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ARS Home » Northeast Area » Beltsville, Maryland (BARC) » Beltsville Agricultural Research Center » Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory » Research

Research Programs and Projects at this Location

ARS research is organized into National Programs. Within each National Program are research projects. Listed below are  the National Programs and research projects currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a National Program (NP) will take you  to the main ARS site for more information on the program. Clicking on a research  project title will take you to more information on the project.

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Food Animal Production (NP #101)
Accelerating Genetic Improvement of Ruminants Through Enhanced Genome Assembly, Annotation, and Selection
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Dairy Cow Feed Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability Using Genomics and Novel Technologies to Identify Physiological Contributions and Adaptations
(In-House Appropriated)
Increasing Accuracy of Genomic Prediction, Developing Algorithms, Selecting Markers, and Evaluating New Traits to Improve Dairy Cattle
(In-House Appropriated)
Genetic Mechanism of Reproductive Heterosis in Dairy Cattle
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Incorporate Functional Annotation Data in Cattle GWAS and Genomic Selection
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Characterizing the NAD+ Metabolome of Liver, Blood, and Milk in Dairy Cows Transitioning from Gestation to Lactation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Quality and Value of Imputing Gene Tests for All Animals
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Research Experiential Training to Expand Collaborative Research in Genomics
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)