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A newly-hatched chick, less than a day old.
A scientist using a biosafety cabinet to study food poisoning bacteria to assure the microbes do not escape into the environment.
Young chicks are maintained on wood shavings and under a heat lamp to assure proper warmth.
The mission of the Food and Feed Safety Research Unit is to: 1) develop cost-effective means to prevent Salmonella and other enteric pathogens in poultry, swine, cattle, and other livestock through development and use of appropriate new technology and management strategies; 2) identify and isolate immune cytokines from poultry and other livestock to control Salmonella and other enteric pathogens and develop cytokine gene transfer technology for use in ovo in poultry to improve the immune responsiveness at the time of hatch; and 3) identify occurrence of microbial resistance to enteric non-pathogens and pathogens transmitted via food animals under various antimicrobial regimens and develop practical recommendations to prevent the development of drug resistant pathogens.
Anderson, Robin
Andrews, Kathleen
- Kate
Arsenault, Ryan
Byrd Ii, James
- Allen
Caldwell, Denise
Crippen, Tawni
- Tc
Genovese, Kenneth
- Ken
Hernandez, Charles
Johnson, Casey
Knows His Gun, Jennifer
Kogut, Michael
- Mike
Kotzur, Jacquline
- Jackie
Poole, Toni
Ripley, Laura
Street, Michael
- Reiley
Sullivan, John
Swaggerty, Christina
- Christi