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Title: Genetic analysis of resistance gene analogues from a sugarcane cultivar resistant to red rot disease

item HAMEED, USMAN - University Of The Punjab
item Pan, Yong Bao
item IQBAL, JAVED - University Of The Punjab

Submitted to: Journal of Phytopathology
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/30/2014
Publication Date: 1/30/2015
Publication URL:
Citation: Hameed, U., Pan, Y.-B., Iqbal, J. 2015. Genetic analysis of resistance gene analogues from a sugarcane cultivar resistant to red rot disease. Journal of Phytopathology. 163:755-763. DOI: 10.1111/jph.12372DOI:10.1111/jph.12372.

Interpretive Summary: Sugarcane diseases reduce both yield and quality of sugar during sugarcane production. One approach to control disease is to develop disease resistant cultivars by incorporating disease resistance genes. In this study, two classes of sugarcane resistance gene analogues or RGAs were targeted, namely, the NBS-LRR class and the Kinase class. The conserved portions of these RGAs were downloaded from the GenBank database. Based on these sequences, PCR primers were designed to amplify resistance gene analogues (RGAs) from a Pakistani sugarcane cultivar HSF240 that was resistant to the red rot disease. Amplified RGAs products were inserted into a DNA sequencing vector and subjected to DNA sequencing. As a result, 15 new RGAs were identified and their DNA sequence information was deposited into GenBank database. These 15 new RGAs shared a 63-98% identity to RGAs reported earlier and clustered with RGA genes from other plant species. In addition, deduced protein sequences also showed the presence of expected conserved domains characteristic of RGAs. The findings will be useful for characterization and utilization of disease resistant genes in sugarcane breeding.

Technical Abstract: One of the important approaches for disease control in sugarcane is to develop a disease resistant variety; this may be accomplished through identification of resistance genes in sugarcane. In this study, PCR primers targeting the conserved motifs of the nucleotide-binding site (NBS) class and kinase class of the resistant gene analogues were used to amplify the resistance gene analogues (RGAs) from a red rot resistant sugarcane cultivar (Saccharum hybrid spp.) HSF240. Upon subcloning and sequencing, fifteen putative RGAs were identified. These RGAs shared 63% to 98% identity to the reported disease resistance genes in the NCBI GenBank database. Deduced amino acid sequences also showed the presence of expected conserved domains characteristic of resistant gene analogues. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that these RGAs clustered with R genes from other plant species. The findings will be useful for studying of disease resistant genes in sugarcane.