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Research Project: Identifying Phenotypes, Markers, and Genes in Carrot Germplasm to Deliver Improved Carrots to Growers and Consumers

Location: Vegetable Crops Research

Project Number: 5090-21000-069-030-A
Project Type: Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 1, 2016
End Date: Jul 31, 2021

Overall project objectives are 1) to phenotype diverse carrot germplasm and breeding stocks to discover variation for traits important for improving carrot disease and pest resistance, reliable crop production and tolerance to environmental stress, enhanced consumer quality, and superior color and nutritional value; 2) to develop an expanded carrot genomic database for breeders; 3) to initiate development and evaluation of breeding pools from diverse germplasm and breeding stocks that include alleles for improved crop production and consumer quality traits; and 4) to evaluate the economic impacts of new carrot traits on grower practices and costs, and consumer decisions.

a. Grow carrots in field trials for evaluation. b. Evaluate and tabulate flavor, stand establishment, and nutritional quality. c. Provide selected carrots for seed production. d. Assist in outreach activities.