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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Stoneville, Mississippi » Crop Production Systems Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #213679

Title: A Novel Design for a Light Weight and Durable Field Press


Submitted to: Journal of Botanical Research Institute of Texas
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/15/2007
Publication Date: 7/24/2008
Citation: Bryson, C.T., Carter, R. 2008. A novel design for a light weight and durable field press. J. Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2:517-520.

Interpretive Summary: Documenting plant populations by voucher specimens provides an important and permanent record for living organisms. Vouchers are also extremely important to document dispersal, population shifts, herbicide resistance and tolerance, and genetic relationships of weeds or non-weedy plants. A light weight, washable, durable, and inexpensive field press was developed that reduces time and effort in making plant vouchers. Based on several years of field testing, this new field press design has proven to be superior to other designs.

Technical Abstract: The development of a light weight, washable, durable, and inexpensive field press is described and illustrated. A pattern and protocol for construction of the field press are provided as well as instructions for its use.