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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Tifton, Georgia » Crop Protection and Management Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #199850

Title: Peanut EST Project and Gene Discovery

item Guo, Baozhu
item Dang, Phat
item Holbrook Jr, C

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/1/2006
Publication Date: 11/2/2006
Citation: Guo, B., Chen, H., Dang, P.M., Chen, X., Liang, X.Q., Holbrook, Jr., C.C. 2006. Peanut EST project and gene discovery [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Groundnut Aflatoxin Management and Genomics, November 5-9, 2006, Guangzhou, China. P. 61.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: The overall goal of this project is to develop functional tools and resources for the peanut research community to better understand the disease resistance and seed protein synthesis and diversity in order to advance towards improving host resistance to diseases and mitigating food safety issues such as aflatoxin contamination and allergy. Genomic research can provide new tools and resources to revolutionarily enhance crop genetic improvement and production. However, genome research in peanut is far behind those in other crops, such as maize, soybean, wheat, and sorghum due to the shortage of essential genome infrastructure, tools, and resources. The peanut genome (2,800 Mb/1C) is large in comparison to the plant models, Arabidopsis (128 Mb), rice (420 Mb), Medicago (500 Mb), corn (2,500 Mb) and even soybean (1,100 Mb). Cultivated peanut is an allotetraploid (2n=4x=40). Because of the large genome and polyploidy, one of many challenges the peanut community faces, is the improvement of peanut crop using genetic and genomic approaches. The objectives are to develop tools and resources and provide putative genes and sequence-based markers for peanut researchers. Six cDNA libraries from 3 seed stages (R5, R6 and R7) and two cDNA libraries from leaf tissues of two cultivars, Tifrunner and GT-C20 were constructed. We sequenced the 5’ ends of total 24,096 clones from seed libraries, 14,016 from Tifrunner and 10,080 from the GT-C20, including 7,328 UniESTs, and total 17,184 clones from leaf tissues, 7,872 from Tifrunner and 9,312 from GT-C20, including 5,833 UniESTs. Overall, we have a total of 10,091 UniESTs, which will be used for production of peanut oligo microarray for peanut community. There are EST-derived simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) motifs identified and will be tested for polymorphism in cultivated peanuts. Sequence data will be made available to GenBank, and will be integrated into a national Legume Information System (LIS).