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Bioactive Food Ingredients for Safe and Health-Promoting Functional Foods
Improving Sustainability of Dairy Products
In Vitro Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem: Effects of Diet
The Dairy and Functional Foods Research Unit solves critical problems in utilization of milk and of fruit and vegetable byproducts from specialty crops by creating new concepts in science and technology to develop high-quality, value-added functional foods and consumer products that help improve human health and well-being. Integral to the research program is technology transfer to USDA and other action agencies and to the dairy, sugar beet, citrus, cranberry and other food industries.
Bryant, Austin
Chau, Hoa
- Rose
Chetty, Venkateswari
Firrman, Jenni
Garcia, Rafael
Guron, Giselle
Hotchkiss, Arland
Lee, Changhoon
Lemons, Johanna
Liu, Linshu
Mahalak, Karley
McAnulty, Michael
Miller, Amanda
Mulherin, John
Narrowe, Adrienne
Oest, Adam
Peterson, Charles
Plumier, Benjamin
Qi, Phoebe
Renye, John
Shahrin, Tasnuva
Smith, Judith
Tomasula, Peggy
Tunick, Michael
White, Andre
Yee, Winnie