Research Physical Scientist
Contact Information
Phone: +1 270-781-2260 ext. 246
Areas of Expertise
Analytical and atmospheric chemistry
Aerosol science and particulate matter
Air quality measurements
Livestock emissions
BS: Chemistry, 1995, Loyola Marymount University
MS: Analytical Chemistry, 1996, University of California, Riverside
PhD: Chemistry, 2000, University of California, Riverside
Postdoc: Environmental Chemistry, 2000-2002, Boston College and Aerodyne Research, Inc.
Dr. Phil Silva is a Research Physical Scientist of the USDA-ARS Food Animal Environmental Systems Research Unit (FAESRU) in Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA. Dr. Silva specializes in agricultural air emissions and fate. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Loyola Marymount University and Master’s and PhD degrees from the University of California Riverside. He completed postdoctoral training under a joint Dreyfus fellowship program at Boston College and Aerodyne Research, Inc. The overall goal of Dr. Silva’s research program is studying the air emissions and fate from livestock including mitigation strategy impacts on emissions. There is a focus on direct air emissions but also on secondary impacts in air due to atmospheric reactions converting the initial emissions into other gases and/or particulate matter. This area of research encompasses several research directions. Specific areas of research include: 1) development and modification of analytical methods to measure emissions of interest, 2) air emission studies from livestock operations, 3) ambient air quality measurements in airsheds impacted by agricultural emissions, 4) fundamental laboratory studies of atmospheric chemistry of agricultural emissions in environmental chamber experiments, and 5) studies of mitigation strategies and their impacts on emissions.
- (Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
- Pilot-scale H2S and swine odor removal system using commercially available biochar-(Database / Dataset)
- Microbiome diversity of anaerobic digesters is enhanced by microaeration and low frequency sound
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Loughrin, J.H., Parekh, R.R., Agga, G.E., Silva, P.J., Sistani, K.R. 2023. Microbiome diversity of anaerobic digesters is enhanced by microaeration and low frequency sound. Microorganisms. 11(9), Article 2349. - Modifications to the ambient ion monitor method for use in agricultural environments-(Abstract Only)
- Characterization of particle size distributions and water-soluble ions in particulate matter measured at a broiler farm
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Silva, P.J., Cress, T., Drover, R., Michael, C., Docekal, G., Larkin, P., Godoy, A., Cavero, D., Sin, C., Waites, J., Mahmood, R., Cohron, M., Purvis-Roberts, K. 2023. Characterization of particle size distributions and water-soluble ions in particulate matter measured at a broiler farm. Agriculture. 13(7). Article 1284. - Investigations into agricultural influences on nitrogen and sulfur in the atmosphere-(Abstract Only)
- Acoustic stimulation of anaerobic digestion: Effects on biogas production and wastewater malodors
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Loughrin, J.H., Silva, P.J., Lovanh, N.C., Sistani, K.R. 2022. Acoustic stimulation of anaerobic digestion: Effects on biogas production and wastewater malodors. Environments. 9(8). Article 102. - Nitrogen and sulfur compounds from animal agriculture and their potential interactions for aerosol forming reactions-(Abstract Only)
- Tetracycline- and macrolide-resistant Enterococcus species isolated from a mink farm in the United States
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Agga, G.E., Silva, P.J., Martin, R.S. 2022. Tetracycline- and macrolide-resistant Enterococcus species isolated from a mink farm in the United States. Microbial Drug Resistance. 28(6):734-743. - Pilot-scale H2S and swine odor removal system using commercially available biochar
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ro, K.S., Woodbury, B.L., Spiehs, M.J., Szogi, A.A., Silva, P.J., Hwang, O., Cho, S. 2021. Pilot-scale H2S and swine odor removal system using commercially available biochar. Agronomy [MDPI]. 11(8). Article 1611. - Prevalence, serotypes, and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella from mink feces and feed in the United States
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Agga, G.E., Silva, P.J., Martin, R.S. 2021. Prevalence, serotypes, and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella from mink feces and feed in the United States. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 19(1):45-55. - Coupled air quality and boundary-layer meteorology in Western U.S. basins during winter: Design and rationale for a comprehensive study
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hallar, G.A., Brown, S., Crosman, E., Barsanti, K., Cappa, C., Faloona, I., Fast, J., Holmes, H., Horel, J., Lin, J., Middlebrook, A., Mitchell, L., Murphy, J., Womack, C.C., Aneja, V., Baasandorj, M., Bahreini, R., Banta, R., Bray, C., Brewer, A., Caulton, D., de Gouw, J., De Wekker, S., Farmer, D.K., Gaston, C.J., Hoch, S., Hopkins, F., Karle, N., Kelly, J., Kelly, K., Lareau, N., Lu, K., Mauldin III, R.L., Mallia, D., Martin, R., Mendoza, D., Oldroyd, H., Pichugina, Y., Pratt, K.A., Saide, P., Silva, P.J., Simpson, W., Stephens, B., Stutz, J., Sullivan, A. 2021. Coupled air quality and boundary-layer meteorology in Western U.S. basins during winter: Design and rationale for a comprehensive study. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. E2012-E2033. - Methanesulfonic acid and sulfuric acid aerosol formed through oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds in a humid environment
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Van Rooy, P., Drover, R., Cress, T., Michael, C., Purvis-Roberts, K., Silva, P.J., Nee, M., Cocker, D. 2021. Methanesulfonic acid and sulfuric acid aerosol formed through oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds in a humid environment. Atmospheric Environment. 261. Article 118504. - Detection of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing and carbapenem-resistant bacteria from mink feces and feed in the United States
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Agga, G.E., Silva, P.J., Martin, R.S. 2021. Detection of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing and carbapenem-resistant bacteria from mink feces and feed in the United States. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 18(7): 497-505. - A model-based exploratory study of sulfur dioxide dispersions from concentrated animal feeding operations in the Southeastern United States
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Winchester, J., Mahmood, R., Rodgers, W., Silva, P.J., Lovanh, N.C., Durkee, J., Loughrin, J.H. 2021. A model-based exploratory study of sulfur dioxide dispersions from concentrated animal feeding operations in the Southeastern United States. Physical Geography. - Characterization of secondary products formed through oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Van Rooy, P., Purvis-Roberts, K.L., Silva, P.J., Nee, M.J., Cocker III, D.R. 2021. Characterization of secondary products formed through oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds. Atmospheric Environment. 256. Article 118148. - Third-generation cephalosporin- and tetracycline-resistant escherichia coli and antimicrobial resistance genes from metagenomes of mink feces and feed
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Agga, G.E., Silva, P.J., Martin, R.S. 2020. Third-generation cephalosporin- and tetracycline-resistant escherichia coli and antimicrobial resistance genes from metagenomes of mink feces and feed. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 18(3):169-178. - Ammonia and amine contributions to the atmosphere from animal production-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J. 2019. Ammonia and amine contributions to the atmosphere from animal production. Meeting Abstract. Paper No. 23. - Aerosol precursors from agricultural emissions-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J. 2019. Aerosol precursors from agricultural emissions. American Association for Aerosol Research. Paper No. 13AC.4. - Oxidation of reduced sulfurs and amines: Characterization and mechanism development-(Abstract Only)
Van Rooy, P., Purvis-Roberts, K., Silva, P.J., Cocker Iii, D. 2019. Oxidation of reduced sulfurs and amines: Characterization and mechanism development. American Association for Aerosol Research. Paper No. 12AC.4. - Ammonia, amine, and reduced sulfur concentrations in and around confined animal feeding operations-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J. 2019. Ammonia, amine, and reduced sulfur concentrations in and around confined animal feeding operations. Air and Waste Management Annual Conference Proceedings. Paper No. 576300. - Detection of amines in air with ion chromatography and thermal desorption gas chromatography-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J. 2019. Detection of amines in air with ion chromatography and thermal desorption gas chromatography. American Chemical Society National Meeting. Paper No. ANYL220. - Use of a reduced sulfur gas chromatograph with custom-made permeation tube for analysis of sulfur compounds from a poultry farm-(Abstract Only)
Toms, S., Wilkin, A.L., Silva, P.J. 2018. Use of a reduced sulfur gas chromatograph with custom-made permeation tube for analysis of sulfur compounds from a poultry farm. Kentucky Academy of Sciences Symposium. Paper No. 129. - Efficacy of different biochars in removing odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from swine manure
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hwang, O., Lee, S.R., Cho, S.B., Ro, K.S., Spiehs, M.J., Woodbury, B.L., Silva, P.J., Han, D.W., Choi, H.C., Kim, K.Y., Jung, M. 2018. Efficacy of different biochars in removing odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from swine manure. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. - Formation and growth of aerosol from agricultural emissions-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J. 2018. Formation and growth of aerosol from agricultural emissions. American Association for Aerosol Research. Paper No. 1. - Hydroxyl and nitrate radical oxidation of agricultural reduced sulfur compounds in the presence of amines-(Abstract Only)
Van Rooy, P., Purvis-Roberts, K., Silva, P.J., Crocker Iii, D.R. 2018. Hydroxyl and nitrate radical oxidation of agricultural reduced sulfur compounds in the presence of amines. American Association for Aerosol Research. Paper No. 5. - 2017 Utah winter fine particulate study final report-(Other)
Baasandorj, M., Brown, S., Hoch, S., Crosman, E., Long, R., Silva, P.J., Mitchell, L., Hammond, I., Martin, R., Bares, R., Lin, J., Sohl, J., Page, J., Mckeen, S., Pennell, C., Franchin, A., Middlebrook, A., Petersen, R., Hallar, G., Fibiger, D., Womack, C., Mcduffie, E., Moravek, A., Murphy, J., Hrdina, A., Thornton, J., Goldberger, L., Lee, B., Goldberger, T., Whitehill, A., Kelly, K., Hansen, J., Eatough, D. 2018. 2017 Utah winter fine particulate study final report. Utah Division of Air Quality Report. 1-179. - Sampling agriculture air quality influences in Northern Utah during a wintertime inversion-(Proceedings)
Silva, P.J. 2018. Sampling agriculture air quality influences in Northern Utah during a wintertime inversion. Air and Waste Management Annual Conference Proceedings. Paper No. 410945. - Laboratory evaluation of species-dependent relative ionization efficiencies in the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Xu, W., Lambe, A., Silva, P.J., Hu, W., Onash, T., Williams, L., Croteau, P., Zhang, X., Renbaum-Wolff, L., Fortner, E., Jimenez, J.L., Jayne, J.T., Worsnop, D., Canagaratna, M. 2018. Laboratory evaluation of species-dependent relative ionization efficiencies in the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer. Aerosol Science and Technology. 52(6):626-641. - Modeling the potential for sulfur compounds from agricultural waste to impact aerosol formation-(Abstract Only)
Nee, M., Berlanga, J., Silva, P.J., Van Rooy, P., Cocker Iii, D.R., Purvis-Roberts, K. 2018. Modeling the potential for sulfur compounds from agricultural waste to impact aerosol formation. American Chemical Society Abstracts. Paper No. AGFD7. - Ambient ammonia and related amines in and around a mink production facility-(Abstract Only)
- Agricultural influences on Cache Valley, Utah air quality during a wintertime inversion episode-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J. 2017. Agricultural influences on Cache Valley, Utah air quality during a wintertime inversion episode. American Geophysical Union. Paper No. A53H-05. - Characterizing temporal changes of agricultural particulate matter number concentrations-(Abstract Only)
Larkin, G.P., Dokecal, G.P., Silva, P.J., Mahmood, R. 2017. Characterizing temporal changes of agricultural particulate matter number concentrations. American Geophysical Union. Paper No. A53A-2197. - Wintertime ambient ammonia concentrations in Northern Utah’s urban valleys-(Abstract Only)
Hammond, I., Martin, R.S., Silva, P.J., Baasandorj, M. 2017. Wintertime ambient ammonia concentrations in Northern Utah’s urban valleys. American Geophysical Union. Paper No. A53B-1444. - Particles, particles everywhere: What is in the air we breathe?-(Abstract Only)
Purvis-Roberts, K., Cocker, D.R., Silva, P.J. 2017. Particles, particles everywhere: What is in the air we breathe?. Meeting Abstract. Paper No. 8. - Evaluation of a single-stage carbon oxidation-nitrification process for treating high TAN effluent from anaerobic digestion of poultry rendering wastewater-(Abstract Only)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Cook, K.L., Silva, P.J., Sistani, K.R. 2017. Evaluation of a single-stage carbon oxidation-nitrification process for treating high TAN effluent from anaerobic digestion of poultry rendering wastewater. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Paper No. 1327. - Understanding chemistry behind secondary aerosol production from nitrogen and sulfur compounds from agriculture-(Proceedings)
Silva, P.J., Van Rooy, P., Purvis-Roberts, K., Nee, M., Cocker Iii, D.R. 2017. Understanding chemistry behind secondary aerosol production from nitrogen and sulfur compounds from agriculture. Air and Waste Management Annual Conference Proceedings. Paper No. 264152. - Effects of temperature on the formation of secondary organic aerosol from amine precursors-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Price, D.J., Kacarab, M.E., Cocker, D.R., Purvis-Roberts, K.L., Silva, P.J. 2016. Effects of temperature on the formation of secondary organic aerosol from amine precursors. Atmospheric Environment. 50(11):1216-1226. doi:10.1080/02786826.2016.1236182. - Uptake of organic sulfur and nitrogen compounds by aerosols-(Abstract Only)
Berlanga, J., Van Rooy, P., Purvis-Roberts, K., Cocker, D.R., Silva, P.J., Nee, M. 2016. Uptake of organic sulfur and nitrogen compounds by aerosols. Meeting Abstract. 2. - Trends and the effect of management on macronutrients in fractionated particulate matter in rooster house-(Abstract Only)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Silva, P.J. 2016. Trends and the effect of management on macronutrients in fractionated particulate matter in rooster house. American Association for Aerosol Research. Paper No. 8.CA.27. - Particle size distributions in and exhausted from a poultry house-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J., Lovanh, N.C. 2016. Particle size distributions in and exhausted from a poultry house. American Association for Aerosol Research. 574. - Investigating secondary aerosol formation from agricultural amines and reduced sulfur compounds-(Abstract Only)
Van Rooy, P., Cocker, D.R., Purvis-Roberts, K., Silva, P.J. 2016. Investigating secondary aerosol formation from agricultural amines and reduced sulfur compounds. American Association for Aerosol Research. 592. - Particle size distributions in and around a poultry house before, during, and after flock cleanout-(Proceedings)
Silva, P.J., Lovanh, N.C. 2016. Particle size distributions in and around a poultry house before, during, and after flock cleanout. Air and Waste Management Annual Conference Proceedings. 1-5. - Methane generation during swine manure windrows: a case study-(Proceedings)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Cook, K.L., Silva, P.J., Sistani, K.R. 2016. Methane generation during swine manure windrows: a case study. Florida Section - Air and Waste Management Association Annual Conference. 1121. - The effect of aged litter materials on polyatomic ion concentrations in fractionated suspended particulate matter from broiler house-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Silva, P.J. 2016. The effect of aged litter materials on polyatomic ion concentrations in fractionated suspended particulate matter from broiler house. Journal of Air and Waste Management Association. 66(7):707-714. - Inorganic PM in poultry house using rice hull bedding-(Abstract Only)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Silva, P.J. 2015. Inorganic PM in poultry house using rice hull bedding. American Association for Aerosol Research. 434. - ARS NP212 Climate change, soils and emissions program update-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J., Sistani, K.R., Delgado, J.A., Walthall, C.L., Del Grosso, S.J. 2015. ARS NP212 Climate change, soils and emissions program update. Meeting Abstract. Abstract. - Ammonium and inorganic species in fractionated suspended particulate matters from broiler house with rice hull beddings-(Proceedings)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Silva, P.J. 2015. Ammonium and inorganic species in fractionated suspended particulate matters from broiler house with rice hull beddings. Air and Waste Management Annual Conference Proceedings. Manuscript # 305. - Sulfur compound concentrations at swine and poultry facilities-(Proceedings)
Silva, P.J., Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H. 2015. Sulfur compound concentrations at swine and poultry facilities. Air and Waste Management Annual Conference Proceedings. 171:1-5. - Secondary aerosol production from agricultural gas precursors-(Proceedings)
Silva, P.J., Cocker, D.R., Purvis-Roberts, K. 2015. Secondary aerosol production from agricultural gas precursors. Air and Waste Management Annual Conference Proceedings. 170:1-5. - The effectiveness of flocculants on inorganic and metallic species removal during aerobic digestion of wastewater from poultry processing plant-(Abstract Only)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Cook, K.L., Sistani, K.R., Silva, P.J. 2015. The effectiveness of flocculants on inorganic and metallic species removal during aerobic digestion of wastewater from poultry processing plant. American Chemical Society Annual Meeting Symposium Proceedings. Paper #152123798. - The effectiveness of flocculants on inorganic and metallic species removal during aerobic digestion of wastewater from poultry processing plant-(Abstract Only)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Cook, K.L., Sistani, K.R., Silva, P.J. 2015. The effectiveness of flocculants on inorganic and metallic species removal during aerobic digestion of wastewater from poultry processing plant. American Chemical Society National Meeting. Abstract. - On-line measurements of emissions and atmospheric fate of compounds from agricultural waste management-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J., Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H. 2014. On-line measurements of emissions and atmospheric fate of compounds from agricultural waste management. American Chemical Society SE/SW Regional Meeting. Abstract. - Online air analysis of reduced sulfur compounds at a swine facility-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J. 2014. Online air analysis of reduced sulfur compounds at a swine facility. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract. - Proposed chemical mechanisms leading to secondary organic aerosol in the reactions of aliphatic amines with hydroxyl and nitrate radicals-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Price, D.J., Clark, C., Tang, X., Cocker, D.R., Purvis-Roberts, K.L., Silva, P.J. 2014. Proposed chemical mechanisms leading to secondary organic aerosol in the reactions of aliphatic amines with hydroxyl and nitrate radicals. Atmospheric Environment. 96:135-144. - Effect of windrow management on ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from swine manure composting-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Cook, K.L., Silva, P.J., Oh, B. 2014. Effect of windrow management on ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from swine manure composting. International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. 8(6):369-373. - Effect of windrow management on ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from swine manure composting-(Proceedings)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Cook, K.L., Silva, P.J., Oh, B. 2014. Effect of windrow management on ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from swine manure composting. CAEE 2014 : International Conference on Agricultural and Environmental Engineering. 65-69. - Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity of aliphatic amine secondary aerosol
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tang, X., Price, D.J., Praske, E., Vu, D., Purvis-Roberts, K., Silva, P.J., Cocker, D.R., Asa-Awuku, A. 2014. Cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity of aliphatic amine secondary aerosol. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 14:5959–5967. - Measurement of gas and aerosol agricultural emissions-(Proceedings)
Silva, P.J. 2014. Measurement of gas and aerosol agricultural emissions. Air and Waste Management Annual Conference Proceedings. (ACE 2014) Held 24-27 June 2014, Long Beach, California, USA. Manuscript #33537, 7 pages.. - Measurement of gas and particulate amines at a dairy operation-(Proceedings)
Silva, P.J. 2013. Measurement of gas and particulate amines at a dairy operation. Air and Waste Management Annual Conference Proceedings. Article #13506:1-5. - NO3 radical, OH radical, and O3-initiated secondary aerosol formation from aliphatic amines
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tang, X., Price, D., Praske, E.J., Lee, S., Shattuck, M.A., Purvis-Roberts, K., Silva, P.J., Asa-Awuku, A., Cocker Iii, D.R. 2013. NO3 radical, OH radical, and O3-initiated secondary aerosol formation from aliphatic amines. Atmospheric Environment. 72:105-112. - Measurement of gas and particulate amines at agricultural facilities using an ambient ion monitor-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J. 2012. Measurement of gas and particulate amines at agricultural facilities using an ambient ion monitor. American Association for Aerosol Research. Abstract. - Ammonia and nitrous oxide emission profile in an enclosed high-rise swine barn during winter months.-(Abstract Only)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Silva, P.J. 2012. Ammonia and nitrous oxide emission profile in an enclosed high-rise swine barn during winter months.. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract. - Adaptation of an ambient ion monitor for detection of amines in gas and particulate agricultural emissions-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J. 2012. Adaptation of an ambient ion monitor for detection of amines in gas and particulate agricultural emissions. American Chemical Society National Meeting. Abstract. - Atmospheric reactivity studies of aliphatic amines-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J., Cocker, D.R., Purvis-Roberts, K., Price, D., Tang, X., Malloy, Q., Erupe, M., Brown, R.S. 2012. Atmospheric reactivity studies of aliphatic amines. American Chemical Society. Abstract. - Ammonia emission from swine manure windrows: a case study of biomass reduction vs. potential nutrient loss-(Abstract Only)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Cook, K.L., Silva, P.J., Ritchey, E. 2012. Ammonia emission from swine manure windrows: a case study of biomass reduction vs. potential nutrient loss. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Abstract Only. - Formation of alkylaminium salts in particulate matter.-(Abstract Only)
Praske, E., Lee, S., Tang, X., Cocker, D., Silva, P.J., Purvis-Roberts, K. 2012. Formation of alkylaminium salts in particulate matter.. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Proceedings. Abstract Only. - Formation of alkylaminium salts in particulate matter-(Abstract Only)
Lee, S., Praske, E., Purvis-Roberts, K.L., Tang, X., Cocker, D.R., Silva, P.J., Brown, R.S. 2012. Formation of alkylaminium salts in particulate matter. American Chemical Society National Meeting. Abstract. - Reaction mechanisms of secondary and tertiary amines with OH and NO3 radicals-(Abstract Only)
Price, D.J., Tang, X., Silva, P.J., Purvis-Roberts, K.L., Cocker, D.R. 2012. Reaction mechanisms of secondary and tertiary amines with OH and NO3 radicals. American Chemical Society National Meeting. Abstract Only. - Secondary organic aerosol formation of primary, secondary and tertiary Amines-(Abstract Only)
Tang, E., Nakao, S., Clark, C.H., Silva, P.J., Brown, R.S., Purvis-Roberts, K., Asa-Akua, A., Cocker, D. 2011. Secondary organic aerosol formation of primary, secondary and tertiary Amines. American Association for Aerosol Research. Abstract. - Concentration of Methylamine and Ethylamine Salts measured by a particle into liquid sampler and Ion Chromatography-(Abstract Only)
Praske, E., Shattuck, M., Purvis-Roberts, K., Silva, P.J., Tang, X., Cocker, D.R. 2011. Concentration of Methylamine and Ethylamine Salts measured by a particle into liquid sampler and Ion Chromatography. American Chemical Society National Meeting. Abstract Only. - Adaptation of an Ambient Ion Monitor for Detection of Amines in Airborne Particles-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J., Lovanh, N.C. 2011. Adaptation of an Ambient Ion Monitor for Detection of Amines in Airborne Particles. Proceedings of Pittcon Meeting. Abstract only. - Adaptation of an Ambient Ion Monitor for Detection of Organic Ions in Particulate Matter-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J. 2010. Adaptation of an Ambient Ion Monitor for Detection of Organic Ions in Particulate Matter. American Association for Aerosol Research. Abstract Only. - Real-time Detection of Particulate Chemical Composition Near Agricultural Facilities Using Mass Spectrometry-(Abstract Only)
Silva, P.J., Price, D.J., Moore, K., Erupe, M.E. 2010. Real-time Detection of Particulate Chemical Composition Near Agricultural Facilities Using Mass Spectrometry. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. Abstract only. - Particulate Emissions from Fall Tillage Operations as Determined via Inverse Modeling and Lidar Mass Balance Techniques-(Abstract Only)
Moore, K., Wojcik, M., Martin, R., Marchant, C., Jones, D., Hatfield, J.L., Pfeiffer, R.L., Prueger, J.H., Bradford, W., Ahlstrom, D., Jones, T., Silva, P.J., Wilkerson, T., Bingham, G. 2010. Particulate Emissions from Fall Tillage Operations as Determined via Inverse Modeling and Lidar Mass Balance Techniques [abstract]. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting. Paper No. 1009283. - Effect of Feeding Schedule on Fractionated Particulate Matter Distribution in Rooster House-(Proceedings)
Lovanh, N.C., Loughrin, J.H., Silva, P.J. 2010. Effect of Feeding Schedule on Fractionated Particulate Matter Distribution in Rooster House. International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture. 711:0510cd. - Determination of Methylamines and Trimethylamine-N-oxide in particulate matter by non-suppressed ion chromatography-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Erupe, M.E., Liberman-Martin, A., Silva, P.J., Malloy, Q.G., Yonis, Y., Cocker, III, D.R., Purvis-Roberts, K. 2010. Determination of Methylamines and Trimethylamine-N-oxide in particulate matter by non-suppressed ion chromatography. Journal of Chromatography. 1217(13):2070-2073. - Evaluation of Secondary Aerosol Formation from Primary Amines and Implications to Selective Catalytic Reduction-(Proceedings)
Malloy, Q.G., Qi, L., Warren, B., Cocker, Iii, D.R., Erupe, M.E., Silva, P.J. 2010. Evaluation of Secondary Aerosol Formation from Primary Amines and Implications to Selective Catalytic Reduction. Transportation Research Board. - Measurement of Particulate Matter During Dairy Operations in California-(Abstract Only)
Price, D.J., Brown, R.S., Silva, P.J. 2009. Measurement of Particulate Matter During Dairy Operations in California. American Association for Aerosol Research. - An Ion Chromatographic Method to Determine Methylamines and Amine-N-Oxides in Particulate Matter-(Abstract Only)
Erupe, M.E., Liberman-Martin, A., Silva, P.J., Purvis-Roberts, K., Malloy, Q.G., Cocker, Iii, D.R. 2009. An Ion Chromatographic Method to Determine Methylamines and Amine-N-Oxides in Particulate Matter. American Association for Aerosol Research.
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Developing Agronomically and Environmentally Beneficial Management Practices to Increase the Sustainability and Safety of Animal Manure Utilization In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:441096
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