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Nutrient Intakes Arkansas All U.S.
Percentage of individuals meeting REI - Energy 19.7 29.8
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Calcium 20.2 27.1
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Folate 16.9 24.9
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Iron 61.9 65.7
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Magnesium 23.7 32
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Niacin 69.2 75.8
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Phosphorus 75 78.3
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Protein 76.3 80.1
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Riboflavin 74.4 78.2
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Selenium 80.6 85.2
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Thiamin 62.9 71.7
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Vitamin A IU 32.2 45.3
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Vitamin A RE 33.4 47.8
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Vitamin B6 55.3 64.7
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Vitamin B12 70 70.1
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Vitamin C 34.9 51.7
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Vitamin E 10.4 14.1
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Zinc 53.4 58
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Copper 58.9 69.3
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Fiber 9.3 9.6
Percentage of individuals meeting DRI - Carbohydrate 81.7 87
Percentage of individuals using supplements 41.1 45.7
Healthy Eating Patterns Arkansas All U.S.
Percentage of individuals meeting vegetable recommendation 39.7 49.7
Percentage of individuals meeting grain recommendation 42.4 43.7
Percentage of individuals meeting fruit recommendation 14.1 29.1
Percentage of individuals meeting meat recommendation 18.4 22.4
Percentage of individuals meeting dairy recommendation 35.5 36.6
Percentage of individuals with energy from total fat <= 30% 27.2 37
Percentage of individuals with energy from saturated fat < 10% 30.3 39.5
Percentage of individuals with cholesterol intake <= 300mg 72 71.2
Percentage of individuals with sodium intake <= 2,400mg 38.6 36.2
Physical Activity and
Body Weight Indicators
Arkansas All U.S.
Percentage of individuals who exercise at least once monthly 55.6 53.9
Percentage of individuals with healthy weight 52.8 53.5
Percentage of children overweight 16.9 16.1
Percentage of individuals overweight 43 42.6
Food Secure Indicators Arkansas All U.S.
Farmer's Markets listed in National Directory 28 3,162
Percentage of households receiving food stamps 1996 11.5 10.7
Percentage of households receiving food stamps 1997 11 9.5
Percentage of households receiving food stamps 1998 10.4 8.2
Percentage of households not experiencing hunger 1995 88 88.3
Percentage of households not experiencing hunger 1996 85.6 88.7
Percentage of households not experiencing hunger 1997 87.3 90.4
Percentage of households not experiencing hunger 1998 87.5 88.2
Percentage of households not experiencing hunger 1999 89.1 89.9
Demographics Arkansas All U.S.
Population, 2000 2,673,400 281,421,906
Percentage White persons, 2000 80 75.1
Percentage Black or African American persons, 2000 15.7 12.3
Percentage American Indian and Alaska Native persons, 2000 .7 .9
Percentage Asian persons, 2000 .8 3.6
Percentage Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 2000 .1 .1
Persons reporting some other race, percent, 2000 1.5 5.5
Percentage reporting more than one race, 2000 1.3 2.4
Percentage under 18 years old, 2000 25.4 25.7
Percentage 65 years old or over 14 12.4
Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, percent, 2000 (b) 3.2 12.5
High school graduates, persons 25 years and over, 1990 992,669 119,524,718
College graduates, persons 25 years and over, 1990 199,304 32,310,253
Median household money income, 1997 $ 27,875 $ 37,005
Percentage of households below poverty, 1997 17.5 13.3
Percentage of children below poverty, 1997 25 19.9


CNMap is a collection of food and nutrition indicators obtained from a variety of sources. Information on nutrient intakes, healthy eating patterns, physical activity and
Body weight come from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) 1994-96, 1998. The percentages of individuals meeting the Dietary Reference Intakes1 (DRI) are based on day-1 nutrient intakes from the CSFII and DRI values established during the period from the mid 1990's to 2002. Pyramid Servings groups (fruit, grain, vegetable, dairy, and meat) estimates are for individuals 2 years old and over who meet the minimum daily servings recommendations.

All weight estimates are based on body mass index (BMI) values computed from self-reported height and weight obtained from CSFII participants. Individuals over 20 years old with BMI values of 25 and over are in the overweight and unhealthy weight categories; those with BMI values of less than 19 are in the unhealthy weight class. Individuals 20 years old and under with BMI values of 24.5 and over are in the overweight and unhealthy weight categories; those with BMI values of less than 13.5 are in the unhealthy weight class.

Not all states were covered in the CSFII. The Community Nutrition Research Group has assigned these states the values of the estimates for theregion(Northeast, South, Midwest, and West) in which they reside.

Information onFarmers Marketswas obtained from the Agricultural Marketing Service web site. Food Stamp participation rate is a combination of information from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service food stampparticipation totalsand the Bureau of the Census household totals.

Hunger information comes from theFood Security Supplementof the Current Population Survey conducted by the Bureau of the Census for the USDA Economic Research Service.

Demographic information was obtained from the Bureau of the CensusQuickfactsweb site.Income and povertyvalues are model-based estimates created by the Bureau of the Census.

1 The Dietary Reference Intakes used to determine percentages are based on recommended dietary allowances (RDA) or adequate intakes (AI).

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