Location: Methods and Application of Food Composition Laboratory
Project Number: 8040-52000-068-067-I
Project Type: Interagency Reimbursable Agreement
Start Date: Aug 13, 2021
End Date: Aug 12, 2022
Determine the variability of conventional and newly emerging carbohydrate fractions which may behave as dietary fiber, may be created or lost in processing/cooking, impact the health of the human microbiome, and which are primarily in foods as commodities in the larger U.S. food supply. Overall, these foods and components, may contribute to health and prevention of chronic diseases related to diet.
FoodData Central contains analytical and label data for almost 300,000 foods and 150+ nutrients and food components. Funding will support collection, processing, and analysis of samples for carbohydrates/fiber. Product sampling and analysis either by USDA or in collaboration with agricultural, academic and food industry scientists, is used to improve the quality and quantity of analytical data in the USDA food composition databases and in research on nutrients and nutrient groups, specifically carboydrates. Effective sampling and collection of metadata will enable understanding nutrient variability (e.g., carbohydrate fractions such as resistant starch and oligosaccharides) which in turn is critical to understanding the impact of foods and nutrients, dietary patterns and impact on human health. USDA analytical oversight, a comprehensive, multi-step quality control program and specific well-designed studies are critical to understanding the impact of newly emerging and existing carbohydrate fractions, either in raw or cooked foods, which affect diet and health.