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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Stuttgart, Arkansas » Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #342936

Title: Research perspectives overview at DBNRRC to maintain sustainable food security

item McClung, Anna

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 6/19/2017
Publication Date: 6/21/2017
Citation: Barnaby, J.Y., Mcclung, A.M. 2017. Research perspectives overview at DBNRRC to maintain sustainable food security. Meeting Abstract. 6th RAVL Partnership Workshop and 1st Meeting for Korea-American ARS Scientists. Beltsville, MD, June19-22, 2017. Page 15.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The research issues that the Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center (DBNRRC) is addressing for the rice industry and research community are 1) changing rice production practices, 2) diminishing irrigation resources, 3) loss of export markets due to poor quality, 4) emerging high value specialty markets, and 5) more efficient breeding using new technologies. The DBNRRC is composed of 10 scientists, and is characterizing, developing, and utilizing genetic resources of rice at the aspects of 1) increasing production (i.e., tolerance to extreme high temperature, saline irrigation, seedling cold stress, early tiller production, and organic rice production), 2) improving quality (i.e. antioxidant compounds, high resistant starch, grain chalk, nutritional quality, and arsenic uptake, and 3) sustaining the environment (i.e. high yield under reduced irrigation use, reduced reliance on fungicides and herbicides, and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions). Dr. Barnaby’s long term research plan at DBNRRC will be presented. Her research goal is to develop an integrated multi-omics platform to optimize genetic selection for producing cultivars with high grain quality and/or enhanced tolerance to stresses due to changes in the environment. We face new and unprecedented challenges that require new approaches to quantify the distribution, impacts, and management of crop stress. A multi- and trans-disciplinary approach would considerably shorten the time required for selecting the stress tolerant elite lines. Also her current research activity on characterizing genetic resources that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and understanding the mechanisms of rice-soil-microorganism interactions that produce methane will be discussed.