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ARS Home » Midwest Area » Peoria, Illinois » National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research » Crop Bioprotection Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #252434

Title: The effect of sprout and disease control products on suberization of wounded potatoes

item FRAZIER, MARY JO - University Of Idaho
item OLSEN, NORA - University Of Idaho
item WOODELL, LYNN - University Of Idaho
item Slininger, Patricia
item Schisler, David

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/19/2010
Publication Date: 2/1/2011
Citation: Frazier, M., Olsen, N., Woodell, L., Slininger, P.J., Schisler, D.A. 2011. The effect of sprout and disease control products on suberization of wounded potatoes [abstract]. Potato Association of America. 88:38.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: There are situations during the handling process where disease or sprout control products are applied as aqueous spray solutions to potatoes. The application may occur after wounding of tubers. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impacts of sprout and disease control product applications on wound healing. The effects of spray application of sprout inhibitor products (chlorpropham or clove oil) and disease control products (hydrogen peroxide/peroxyacetic acid, phosphorous acid, or bio-control agents) to cut tuber surfaces were evaluated using ultraviolet microscopy to examine the suberized layer at 100X power. All products were applied in aqueous dilutions of 2.1 ml/kg. Cut, weighed, and treated pieces were held at 12.8°C and 95%+ relative humidity with re-circulated airflow. Five to seven evaluations of suberin deposition and weight loss were made between 4 to 18 days after application. The number of cell layers and depth of suberin deposition were measured. The study was performed on new potatoes (1 month after harvest) and older potatoes (5 months of storage) and was conducted in 2 consecutive years. Suberin deposition was delayed after a sprout inhibitor application for 5 to 7 days compared to the untreated control for both newly harvested and stored tubers. There were no negative effects on suberin deposition after application of a disease control product. There was some evidence that a phosphorous acid application increased suberin deposition. This study reinforces the concern of retarding suberization with sprout inhibitor applications and demonstrates limited concern with disease control product applications.