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Title: A Phaseolus vulgaris diversity panel for Andean bean improvement

item Cichy, Karen
item Porch, Timothy - Tim
item BEAVER, JAMES - University Of Puerto Rico
item Cregan, Perry
item FOURIE, DEIDRE - Agricultural Research Council Of South Africa
item Glahn, Raymond
item Grusak, Michael
item KAMFWA, KELVIN - Michigan State University
item KATUURAMU, DENNIS - Michigan State University
item MCCLEAN, P - North Dakota State University
item MNDOLWA, ENIKA - Washington State University
item NCHIMBI-MSOLLA, SUSAN - Sokoine University Of Agriculture
item Pastor Corrales, Marcial - Talo
item Miklas, Phillip - Phil

Submitted to: Crop Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/20/2015
Publication Date: 9/17/2015
Citation: Cichy, K.A., Porch, T.G., Beaver, J.S., Cregan, P.B., Fourie, D., Glahn, R.P., Grusak, M.A., Kamfwa, K., Katuuramu, D., McClean, P., Mndolwa, E., Nchimbi-Msolla, S., Pastor Corrales, M.A., Miklas, P.N. 2015. A Phaseolus vulgaris diversity panel for Andean bean improvement. Crop Science. 55:2149-2160.

Interpretive Summary: Large seeded dry beans such as kidney and cranberry beans are an important food in the Americas and in Africa. Breeding efforts in these seed types have lagged behind breeding efforts for small seeded dry beans such as navy and black beans. One of the constraints to breeding progress has been lack of genetic diversity within these market classes. Based on this need a group of 396 large seeded dry bean accessions was assembled from Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, N. and S. America. These accessions include landraces and improved cultivars and have been named the Andean Diversity Panel (ADP). The ADP was genotyped with ~6,000 SNP markers to assess the diversity of the accessions. The ADP was also evaluated for agronomic and consumer acceptance traits in locations in the U.S., Caribbean, Tanzania and South Africa. A number of accessions were identified with value for disease resistance, cooking time, and nutritional value were identified. The ADP is a resource for bean breeders in Africa and the Americas.

Technical Abstract: Dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) of the Andean gene pool, including red mottled, kidney, cranberry, and yellow seed types are important in Africa and in the Americas. Andean dry bean breeding gains have lagged behind those of Mesoamerican beans. These differences may be due to a narrower genetic base of the Andean gene pool and reduced breeding efforts. Through a global collaborative effort it is possible to improve Andean dry beans for diverse regions and production environments. The objective of this research was to establish, genotype, and phenotype a panel of bean germplasm to be used for Andean dry bean breeding. An Andean Diversity Panel (ADP) was assembled and consists of 396 accessions and includes important cultivars, breeding lines, and landraces from Africa, the Caribbean, and North and South America. The panel was genotyped using a 6K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. The population contained two subgroups based on STRUCTURE, consisting of Andean and Mesoamerican bean germplasm. The ADP was comprised of 349 Andean, 21 Mesoamerican, and 26 Andean/Mesoamerican admixed accessions. Most of the admixed lines came from Africa (12 accessions) and the Caribbean (5 accessions). Association mapping was conducted for growth habit and significant SNP trait associations were found on chromosome Pv01, with the most significant SNP marker 3.1Kb from the Terminal Flower 1 PvTFL1y gene. The ADP was evaluated for numerous traits in field trials in the U.S. and Africa. Variability was found for resistance to the rust, angular leaf spot (ALS) and common bacterial blight (CBB) diseases, tolerance to low soil fertility, and cooking time, among others that can be used to improve Andean bean germplasm for the Americas and Africa.