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Research Project: Management of Pathogens for Strawberry and Vegetable Production Systems

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Title: Downy mildew detection, epidemiology, and biopesticide evaluation

item Klosterman, Steven

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Other
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/13/2021
Publication Date: 10/13/2021
Citation: Klosterman, S.J. 2021. Downy mildew detection, epidemiology, and biopesticide evaluation. California Leafy Greens Research Program Mid-Year Meeting, October 13, 2021 (virtual).

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Downy mildew diseases of lettuce and spinach are caused by the oomycete pathogens Bremia lactucae and Peronospora effusa. Methods to improve airborne detection of these pathogens are important for these lettuce and spinach industries to increase the value of disease predictive models. New methods to control these diseases without reliance on conventional pesticide usage is also important, particularly for organic spinach in which conventional pesticides cannot be used. In this research we compared two different types of spore traps for the airborne collection of the spores of these pathogens, revealing that cyclone-type spore traps significantly outperforms the impaction type spore traps in sensitivity of pathogen detection over time. Biopesticide evaluations of two different biopesticide products tested for control of spinach downy mildew revealed that while the two biopesticides under evaluation reduced downy mildew incidence, the differences in these trials were not statistically significant. Increased sample numbers will be examined in future biopesticide testing.