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Research Project: New Technologies and Methodologies for Increasing Quality, Marketability and Value of Food Products and Byproducts

Location: Healthy Processed Foods Research

2023 Annual Report

1. New HPLC method for ergothioneine analysis. Ergothioneine (Ergo) is a potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant amino acid well-known to be highly bioavailable through mushroom consumption. However, outside of mushrooms, limited knowledge exists regarding Ergo content in foods. It has been postulated that soil-borne fungi or bacteria produce Ergo that is passed on to plants through their roots, suggesting that other plants beside mushrooms could have higher Ergo concentrations. ARS researchers in Albany, California, have developed a rapid, reliable, accurate and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method for the identification and quantification of Ergo which will facilitate Ergo analysis of a wide range of food products. Furthermore, this new analysis method provides the means to quantify the effects of processing on Ergo content of processed foods. This technology impacts food growers, processors, and consumers by providing critical information regarding nutritional content and health benefits of food products that is currently lacking.

2. Colored corn-based flatbreads containing healthy algae (Eclonia Cava). Ecklonia cava, an algae rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and other beneficial plant chemicals, has a long history of use in traditional medicine to treat goiters, hemorrhoids, urinary diseases, constipation, stomach ailments, and many other disorders. ARS researchers in Albany, California, have developed both corn and wheat-based flatbreads incorporating Ecklonia Cava as a basic ingredient. Proximate analysis of the flatbreads indicates higher mineral, protein, and fiber content versus their traditional counterparts. The developed methodology provides the means to incorporate a highly beneficial and nutritious ingredient into traditional foods. These novel food products impact food producers and consumers by providing healthy alternatives to traditional foods, with subsequent impact in terms of obesity and disease prevention.

Review Publications
Bilbao-Sainz, C., Chiou, B., Takeoka, G.R., Williams, T.G., Wood, D.F., Powell-Palm, M., Rubinsky, B., Wu, V.C., McHugh, T.H. 2022. Isochoric freezing and isochoric supercooling as innovative postharvest technologies for pomegranate preservation. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 194. Article 112072.
Zhang, Y., Bhardwaj, S.R., Vilches, A.M., Breksa III, A.P., Lyu, S., Chinthrajah, S., Nadeau, K., Jin, T. 2022. IgE binding epitope mapping with TL1A tagged peptides. Molecular Immunology. 153:194-199.
Bilbao-Sainz, C., Chiou, B., Takeoka, G.R., Williams, T.G., Wood, D.F., Powell-Palm, M., Rubinsky, B., McHugh, T.H. 2022. Novel isochoric cold storage with isochoric impregnation to improve postharvest quality of sweet cherry. ACS Food Science and Technology. 2(10):1558-1564.