Location: Small Grain and Food Crops Quality Research
Project Number: 3060-21650-002-007-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Sep 1, 2019
End Date: Aug 31, 2024
Objectives for the life of the project will be to: (1) Assess the flour, protein and starch functionality of pulses stored under (a) ambient conditions typical of North Dakota, Montana and the Palouse region for up to 4 years or (b) combinations of several relative humidities and temperatures typical of environments where pulses are exported; (2) Determine the nutrient and phytochemical compositions of the stored pulses; (3) Assess the functionality and nutrient/phytochemical composition of different pulse cultivars stored under harsh storage conditions identified in Objective 1; and (4) Characterize the impact of pulse storage on the application of flour in crackers and cookies.
The initial focus of this project deals with the impact of storage on functionality and composition of pulses. A commercial source of pulses will be obtained from a seed handler from the 2019 harvest. We will obtain 2000 lbs of seed and subsample these into two main pools. Pool one will be composed of seeds that will be stored long-term (4 years) at ambient conditions typical of North and South Dakota, Montana and the Palouse region. The second pool of samples will be stored under conditions that mimic environmental condition where exported pulses may reside. Pulses will be subjected to combinations of relative humidities (30 to 80%) and temperatures (4 to 40 C). At incremental time periods appropriate for storage conditions, subsamples will be removed for functionality and nutrient composition evaluation. Compositional analysis will include: amino acids and protein, folate, starch, phenolics and oligosaccharide determinations. In phase two, several common pulse cultivars will be evaluated to determine if all cultivars behave in the same manner. Functional and nutrient analysis will be completed on stored seeds of different cultivars. The final activity will involve an assessment of the application of stored pulse flours in cookies and crackers.