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Research Project: Molecular and Environmental Factors Controlling Aflatoxin Reduction by Non-Toxigenic Aspergillus Strains

Location: Food and Feed Safety Research

Title: Genome sequence of an aflatoxigenic pathogen of Argentinian peanut, Aspergillus arachidicola

item PUEL, OLIVIER - Toxalim, Research Centre In Food Toxicology

Submitted to: BMC Genomics
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/2/2018
Publication Date: 3/9/2018
Citation: Moore, G.G., Mack, B.M., Beltz, S.B., Puel, O. 2018. Genome sequence of an aflatoxigenic pathogen of Argentinian peanut, Aspergillus arachidicola. BMC Genomics. 19:189.

Interpretive Summary: Aspergillus arachidicola was first isolated from the leaves of a wild peanut species native to Argentina. It has since been reported in maize, Brazil nut, and human sputum samples. This aflatoxigenic species is capable of secreting both B- and G-aflatoxins, similar to A. parasiticus and A. nomius. It has other characteristics that may result in its misidentification as one of several other section Flavi species. This study offers a preliminary analysis of the A. arachidicola genome, which will contribute to a better understanding of the evolution and inter-relatedness of toxic secondary metabolite clusters.

Technical Abstract: In this study we sequenced the genome of the A. arachidicola Type strain (CBS 117610) and found its genome size to be 38.9 Mb, and its number of predicted genes to be 12,091, which are values comparable to those in other sequenced Aspergilli. Of its predicted genes, 691 were identified as unique to the species and 60 % were assigned GO terms using BLAST2GO. Phylogenetic inference shows CBS 117610 sharing a most recent common ancestor with A. parasiticus. This strain contains a single mating-type (MAT1-1) idiomorph.