of stem and rib browning in romaine lettuce. American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference, August 5-9, 2021, Denver, Colorado.
Delivering the goods: Fungal secretion modulates virulence during host-pathogen interactions Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bradshaw, M., Bartholomew, H., Fonseca, J.M., Gaskins, V.L., Prusky, D., Jurick II, W.M. 2021. Delivering the goods: Fungal secretion modulates virulence during host-pathogen interactions. Fungal Biology Reviews. 36:76-86.
The good, the bad and the ugly: mycotoxin production during postharvest decay and their influence on tritrophic host-pathogen-microbe interactions Reprint Icon - (Review Article)
Bartholomew, H.P., Bradshaw, M., Fonseca, J.M., Jurick II, W.M. 2021. The good, the bad and the ugly: mycotoxin production during postharvest decay and their influence on tritrophic host-pathogen-microbe interactions. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:1-12.
Sensory and physicochemical properties of whole wheat salted noodles under different preparations of bran Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sim, E., Park, E., Ma, F., Baik, B.V., Fonseca, J.M., Delwiche, S.R. 2020. Sensory and physicochemical properties of whole wheat salted noodles under different preparations of bran. Journal of Cereal Science. 96(1):Article 103112.