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Research Project: Defining, Measuring, and Mitigating Attributes that Adversely Impact the Quality and Marketability of Foods

Location: Healthy Processed Foods Research

Title: LC-MS characterization of constituents of mesquite flour

item YOUNG, JOSHUA - Microsolv Technology Corporation
item NGUYEN, TINA - San Jose State University
item LY, CHARLIE - San Jose State University
item JARMAN, SUNNY - San Jose State University
item DIEP, DIONA - San Jose State University
item PHAM, CUONG - San Jose State University
item PESEK, JOSEPH - San Jose State University
item MATYSKA, MARIA - San Jose State University
item Takeoka, Gary

Submitted to: LC GC Europe
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/25/2016
Publication Date: 1/18/2017
Citation: Young, J.E., Nguyen, T., Ly, C., Jarman, S., Diep, D., Pham, C., Pesek, J.J., Matyska, M.T., Takeoka, G.R. 2017. LC-MS characterization of constituents of mesquite flour. LC GC Europe. 1:18-21.

Interpretive Summary: Mesquite is the common name in North America for leguminous desert plants of the genus Prosopis that has about 44 species native to North America, South America, Africa, and south Asia. The plant has attracted attention due to its ability to tolerate high temperatures and low rainfall, its capacity to grow in saline soil and its ability to fix nitrogen. Mesquite pods were a major food source of indigenous people in the semi deserts of North and South America before the arrival of Europeans. Mesquite pods can be processed to produce gluten-free flour. Consumption of mesquite-derived foods has been linked to antibacterial, cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory health effects. To better study these health effects there is a need for reliable analytical methods for the characterization of compounds found in mesquite flour-based foods. This study successfully employed an LC-MS method in conjunction with reversed phase and aqueous normal phase (ANP) chromatography to separate and identify phenolic compounds in mesquite flour. The characterization of phenolics in mesquite flour will be useful for elucidating the beneficial health effects of their consumption.

Technical Abstract: Using an LC-MS method in conjunction with two complementary types of chromatographic retention modes—namely reversed phase and aqueous normal phase (ANP)—various compounds present in mesquite flour extracts were identified. Because of the diverse types of chemical constituents found in such natural product extracts, a single chromatographic mode may not be sufficient for a comprehensive characterization. However, the combination of reversed phase and ANP can encompass a wide range of analyte polarity. This characterization of the composition of mesquite flour could be used in future studies elucidating the beneficial health effects of their consumption.