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Research Project: Identification of the Ecological Niches and Development of Intervention Strategies to Reduce Pathogenic Foodborne Pathogens in Poultry

Location: Food and Feed Safety Research

Title: A review of bacterial interactions with blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) of medical, veterinary, and forensic importance

item TOMBERLIN, JEFFERY - Texas A&M University
item Crippen, Tawni - Tc
item TARONE, AARON - Texas A&M University
item Chaudhury, Muhammad
item SINGH, BANESHWAR - Virginia Commonwealth University
item CAMMACK, JONATHAN - Texas A&M University
item MEISEL, RICHARD - University Of Houston

Submitted to: Annals of the Entomological Society of America
Publication Type: Review Article
Publication Acceptance Date: 10/27/2016
Publication Date: 1/12/2017
Citation: Tomberlin, J.K., Crippen, T.L., Tarone, A.M., Chaudhury, M.F., Singh, B., Cammack, J.A., Meisel, R. 2017. A review of bacterial interactions with blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) of medical, veterinary, and forensic importance. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 110(1):19-36.

Interpretive Summary: This is a review of the influence bacteria have on the physiology, development, nutrition, and behavior, such as attraction, of the blow fly. Blow flies are commonly associated with decomposing material. In most cases, the larvae of theses flies are found feeding on decaying remains; however, some species have specialized to feed on living tissue or can survive on alternate food such as manure. Because of this, these insects have close associations with bacteria. Historically, research has been on the veterinary importance of these insects. More recently, research has expanded to include areas such as systems ecology, forensics, and even wound debridement (maggot) therapy. Research efforts have been hindered by a lack in technology; however, with the development of high-throughput sequencing and modern molecular techniques, new avenues of research can now examine these interactions with regards to blow fly biology; the application of such information can benefit humanity, and potential pathways of research.

Technical Abstract: Blow flies are commonly associated with decomposing material. In most cases, the larvae are found feeding on decomposing vertebrate remains. However, some species have specialized to feed on living tissue or can survive on other alternate resources like feces. Because of their affiliation with such septic environments, these insects have close associations with microbes. Historically, a tremendous amount of research focused on these insects due to their veterinary importance. Within the past forty years, efforts have expanded this research to include areas such as systems ecology, forensics, and even wound debridement (maggot) therapy. Initial research efforts examining the relationship between microbes and these insects were hampered by the technology available. However, with the advent of high-throughput sequencing and modern molecular techniques, new avenues of research examining these interactions have opened up. The purpose of this article is to highlight the research exploring the interactions between microbes and blow flies with regards to blow fly biology. The application of such information can benefit humanity, and potential pathways of research.