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Research Project: Increasing the Value of Cottonseed

Location: Commodity Utilization Research

Title: Dedicated industrial oilseed crops as metabolic engineering platforms for sustainable industrial feedstock production

item ZHU, LI-HUA - Swedish University Of Agricultural Sciences
item KRENS, FRANS - Wageningen University And Research Center
item SMITH, MARK - National Research Council - Canada
item LI, XUEYUAN - Swedish University Of Agricultural Sciences
item QI, WEICONG - Wageningen University And Research Center
item VAN LOO, EIBERTUS - Wageningen University And Research Center
item IVEN, TIM - Georg August University
item FEUSSNER, IVO - Georg August University
item NAZARENUS, TARA - University Of Nebraska
item HUAI, DONGXIN - University Of Nebraska
item TAYLOR, DAVID - National Research Council - Canada
item ZHOU, XUE-RONG - Csiro European Laboratory
item GREEN, ALLAN - Csiro European Laboratory
item Shockey, Jay
item Klasson, Kjell
item MULLEN, ROBERT - University Of Guelph
item HUANG, BANGQUAN - Hubei University
item Dyer, John
item CAHOON, EDGAR - University Of Nebraska

Submitted to: Scientific Reports
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/9/2016
Publication Date: 2/26/2016
Citation: Zhu, L.-H., Krens, F., Smith, M.A., Li, X., Qi, W., Van Loo, E.N., Iven, T., Feussner, I., Nazarenus, T.J., Huai, D., Taylor, D.C., Zhou, X.-R., Green, A.G., Shockey, J., Klasson, K.T., Mullen, R.T., Huang, B., Dyer, J.M., Cahoon, E.B. 2016. Dedicated industrial oilseed crops as metabolic engineering platforms for sustainable industrial feedstock production. Scientific Reports. 6:22181.

Interpretive Summary: Feedstocks for industrial applications ranging from plastics to greases are largely derived from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. Vegetable oils with fatty chemical structures tailored for specific industrial uses offer renewable and potentially sustainable sources. Many different industrial vegetable oils can be generated through biotechnology, but may require special plant than those used for food-grade vegetable oil. Here we show the feasibility of three plants called crambe, camelina, and carinata, none of which are used for food use, as hosts for metabolic engineering of grease-type chemicals. We generated plant varieties that produced more than 20% of these grease-type chemicals in their seed oil. Other improvements were also made to the oils to make them more stable. Field cultivation of optimized crambe demonstrated commercial utility of these engineered plants and a path for sustainable production of other industrial oils in dedicated specialty oilseeds.

Technical Abstract: Feedstocks for industrial applications ranging from polymers to lubricants are largely derived from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. Vegetable oils with fatty acid structures and storage forms tailored for specific industrial uses offer renewable and potentially sustainable sources of petrochemical-type functionalities. A wide array of industrial vegetable oils can be generated through biotechnology, but will likely require non-commodity oilseed platforms dedicated to specialty oil production for commercial acceptance. Here we show the feasibility of three Brassicaceae oilseeds crambe, camelina, and carinata, none of which are widely cultivated for food use, as hosts for complex metabolic engineering of wax esters for lubricant applications. Lines producing wax esters >20% of total seed oil were generated for each crop and further improved for high temperature oxidative stability by down-regulation of fatty acid polyunsaturation. Field cultivation of optimized wax ester-producing crambe demonstrated commercial utility of these engineered crops and a path for sustainable production of other industrial oils in dedicated specialty oilseeds.