Byungwhi Kong
Quality and Safety Assessment Research Unit
Research Molecular Biologist
Phone: (706) 546-3520
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Molecular and gene expression analyses of chicken oncomodulin and their association with breast myopathies in broilers
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kong, B.C., Shakeri, M., Choi, J., Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C. 2024. Molecular and gene expression analyses of chicken oncomodulin and their association with breast myopathies in broilers. Poultry Science.
Impact of broiler carcass orientation after slaughter on breast meat quality when evaluating delayed processing
- (Abstract Only)
Harris, C., Choi, J., Shakeri, M., Kong, B.C., Kiepper, B., Zhuang, H., Buhr, R.J., Bowker, B.C. 2024. Impact of broiler carcass orientation after slaughter on breast meat quality when evaluating delayed processing. American Meat Science Association Conference Reciprocal Proceedings. Abstract 88.
Proteomic analyses on chicken breast meat with white striping myopathy
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kong, B.C., Owens, C., Bottje, W., Shakeri, M., Choi, J., Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C. 2024. Proteomic analyses on chicken breast meat with white striping myopathy. Poultry Science.
Multi-omics analyses of chicken breast with spaghetti meat myopathy
- (Abstract Only)
Reduced ribonucleotide reductase RRM2 subunit expression increases DNA damage and mitochondria dysfunction in woody breast chickens
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shakeri, M., Choi, J., Harris, C., Buhr, R.J., Kong, B.C., Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C. 2024. Reduced ribonucleotide reductase RRM2 subunit expression increases DNA damage and mitochondria dysfunction in woody breast chickens. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 85(4):1-7.
Water properties in intact wooden breast fillets during refrigerated storage
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Choi, J., Shakeri, M., Kim, W., Kong, B.C., Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H. 2024. Water properties in intact wooden breast fillets during refrigerated storage. Poultry Science.
Potential role of ribonucleotide reductase enzyme in mitochondria function and woody breast condition in broiler chickens
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Shakeri, M., Kong, B.C., Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C. 2023. Potential role of ribonucleotide reductase enzyme in mitochondria function and woody breast condition in broiler chickens. Animals.
Potential role of ribonucleotide reductase enzyme in mitochondria function and woody breast in broiler chickens
- (Abstract Only)
Shakeri, M., Kong, B.C., Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C. 2023. Potential role of ribonucleotide reductase enzyme in mitochondria function and woody breast in broiler chickens. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 102/141.
Water characteristics in broiler pectoralis major during postmortem aging and storage
- (Abstract Only)
Zhuang, H., Choi, J., Bowker, B.C., Buhr, R.J., Kim, W., Kong, B.C. 2023. Water characteristics in broiler pectoralis major during postmortem aging and storage. Meeting Abstract. 102/163-164.
Microbiota on the surface of footpads and meat quality of broiler chickens with different footpad dermatitis scores
- (Abstract Only)
Choi, J., Goo, D., Kong, B.C., Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H., Kim, W. 2023. Microbiota on the surface of footpads and meat quality of broiler chickens with different footpad dermatitis scores. Meeting Abstract. 102/120-121.
Characterization and expression analyses of chicken oncomodulin genes and association with breast myopathies in broilers
- (Abstract Only)
Kong, B.C., Shakeri, M., Choi, J., Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C. 2023. Characterization and expression analyses of chicken oncomodulin genes and association with breast myopathies in broilers. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 102/139.
Proteomics of enriched mitochondria from postmortem meat with woody breast myopathy
- (Abstract Only)
Kong, B.C., Bottje, W., Owens, C., Shakeri, M., Choi, J., Zhuang, H., Bowker, B.C. 2023. Proteomics of enriched mitochondria from postmortem meat with woody breast myopathy. Poultry Science Association Meeting Abstract. 102/198.
Nutritional strategies to improve meat quality and body composition in the challenging conditions of broiler production: A review
- (Review Article)
Choi, J., Kong, B.C., Bowker, B.C., Zhuang, H., Kim, W. 2023. Nutritional strategies to improve meat quality and body composition in the challenging conditions of broiler production: A review. Animals.