Location: Dairy and Functional Foods Research
Project Number: 8072-41000-108-003-N
Project Type: Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Aug 1, 2018
End Date: Jul 31, 2023
The objective of this agreement is to mainly conduct collaborative research in the areas of Food Safety and Functional Food Development, including but not limited to applications of genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics for microbe and metabolism characterization and identification, the effective uses of dairy and other agricultural resources.
1. KFRI will send research scientists to the ERRC to conduct the research stated
above and vice versa.
2. Exchange of information through seminars during short visits.
3. Whenever possible, ERRC and KFRI will consider developing joint research projects to generate knowledge on specific pathogens and functional food development that may impact normal import and export of food products and add values on agricultural products.
4. To generate broad interest and increased activities upon mutual consent between ERRC and KFRI.