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Research Project: Addressing Critical Poultry Industry Challenge through Creating Value for Chicken Breast Meat with Myopathies

Location: Quality and Safety Assessment Research Unit

Project Number: 6040-41440-003-004-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Oct 1, 2020
End Date: May 14, 2024

The long term goal of the proposal is to enhance the value of chicken breast meat affected with white striping, woody breast, and spaghetti meat conditions through incorporation into further processed products and to develop value added products from afflicted chicken meat to assist the industry in finding use for human consumption rather than for animal feed, which causes significant loss in value.

The grant proposal has 4 primary objectives. Objective 1: Enhance the eating quality of tissue with different degrees of white striping and woody condition through further processing. Approach: Evaluate the impact of blade tenderization, followed by injection with ingredients that enhance moisture retention and vacuum tumbling under various periods using instrumental quality evaluation systems and functional properties of raw and cooked breast fillets. Develop models to optimize the processing conditions that would result in product with acceptable sensory characteristics through sensory evaluation. Objective 2: Improve the value of the chicken breast tissue with various myopathies through incorporation into restructured meat products (chicken nuggets and fresh sausage). Approach: Evaluate the impact of various inclusion rates of breast meat with each type of myopathy into normal breast meat in chicken nuggets and evaluate the functional properties of the meat and the textural quality of the meat products. Develop models optimize the processing conditions that would result in product with acceptable sensory characteristics through sensory evaluation. Objective 3: Improve the value of the chicken breast tissue with various myopathies through incorporation into restructured meat products – emulsion type batter products (frankfurters or bologna). Approach: Evaluate the impact of various inclusion rates of breast meat with each type of myopathy into normal breast meat in emulsion type batter products (frankfurter/bologna) and evaluate the functional properties of the meat and the textural quality of the meat products. Develop models to optimize the processing conditions that would result in product with acceptable sensory characteristics through sensory evaluation. Objective 4: Develop alternate products with breast meat with myopathies for use as protein for human consumption or preparation of pet treats. Approach: Develop hydrolyzed protein from breast meat with myopathies using various proteolytic enzymes and evaluate the microbiological safety of the process in preventing growth of microorganisms (foodborne pathogens). Develop processing methods to prepare pet treats from whole muscle or restructured meat from breast meat with myopathies.