Toxicology & Mycotoxin Research
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Pyrrocidines A and B demonstrate synergistic inhibition of Fusarium verticillioides growth
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
The detection and co-occurrence of mycotoxins in poultry feed using HPLC-MS/MS analysis
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Mycotoxin contamination and the nutritional content of corn targeted for animal feed
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Pokoo-Aikins, A., Mcdonough, C., Mitchell, T.R., Hawkins, J.A., Adams, L.F., Read, Q.D., Li, X., Shanmugasundaram, R., Rodewald, E., Acharya, P., Glenn, A.E., Gold, S.E. 2024. Mycotoxin contamination and the nutritional content of corn targeted for animal feed. Poultry Science. Volume 103, Issue 12.
Susceptibility of pESI positive Salmonella to treatment with biocide chemicals approved for use in poultry processing as compared to Salmonella without the pESI plasmid
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Mcmillan, E., Adams, E.S., Mitchell, T.R., Hawkins, J.A., Read, Q.D., Pokoo-Aikins, A., Meinersmann, R.J., Harris, C., Hughes Jr, M.D., Glenn, A.E., Berrang, M.E. 2024. Susceptibility of pESI positive Salmonella to treatment with biocide chemicals approved for use in poultry processing as compared to Salmonella without the pESI plasmid. Letters in Applied Microbiology.
Mycotoxin contamination and nutritional content of corn
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The detection and co-occurrence of mycotoxins in feed corn using HPLC/MS analysis
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Subclinical doses of combined fumonisins and deoxynivalenol predispose Clostridium perfringens-inoculated broilers to necrotic enteritis
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Survey of meat collected from commercial broiler processing plants suggests low levels of semicarbazide can be created during immersion chilling
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Mitchell, T.R., Glenn, A.E., Gold, S.E., Lawrence, K.C., Berrang, M.E., Gamble, G.R., Feldner, P.W., Hawkins, J.A., Miller, C.E., Olson, D.E., Chatterjee, D., Mcdonough, C.M., Pokoo-Aikins, A. 2022. Survey of meat collected from commercial broiler processing plants suggests low levels of semicarbazide can be created during immersion chilling. Journal of Food Protection. 85(5):798-802.
Fungal chemical warfare: how secondary metabolites influence relationships in maize associated fungi
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Chemical warfare: The mycotoxins aflatoxin and fumonisin govern Aspergillus flavus-Fusarium verticillioides interactions.
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Satterlee, T.R., Mitchell, T.R., Gold, S.E., Glenn, A.E. 2022. Chemical warfare: The mycotoxins aflatoxin and fumonisin govern Aspergillus flavus-Fusarium verticillioides interactions.. American Phytopathological Society.
Pyrrocidine, a molecular off switch for fumonisin biosynthesis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gao, M., Glenn, A.E., Gu, X., Mitchell, T.R., Satterlee, T., Duke, M.V., Scheffler, B.E., Gold, S.E. 2020. Pyrrocidine, a molecular off switch for fumonisin biosynthesis. PLoS Pathogens. 6;16(7):e1008595.
In situ ergot alkaloid detection in three Balansia epichloe-infected grass species
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Bacon, C.W., Hinton, D.M., Mitchell, T.R., Palencia, E. 2018. In situ ergot alkaloid detection in three Balansia epichloe-infected grass species. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 10.1111/jam.13941.
Screening of Bacillus mojavensis biofilms and biosurfactants using laser ablation electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy.
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Bacon, C.W., Hinton, D.M., Mitchell, T.R. 2018. Screening of Bacillus mojavensis biofilms and biosurfactants using laser ablation electrospray ionization mass spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 10.1111/JAM.13905.
Limited Surveys for Aflatoxin-Fumonisin Co-contamination of Maize-based Foods Available in the Southeastern U.S., 2015-2016
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Xue, K., Showker, A.J., Mitchell, T.R., Riley, R.T., Voss, K.A. 2018. Limited Surveys for Aflatoxin-Fumonisin Co-contamination of Maize-based Foods Available in the Southeastern U.S., 2015-2016. United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources. p. 19.
A Limited Survey of Corn Meal and Alkaline Cooked Products for Aflatoxin-Fumonisin Co-contamination in the Southeastern U.S., 2015-2016
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Xue, K., Showker, A.J., Mitchell, T.R., Riley, R.T., Voss, K.A. 2018. A Limited Survey of Corn Meal and Alkaline Cooked Products for Aflatoxin-Fumonisin Co-contamination in the Southeastern U.S., 2015-2016. Meeting Abstract. 162:155.
Volatiles produced by Bacillus mojavensis RRC101 act as plant growth modulators and are strongly culture-dependent
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Rath, M., Mitchell, T.R., Gold, S.E. 2018. Volatiles produced by Bacillus mojavensis RRC101 act as plant growth modulators and are strongly culture-dependent. Microbiological Research. 208:76-84.
Evidence for inhibition of ceramide synthase by fumonisins in maize-based foods: studies in high- and low-exposure communities in Guatemala
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Riley, R.T., Torres, O., Matute, J., Gregory, S., Ashley-Koch, A., Showker, A.J., Mitchell, T.R., Maddox, J., Gelineau-Van, J., Voss, K.A. 2016. Evidence for inhibition of ceramide synthase by fumonisins in maize-based foods: studies in high- and low-exposure communities in Guatemala. International Symposium of Mycotoxicology Meeting. ISMYCO 2016, p 50.
Ecological activity for mycotoxin beyond toxicity: screening mycotoxins for quorum inhibition
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Screening of Balansia epichloe-infected grass species for in situ ergot alkaloids using laser ablation electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry
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Screening mycotoxins for quorum inhibition in a biocontrol bacterial endophyte
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Assessment of mycotoxins in Vitis vinifera wines of the Southeastern United States
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Bolton, S.L., Mitchell, T.R., Brannen, P.M., Glenn, A.E. 2017. Assessment of mycotoxins in Vitis vinifera wines of the Southeastern United States. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. doi:org/10.5344/ajev.2017.16089.
Quorum signaling mycotoxins: A new risk strategy for bacterial biocontrol of Fusarium verticillioides and other endophytic fungal species?
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bacon, C.W., Hinton, D.M., Mitchell, T.R. 2016. Quorum signaling mycotoxins: A new risk strategy for bacterial biocontrol of Fusarium verticillioides and other endophytic fungal species? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. doi:10.1021/acs.jafc.6b03861.
Bacillus mojavensis RRC101 lipopeptides provoke physiological and metabolic changes in the course of antagonism against Fusarium verticillioides
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Blacutt, A.A., Mitchell, T.R., Bacon, C.W., Gold, S.E. 2016. Bacillus mojavensis RRC101 lipopeptides provoke physiological and metabolic changes in the course of antagonism against Fusarium verticillioides. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 29(9):713-723. doi:10.1094/MPMI-05-16-0093R.
Two horizontally transferred xenobiotic resistance gene clusters associated with detoxification of benzoxazolinones by Fusarium species
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Glenn, A.E., Davis, B.C., Snook, M.E., Mitchell, T.R., Gold, S.E., Geo, M., Proctor, R., Stewart, J. 2016. Two horizontally transferred xenobiotic resistance gene clusters associated with detoxification of benzoxazolinones by Fusarium species. PLoS One. 11(1):e0147486.
Evidence for ceramide synthase inhibition in humans exposed to fumonisins in maize-based foods and living in low or high exposure communities in Guatemala
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Riley, R.T., Torres, O., Mutate, J., Grergory, S., Ashley-Koch, A., Showker, A.J., Mitchell, T.R., Maddox, J., Gelineau-Van Waes, J., Voss, K.A. 2016. Evidence for ceramide synthase inhibition in humans exposed to fumonisins in maize-based foods and living in low or high exposure communities in Guatemala. UJNR Toxic Microorganisms Panel Meeting. January 24-29,2016. Tokyo/Nagasaki, Japan.
Fumonisin exposure in women linked to inhibition of an enzyme that is a key event in farm and laboratory animal diseases.
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Riley, R.T., Voss, K.A., Showker, A.J., Mitchell, T.R., Torres, O., Matute, J., Gregory, S., Ashley-Koch, A., Maddox, J., Gelineau-Van Waes, J. 2016. Fumonisin exposure in women linked to inhibition of an enzyme that is a key event in farm and laboratory animal diseases. American Chemical Society Abstracts. San Diego, California., March 13, 2016. AGFD 101.
Evidence for fumonisin inhibition of ceramide synthase in humans consuming maize-based foods and living in high exposure communities in Guatemala
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Riley, R.T., Torres, O., Matute, J., Gregory, S., Ashley-Koch, A., Showker, A.J., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A., Maddox, J., Gelineau-Van Waes, J. 2015. Evidence for fumonisin inhibition of ceramide synthase in humans consuming maize-based foods and living in high exposure communities in Guatemala. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. 59(11):2209-2224.
Bacillus mojavensis biofilm formation and biosurfactant production using a Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization System
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Bacon, C.W., Hinton, D.M., Mitchell, T.R. 2015. Bacillus mojavensis biofilm formation and biosurfactant production using a Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization System. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. August 1-5, 2015. Pasadena, CA.
Defensive functions and responsible metabolites of microbial endophytes
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Bacon, C.W., Hinton, D.M., Mitchell, T.R. 2015. Defensive functions and responsible metabolites of microbial endophytes. Proceedings of the 8th International Symbiosis Congress, the University of Lisbon, Lisbon Portugal, July 12-18, 2015, p 154.
A Blood Spot Method for Detecting Fumonisin-Induced Changes in Putative Sphingolipid Biomarkers in LM/Bc Mice and Humans
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Riley, R.T., Showker, A.J., Lee, C.M., Zipperer, C.E., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A., Zitomer, N.C., Torres, O., Matute, J., Gregory, S.G., Ashley-Koch, A.E., Maddox, J.R., Gardner, N., Gelineau-Van Waes, J. 2015. A Blood Spot Method for Detecting Fumonisin-Induced Changes in Putative Sphingolipid Biomarkers in LM/Bc Mice and Humans. Journal of Food Additives & Contaminants. 32(6):934-949.
Defensive functions and responsible metabolites of microbial endophytes
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Bacon, C.W., Hinton, D.M., Mitchell, T.R. 2015. Defensive functions and responsible metabolites of microbial endophytes. 8th Congress of the International Symbiosis Society. July 12-17,2015. Lisbon, Portugal. p235.
Maize seedling blight induced by Fusarium verticillioides: accumulation of fumonisin B1 in leaves without colonization of the leaves
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Baldwin, T.T., Zitomer, N.C., Mitchell, T.R., Zimeri, A., Bacon, C.W., Riley, R.T., Glenn, A.E. 2014. Maize seedling blight induced by Fusarium verticillioides: accumulation of fumonisin B1 in leaves without colonization of the leaves. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 62:2118-2125. doi: 10.1021/jf5001106.
Analyses of black Aspergillus species of peanut and maize for ochratoxins and fumonisins
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Palencia, E.R., Mitchell, T.R., Snook, M.E., Glenn, A.E., Gold, S.E., Hinton, D.M., Riley, R.T., Bacon, C.W. 2014. Analyses of black Aspergillus species of peanut and maize for ochratoxins and fumonisins. Journal of Food Protection. 77(5):805-813. DOI: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-13-321.
Genomic and biochemical characterization of cyclic lipopeptides of Bacillus mojavensis RRC101, an antagonist of Fusarium verticillioides
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Blacutt, A.A., Gold, S.E., Mitchell, T.R. 2013. Genomic and biochemical characterization of cyclic lipopeptides of Bacillus mojavensis RRC101, an antagonist of Fusarium verticillioides [abstract]. Phtopathology 103(Suppl. 2):S2.16. DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-103-6-S2.16
Characterization of strains of Bacillus mojavensis for biocontrol of a maize pathogen
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Bacon, C.W., Hinton, D.M., Mitchell, T.R. 2013. Characterization of strains of Bacillus mojavensis for biocontrol of a maize pathogen. Genetics of Maize- Microbe International Workshop. February 24-27, 2013. St Louis, Missouri.
Relationship of substrate and surfactin production by Bacillus mojavensis strains and their antagonistical response to Fusarium verticillioides
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Bacon, C.W., Hinton, D.M., Snook, M.E. 2010. Relationship of substrate and surfactin production by Bacillus mojavensis strains and their antagonistical response to Fusarium verticillioides. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. August 7-10,2010. Charlotte, NC. 100(6):S10.
Surfactin production by strains of Bacillus mojavensis
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Bacon, C.W., Hinton, D.M., Mitchell, T.R., Snook, M.E. 2009. Surfactin production by strains of Bacillus mojavensis. American Phytopathology Society. August 1 - 5, 2009. Portland, OR.
Isolation and characterization of Leu[7]-Surfactin from the endophytic bacterium Bacillus mojavensis RRC 101, a biocontrol agent for Fusarium verticillioides
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Snook, M.E., Mitchell, T.R., Hinton, D.M., Bacon, C.W. 2009. Isolation and characterization of Leu[7]-Surfactin from the endophytic bacterium Bacillus mojavensis RRC 101, a biocontrol agent for Fusarium verticillioides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 57:4287-4292.
Ceramide synthase inhibition by fumonisin B1 causes accumulation of 1-deoxy-sphinganine: a novel category of bioactive 1-deoxy-sphingoid bases and 1-deoxy-dihydroceramides biosynthesized by mammalian cell lines and animals
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zitomer, N.C., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A., Bondy, G.S., Pruett, S.T., Garnier-Amblard, E.C., Liebeskind, L.S., Park, H., Wang, E., Sullards, M., Merrill, A.H., Riley, R.T. 2009. Ceramide synthase inhibition by fumonisin B1 causes accumulation of 1-deoxy-sphinganine: a novel category of bioactive 1-deoxy-sphingoid bases and 1-deoxy-dihydroceramides biosynthesized by mammalian cell lines and animals. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284(8):4786-4795.
Isolation and characterization of 1-Deoxysphinganine, a novel sphingoid base that accumulates in cells following fumonisin B1 inhibition of ceramide synthase
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Zitomer, N.C., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A., Pruett, S.T., Garnier, E., Liebeskind, L.S., Park, H., Wang, E., Sullards, C., Merrill, A.H., Riley, R.T. 2009. Isolation and characterization of 1-Deoxysphinganine, a novel sphingoid base that accumulates in cells following fumonisin B1 inhibition of ceramide synthase. Toxicological Sciences 108:132.
Accumulation of 1-Deoxysphinganine in mammalian cells and tissues following fumonisin inhibition of ceramide synthase: a novel category of bioactive sphingoid bases and 1-Deoxydihydroceramides
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Riley, R.T., Zitomer, N.C., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A., Bondy, G.S., Pruett, S.T., Garnier, E., Liebeskind, L.S., Park, H., Wang, E., Sullards, C., Merrill, A.H. 2009. Accumulation of 1-Deoxysphinganine in mammalian cells and tissues following fumonisin inhibition of ceramide synthase: a novel category of bioactive sphingoid bases and 1-Deoxydihydroceramides. Toxicological Sciences 108:132.
Ceramide synthase inhibition causes accumulation of 1-deoxysphinganine: biosynthesis of a novel category of bioactive sphingoid bases in diverse mammalian cell linesa and mice
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Park, H., Zitomer, N.C., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A., Wang, E., Sullards, C., Garnier, E., Liebeskind, L., Riley, R.T., Merrill, A. 2008. Ceramide synthase inhibition causes accumulation of 1-deoxysphinganine: biosynthesis of a novel category of bioactive sphingoid bases in diverse mammalian cell linesa and mice. Southeastern Regional Lipd Conference. November 5 - 7, 2008. Cashiers, NC.
Detection of matrix-bound fumonisins in nixtamalized corn
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Burns, T.D., Snook, M.E., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A. 2008. Detection of matrix-bound fumonisins in nixtamalized corn. University of Georgia Center for Food Safety. March 4-5, 2008. Atlanta, GA.
Evidence for fumonisin-corn matrix binding during nixtamalization.
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Burns, T., Snook, M.E., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A. 2008. Evidence for fumonisin-corn matrix binding during nixtamalization. Toxicological Sciences. March 16-20, 2008. Seattle, WA.
Fumonisin concentrations and in vivo toxicity after nixtamalization of corn culture material: evidence for fumonisin-matrix binding
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Voss, K.A., Burns, T.D., Riley, R.T., Snook, M.E., Mitchell, T.R. 2007. Fumonisin concentrations and in vivo toxicity after nixtamalization of corn culture material: evidence for fumonisin-matrix binding. United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources. November 3 - 10, 2007. Tokyo and Okinawa, Japan.
Effect of nixtamalization with and without corn matrix on the concentration and toxicity of fumonisins in Fusarium verticillioides culture material.
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Burns, T.D., Snook, M.E., Mitchell, T.R., Riley, R.T., Voss, K.A. 2007. Effect of nixtamalization with and without corn matrix on the concentration and toxicity of fumonisins in Fusarium verticillioides culture material.. Multicrop Aflatoxin and Fumonisin Elimination and Fungal Genomics Workshop-The Peanut Foundation. October 22 - 24, 2007. Atlanta, GA.
Toxicological Evaluation of Fusarium verticillioides Culture Material Nixtamalized in the Presence and Absence of Corn Matrix
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Burns, T.D., Snook, M.E., Riley, R.T., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A. 2007. Toxicological Evaluation of Fusarium verticillioides Culture Material Nixtamalized in the Presence and Absence of Corn Matrix. Toxicology Retreat, Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program - University of Georgia, Georgia Center for Continuing Education. March 19, 2007. Athens, GA.
Toxicity of fumonisin-contaminated fungal cultures nixtamalized in the presence and absence of corn matrix.
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Burns, T.D., Snook, M.E., Riley, R.T., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A. 2007. Toxicity of fumonisin-contaminated fungal cultures nixtamalized in the presence and absence of corn matrix. Meeting, Center for Food Safety, University of Georgia. February 28, 2007. Athens, GA.
Toxicological evaluation of Fusarium verticillioides culture material nixtamalized in the presence and absence of corn matrix.
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Burns, T., Snook, M.E., Riley, R.T., Mitchell, T.R., Voss, K.A. 2007. Toxicological evaluation of Fusarium verticillioides culture material nixtamalized in the presence and absence of corn matrix. Toxicological Sciences. Abst. 726, p. 138.
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