Khosravi, Parvaneh | |
SILVA, JUAN - Mississippi State University | |
Sheen, Shiowshuh - Allen | |
Sommers, Christopher | |
Gurtler, Joshua |
Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only Publication Acceptance Date: 7/28/2013 Publication Date: 7/28/2013 Citation: Khosravi, P., Silva, J., Sheen, S., Sommers, C.H., Gurtler, J. 2013. Thermal inactivation of non-0157:H7 shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in catfish fillets. Meeting Abstract. IAFP Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC., July 28-31,2013. Volume 1, Page 1.. Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Non-O157:H7 Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STECs) are emerging pathogens which have been involved in numerous foodborne illness outbreaks. It is not unusual for STEC associated foodborne illness outbreaks to be associated with consumption of fish in many countries. In this study catfish fillets were inoculated with a six-isolate cocktail of STEC serovars O26:H11, O45:H2, O103:H2, O111:NM, O121H19, and O145:RM to determine the effects of thermal inactivation (heat) on STEC thermal inactivation kinetics. The inoculated catfish fillet samples (7-9 log CFU/ml) were subject to heating at 55, 60, and 65 degree C. The D and Z values were determined by using a linear regression of the survival plot using the DMfit program. The D-10 values were 712 (R square = 0.88), 38.8 (R square = 0.97) and 3.6 (R square = 0.91) at 55, 60 and 65 degree C, respectively, with an average R-squared value of 0.92. The Z values ranged from 3.97 to 4.81 degree C with an average of 4.4 degree C, which are consistent with the reported values for STECs in other food systems such as beef. The results of this study will assist risk assessors provide safer finfish to consumers. |