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Research Project: Improved Biologically-Based Methods for Insect Pest Management of Crop Insect Pests

Location: Insect Behavior and Biocontrol Research

Title: Acoustic detection of hidden invasive pests: progress on development of inexpensive, user-friendly detection systems

item Mankin, Richard
item ROHDE BARUKH - University Of Florida

Submitted to: Meeting Proceedings
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/10/2020
Publication Date: N/A
Citation: N/A

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Early, rapid detection methods are important to amplify the effectiveness of management programs against invasive species attacking food crops, ornamental crops, and forests. Hidden infestations of pest insects in stored products, trees, and soil are particularly difficult to detect. Red palm weevils, for example, spend most of their lives inside the trunks or crowns of palm trees and typically cause extensive harm to trees before they are discovered; consequently, infested trees often are transported to uninfested areas. Acoustic detection is a useful method for early detection of red palm weevil infestations and has also been applied against stored product and soil dwelling insect pests. The cost and user-friendliness of acoustic insect detection systems has limited its usage, but new detection systems and interfaces are being developed. Here we present an overview of some of new systems under development that may come into more general use for early detection of invasive insects over the next decade.