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item Wauchope, Robert

Submitted to: Proceedings of American Chemical Society National Meeting
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/31/2003
Publication Date: 1/20/2004
Citation: Wauchope, R.D. 2004. Symposium wrapup: from quantitative to quantitative prediction modeling - how to move forward? (Abstract). Proceedings of American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2004. Picogram 66 Abs #110(2004), AGRO Division, AM. Chem Soc. Washington DC.

Interpretive Summary: The Environmental Protection Agency and Canada's Equivalent, the Pesticide Management Regulatory Agency or PMRA, have been in negotiation with pesticide manufacturers on the best way to do field experiments to evaluate the potential risk of a new pesticide to the environment. At issue is the so-called 'field dissipation experiment' which is currently a rather straightforward experiment. The EPA wanted the manufacturers to conduct a more informative and comprehensive, but also much more expensive, test. The negotiations led to a workshop held in 2002 which was a watershed in cooperation, with general agreement being reached on the experimental approaches to be used and a clarification of the whole process. The author and Aldos Barefoot, a leader among the Registrants, have organized a symposium as part of the Agrochemicals Division program at the Spring National American Chemical Society meeting to follow up on that Workshop and to report on progress made.

Technical Abstract: The US EPA and the Canadian PMRA have used the term "conceptual model" (CM) to mean an organizing principle--a way of keeping perspective while assessing the environmental impact of a pesticide. The CM is an attempt to help risk assessors at the start, by predicting the important dissipative/degradative processes that control the persistence and transport of a pesticide, and the resultant exposure of biota in each compartment of the environment. When EPA/PMRA began considering the CM as a guide to required field study design, however, the resulting possible bulge in study costs led to vigorous discussions with Registrants. This ultimately led to an extraordinarily constructive workshop on "Field Dissipation Studies" held in July of 2002. The current Symposium is an attempt to build on the concensus and clarification that was obtained at that workshop, and to help maintain momentum towards a quantitative (i.e., computer simulation) version of the CM. This presentation will attempt to evaluate the success of the Symposium.