Research Food Technologist
Ryan Ardoin is a Food Sensory Scientist for the Food Processing and Sensory Quality Research Unit at the Southern Regional Research Center in New Orleans, LA, which houses a twelve-booth sensory laboratory and food processing pilot plant and maintains a trained descriptive sensory panel. Ryan earned a Ph.D. in Nutrition and Food Sciences from Louisiana State University before joining the ARS. His research interests are psychometrics and sensory evaluation methods, novel food product development, and application of statistical methods to human perceptual data. He is currently working on national projects Aquaculture (NP 106) and Product Quality and New Uses (NP 306) to enhance the quality of U.S. farm raised catfish, improve fish evaluation methods, and reduce processing waste. Dr. Ardoin also uses his expertise to evaluate health-promoting rice varieties and improve processing and end-use quality of U.S. grown rice.
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-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ardoin, R., Chaffee, O., Lea, J., Sookraj, A., Boue, S., Smith, B., Dupre, R., Olson, D. W., Broussard, W., Priddy, D., Ricemilks made from pigmented and aromatic rice varieties: Sensory analysis and physiochemical properties. Journal of Food Science. 89(12):8770-8783.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Paladugula, M., Smith, B., Ardoin, R.P., Morris, C.F., Kiszonas, A. 2024. Effects of pea flour substitution and sodium metabisulfite on physical and sensory properties of pancake formulations. Cereal Chemistry. 101(4):858-870.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gao, Y., Chonpracha, P., Li, B., Ardoin, R.P., Prinyawiwatkul, W. 2024. The impact of information presentation on consumer perceptions of cricket-containing chocolate chip cookies. Foods. 13(3),479.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ardoin, R.P., Smith, B., Lea, J.M., Boue, S.M., Smolensky, D., Santana, A.L., Peterson, J.M. 2023. Consumer perceptions and antioxidant profiling of acidified cold-brewed sorghum bran beverages. Journal of Food Science. 88(6):2301-2312.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Murillo, S. Ardoin, R., & Prinyawiwatkul, W. 2023. Consumers’ acceptance, emotions, and responsiveness to informational cues for air-fried catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) skin chips. Foods. 12(7), 1536.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Murillo, S., Ardoin, R., Prinyawiwatkul, W. 2023. Factors influencing consumers’ willingness-to-try seafood byproducts. Foods. 12(6), 1313.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dupre, R. A., Ardoin, R., Trushenski, J., Jackson, C., Grimm, C., Smith, B. 2023. Dietary uptake of geosmin in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture. 571, 739458.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ardoin, R., Smith, B., Bean, S., Aramouni, F. 2023. Optimization of tannin containing sorghum bran addition to gluten-free bread. Journal of Food Science. 88(3):952-961.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bland, J.M., Ardoin, R.P., Li, C.H., Bechtel, P.J. 2022. Instrumental texture differentiation of Channel (Ictalurus punctatus) and Hybrid (Channel x Blue, Ictalurus furcatus) catfish fillets. Foods. 11(13),1875.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Murillo, S., Ardoin, R.P., Watts, E., Prinyawiwatkul, W. 2022. Effects of catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) bone powder on consumers’ liking, emotions, and purchase intent of fried catfish strips. Foods. 11(4),540.
Improving Product Quality in Farm-Raised Catfish In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:438089 Improving Evaluation of Catfish Quality and Reducing Fish Waste In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:438321 Nutritional Benefits of Health-Promoting Rice and Value-Added Foods In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:438610 Biochemical Approach to Protein Processing, Texturization and Nutritionally Beneficial Plant-based Foods In-House Appropriated (D) Accession Number:442426 Experimental Models to Accelerate Innovation in Preventing/Correcting Off-flavors in Farmed Trout and Salmon Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement (R) Accession Number:446075