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Rachel S Leisso
Physiology and Pathology of Tree Fruits Research
Research Horticulturist

Phone: (541) 561-1420
Fax: (509) 664-2287

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Enhancement of Apple, Pear, and Sweet Cherry Quality
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 438251
A General Framework for Cooperation on Horticultural Research Projects
Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement (N)
  Accession Number: 445499
Efficacy of Natamycin for Control of Mucor Rot in Pear Fruit
Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement (T)
  Accession Number: 446152
Sweet Cherry Cultivar-Specific Export Suitability
Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement (T)
  Accession Number: 443541
New Controlled Atmosphere Strategies to Extend ‘Bartlett’ Pear Storage
Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement (T)
  Accession Number: 444021

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Controlled atmosphere, temperature management, and harvest timing to mitigate 'Gem' pear internal breakdown development [abstract] - (Abstract Only)
Post-packing sweet cherry stem and fruit quality attributes influenced by cultivar - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Effects of Cooling Delay and Harvest Maturity on ‘Gem’ Pear Internal Breakdown Development [abstract] - (Abstract Only)
Rating Pome fruit quality traits using deep learning and image processing Reprint Icon - (Pre-print Publication)
Nguyen, N.H., Michaud, J., Mogollon, R., Zhang, H., Hargarten, H.L., Leisso, R.S., Torres, C.A., Honaas, L.A., Ficklin, S. 2024. Rating Pome fruit quality traits using deep learning and image processing. bioRxiv.
Utilization of perforated zipper-lock packaging bags to improve the quality of stem-on and stem-free ‘Chelan’ and ‘Lapins’ sweet cherries during the storage and marketing periods Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhi, H., Dai, H., Leisso, R.S., Dong, Y. 2023. Utilization of perforated zipper-lock packaging bags to improve the quality of stem-on and stem-free ‘Chelan’ and ‘Lapins’ sweet cherries during the storage and marketing periods. Packaging Technology and Science. 37(3):199-210.
Physiological disorders, textural property, and cell wall metabolism of ‘Gem’ pears (Pyrus communis L.) affected by oxygen regimes and harvest maturity under controlled atmosphere storage Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dong, Y., Zhi, H., Leisso, R.S. 2023. Physiological disorders, textural property, and cell wall metabolism of ‘Gem’ pears (Pyrus communis L.) affected by oxygen regimes and harvest maturity under controlled atmosphere storage. Scientia Horticulturae. 317:112067.
Pre-storage temperature conditioning reduces cortex browning and cavity and alters organic, amino, and fatty acid metabolism in cold-stored ‘Chuhwangbae’ pears Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lwin, H., Leisso, R.S., Lee, J. 2023. Pre-storage temperature conditioning reduces cortex browning and cavity and alters organic, amino, and fatty acid metabolism in cold-stored ‘Chuhwangbae’ pears. Scientia Horticulturae. 315. Article 111989.
Market potential and value-added opportunities of cold-hardy berries and small fruits in the Intermountain West, USA Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Garg, S., Leisso, R.S., Kim, S., Mayhew, E., Song, M., Jarrett, B., Kuo, W. 2022. Market potential and value-added opportunities of cold-hardy berries and small fruits in the Intermountain West, USA. Journal of Food Science. 88(2):860-876.
1-Methylcyclopropene differentially regulates metabolic responses in the stem-end and calyx-end flesh tissues of 'Empire' apple during long-term controlled atmosphere storage Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lee, J., Leisso, R.S., Rudell Jr., D.R., Watkins, C.B. 2022. 1-Methylcyclopropene differentially regulates metabolic responses in the stem-end and calyx-end flesh tissues of 'Empire' apple during long-term controlled atmosphere storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 192. Article 112018.
Temporal dynamics of the soil metabolome and microbiome during simulated anaerobic soil disinfestation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hewavitharana, S., Klarer, E., Reed, A.J., Leisso, R.S., Poirier, B.C., Honaas, L.A., Rudell Jr, D.R., Mazzola, M. 2019. Temporal dynamics of the soil metabolome and microbiome during simulated anaerobic soil disinfestation. Frontiers in Microbiology. 10.
Targeted metabolic profiling indicates apple rootstock genotype-specific differences in primary and secondary metabolite production and validate quantitative contribution from vegetative growth Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leisso, R.S., Rudell Jr, D.R., Mazzola, M. 2018. Targeted metabolic profiling indicates apple rootstock genotype-specific differences in primary and secondary metabolite production and validate quantitative contribution from vegetative growth. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:1336.
Temporal dynamics of the soil metabolome and microbiome in response to anaerobic soil disinfestation - (Abstract Only)
Hewavitharana, S.S., Leisso, R.S., Honaas, L.A., Rudell Jr, D.R., Mazzola, M. 2018. Temporal dynamics of the soil metabolome and microbiome in response to anaerobic soil disinfestation. Phytopathology. 108(10):S1.101.
Metabolic composition of apple rootstock rhizodeposits differs in a genotype-specific manner and affects growth of subsequent plantings - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leisso, R.S., Rudell, D.R., Mazzola, M. 2017. Metabolic composition of apple rootstock rhizodeposits differs in a genotype-specific manner and affects growth of subsequent plantings. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 113:201-214.
Exploring the rhizosphere via metabolic profiling - (Abstract Only)
Leisso, R.S., Mazzola, M. 2017. Exploring the rhizosphere via metabolic profiling. HortScience. 52:S109.
Delayed response to cold stress is characterized by successive metabolic shifts culminating in apple fruit peel necrosis Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gapper, N.E., Hertog, M., Lee, J., Buchanan, D.A., Leisso, R.S., Giovannoni, J.J., Johnston, J.W., Shaffer, R.J., Micolai, B.M., Mattheis, J.P., Watkins, C.B., Rudell Jr, D.R. 2017. Delayed response to cold stress is characterized by successive metabolic shifts culminating in apple fruit peel necrosis. Biomed Central (BMC) Plant Biology. 17:77.
Controlled atmosphere storage, temperature conditioning, and antioxidant treatment alter postharvest 'Honeycrisp' metabolism - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leisso, R.S., Mattheis, J.P., Rudell, D.R. 2017. Controlled atmosphere storage, temperature conditioning, and antioxidant treatment alter postharvest 'Honeycrisp' metabolism. HortScience. 52(3):423–431. doi:10.21273/HORTSCI11436-16.
Apple replant disease and the –omics: interaction of apple rootstock metabolome and the soil microbiome - (Abstract Only)
Leisso, R.S., Mazzola, M. 2016. Apple replant disease and the –omics: interaction of apple rootstock metabolome and the soil microbiome. American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. 106:S4.160.
Chilling-related cell damage of apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) fruit cortical tissue impacts antioxidant, lipid, and phenolic metabolism - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leisso, R.S., Buchanan, D.A., Lee, J., Mattheis, J.P., Sater, C.A., Ines, H., Watkins, C.B., Gapper, N., Johnson, J.W., Schaffer, R.J., Hertog, M.L., Nicolai, B., Rudell Jr, D.R. 2014. Chilling-related cell damage of apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) fruit cortical tissue impacts antioxidant, lipid, and phenolic metabolism. Physiologia Plantarum. doi: 10.1111/ppl.12244.
A metabolic profile for ‘Honeycrisp’ apple soggy breakdown, a chilling induced physiological disorder - (Abstract Only)
Leisso, R.S., Hanrahan, I., Buchanan, D.A., Lee, J., Rudell Jr, D.R., Mattheis, J.P., Watkins, C. 2014. A metabolic profile for ‘Honeycrisp’ apple soggy breakdown, a chilling induced physiological disorder. Meeting Abstract. ISHS Postharvest Unlimited V Book of Abstracts, page 81.
Real time-based targeted Metabolomic approach as risk assessment tools for controlling superficial scald in ‘Granny Smith’ apples during storage - (Abstract Only)
Lee, J., Buchanan, D.A., Leisso, R.S., Mattheis, J.P., Gapper, N.E., Watkins, C.B., Giovannoni, J.J., Hertog, M.M., Nicolai, B.M., Johnston, J.W., Schaffer, R.J., Whitaker, B.D., Rudell Jr, D.R. 2014. Real time-based targeted Metabolomic approach as risk assessment tools for controlling superficial scald in ‘Granny Smith’ apples during storage. Meeting Abstract.
Interactions between 1-MCP and controlled atmospheres on quality and storage disorders of fruits and vegetable - (Proceedings)
Watkins, C.B., Gapper, N.E., Nock, J.F., Rudell Jr, D.R., Leisso, R.S., Lee, J., Buchanan, D.A., Mattheis, J.P., Johnston, J., Schaffer, R., Giovannoni, J.J., Hertog, M.L., Nicolai, B.M. 2014. Interactions between 1-MCP and controlled atmospheres on quality and storage disorders of fruits and vegetable. Acta Horticulturae. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1071.3.
Interactions between 1-MCP and controlled atmosphere storage on quality and storage disorders of fruits and vegetable. - (Abstract Only)
Watkins, C., Gapper, N., Nock, J., Rudell Jr, D.R., Leisso, R.S., Lee, J., Buchanan, D.A., Mattheis, J.P., Hertog, M., Nicolai, B. 2013. Interactions between 1-MCP and controlled atmosphere storage on quality and storage disorders of fruits and vegetable.. International Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference Proceedings. 101.
Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic profiling illustrates successive phases of increasing gene expression associated with chilling-related apple peel cell death - (Abstract Only)
Rudell Jr, D.R., Gapper, N.E., Hertog, M., Nicolai, B., Buchanan, D.A., Mattheis, J.P., Watkins, C.A., Lee, J., Leisso, R.S., Giovannoni, J.J., Johnston, J., Schaffer, R. 2013. Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic profiling illustrates successive phases of increasing gene expression associated with chilling-related apple peel cell death. Metabolomics. 51.
Metabolomics combined with standard quality measures of ‘Honeycrisp’ apple fruit reveals aspects of metabolism related to flavor, crispness, maturity, and storability - (Abstract Only)
Leisso, R.S., Buchanan, D.A., Countryman, K.J., Sater, C.A., Mattheis, J.P., Rudell Jr, D.R. 2013. Metabolomics combined with standard quality measures of ‘Honeycrisp’ apple fruit reveals aspects of metabolism related to flavor, crispness, maturity, and storability. HortScience. 110.
Assessing superficial scald risk in Granny Smith apples during controlled atmosphere storage using biomarker-based technology - (Abstract Only)
Gapper, N., Hertog, M., Nicolai, B., Watkins, C., Giovannoni, J.J., Mattheis, J.P., Lee, J., Leisso, R.S., Buchanan, D.A., Rudell Jr, D.R. 2013. Assessing superficial scald risk in Granny Smith apples during controlled atmosphere storage using biomarker-based technology. HortScience. 120.
Cell wall, cell membrane, and volatile metabolism are altered by antioxidant treatment, temperature shifts, and peel necrosis during apple fruit storage - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Leisso, R.S., Buchanan, D.A., Lee, J., Mattheis, J.P., Rudell Jr, D.R. 2013. Cell wall, cell membrane, and volatile metabolism are altered by antioxidant treatment, temperature shifts, and peel necrosis during apple fruit storage. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61:1373-1387.
Candidate biomarker discovery and selection for ‘Granny Smith' superficial scald risk management and diagnosis, poster board - (Abstract Only)
Gapper, N., Hertog, M., Nicolai, B., Watkins, C., Giovannoni, J.J., Mattheis, J.P., Lee, J., Leisso, R.S., Buchanan, D.A., Rudell Jr, D.R. 2012. Candidate biomarker discovery and selection for ‘Granny Smith' superficial scald risk management and diagnosis, poster board. American Society of Horticulture Science Meeting.
Establishing a diagnostic metabolic profile for soggy breakdown, a physiological disorder of stored ‘Honeycrisp’ apple fruit - (Abstract Only)
Leisso, R.S., Hanrahan, I., Buchanan, D.A., Lee, J., Mattheis, J.P., Rudell Jr, D.R. 2012. Establishing a diagnostic metabolic profile for soggy breakdown, a physiological disorder of stored ‘Honeycrisp’ apple fruit. Metabolomics.
Metabolic alterations in ‘Granny Smith’ apple associated with scald during cold storage and post-storage ripening - (Abstract Only)
Leisso, R.S., Lee, J., Buchanan, D.A., Mattheis, J.P., Rudell Jr, D.R. 2011. Metabolic alterations in ‘Granny Smith’ apple associated with scald during cold storage and post-storage ripening. Meeting Abstract. N/A.
Ripening, storage temperature, ethylene action, and oxidative stress alter apple peel phytosterol metabolism - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rudell Jr, D.R., Buchanan, D.A., Leisso, R.S., Whitaker, B.D., Mattheis, J.P., Zhu, Y., Varanasi, V. 2011. Ripening, storage temperature, ethylene action, and oxidative stress alter apple peel phytosterol metabolism. Phytochemistry. 72:1328-1340.