Sherry R Ellberg
Small Grains and Potato Germplasm Research
Biological Science Technician (Plants)
Phone: (208) 510-6413
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(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
Registration of Gemcraft spring malting barley variety
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hu, G., Evans, C.P., Satterfield, K.L., Ellberg, S., Marshall, J.M., Schroeder, K.L., Obert, D.E. 2023. Registration of Gemcraft spring malting barley variety. Journal of Plant Registrations. 18/11-16.
Registration of three winter malting barley lines
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hu, G., Evans, C.P., Satterfield, K.L., Ellberg, S. 2022. Registration of three winter malting barley lines. Journal of Plant Registrations. 16: 622-625.
Registration of Spring Malting Barley Germplasm of ARS84-27, ARS98-31, and ARS10-82
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hu, G., Evans, C.P., Satterfield, K.L., Ellberg, S. 2021. Registration of spring malting barley germplasm of ARS84-27, ARS98-31, and ARS10-82. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15(2):345-350.
Application of an orcinol-ferric chloride colorimetric assay in barley and wheat accessions for water-extractable and total arabinoxylan
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hu, G., Ellberg, S., Burton, C., Evans, C.P., Satterfield, K.L., Bockelman, H.E. 2020. Application of an orcinol-ferric chloride colorimetric assay in barley and wheat accessions for water-extractable and total arabinoxylan. Journal of Cereal Science. 93:Article 102962. Available:
Registration of ‘Kardia’, a Two-Rowed Spring Food Barley
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hu, G., Evans, C.P., Satterfield, K.L., Ellberg, S., Marshall, J., Obert, D. 2016. Registration of ‘Kardia’, a Two-Rowed Spring Food Barley. Journal of Plant Registrations. 10:213-216.
A promising low beta-glucan barley mutation of m351 for better bioethanol production use
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hu, G., Trupia, S., Ellberg, S. 2015. A promising low beta-glucan barley mutation of m351 for better bioethanol production use. BioEnergy Research. 8:1158-1164.
Registration of ‘Merem’ spring malting barley
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hu, G., Obert, D., Evans, C.P., Satterfield, K.L., Ellberg, S., Marshall, J., Budde, A.D., Martens, C.H. 2014. Registration of ‘Merem’ spring malting barley. Journal of Plant Registrations. 8:233-235.