Kelsy Robinson
Poultry Research
Research Biologist
Phone: (662) 320-7615
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(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
Effects of the in ovo injection of an Escherichia coli vaccine on the hatchability and subsequent early post hatch characteristics of commercial layer chicks
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Collins Elliott, K.E., Lindsey, L.L., Evans, J.D., Leigh, S.A., Robinson, K., Fatemi, S.A., Mousstaaid, A., Gerard, P.D., Purswell, J.L., Peebles, E.D. 2024. Effects of the in ovo injection of an Escherichia coli vaccine on the hatchability and subsequent early post hatch characteristics of commercial layer chicks. Poultry Science. 104:104562.
MINIstock: Model for INsect Inclusion in sustainable agriculture: USDA-ARS's research approach to advancing insect meal development and inclusion in animal diets
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Robinson, K., Duffield, K.R., Ramirez, J.L., Cohnstaedt, L.W., Ashworth, A.J., Jesudhasan, P., Arsi, K., Morales Ramos, J.A., Rojas, M.G., Crippen, T.L., Shanmugasundaram, R., Vaughan, M.M., Webster, C.D., Sealey, W.M., Purswell, J.L., Oppert, B.S., Neven, L.G., Cook, K.L., Donoghue, A.M. 2024. MINIstock: Model for INsect Inclusion in sustainable agriculture: USDA-ARS's research approach to advancing insect meal development and inclusion in animal diets. Journal of Economic Entomology. 117(4):1199-1209.
High-throughput Oxford Nanopore sequencing-based approach for the multilocus sequence typing analysis of large-scale avian Escherichia coli study in Mississippi
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jia, L., Arick Ii, M.A., Hsu, C., Peterson, D.G., Evans, J.D., Robinson, K., Sukumaran, A., Ramachandran, R., Adhikari, P., Zhang, L. 2024. High-throughput Oxford Nanopore sequencing-based approach for the multilocus sequence typing analysis of large-scale avian Escherichia coli study in Mississippi. Poultry Science. 103:104067.
Complete genome sequences of two avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from broilers exhibiting colibacillosis in Mississippi
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jia, L., Arick Ii, M.A., Hsu, C., Peterson, D.G., Evans, J.D., Robinson, K., Adhikari, P., Zhang, L. 2024. Complete genome sequences of two avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from broilers exhibiting colibacillosis in Mississippi. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 13:e01020-23.
Cold stress initiates catecholaminergic and serotonergic responses in the chicken gut that are associated with functional shifts in the microbiome
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lyte, J.M., Eckenberger, J., Keane, J., Robinson, K., Bacon, T.F., Facchetti, A., Donoghue, A.M., Liyanage, R., Daniels, K.M., Caputi, V., Lyte, M. 2024. Cold stress initiates catecholaminergic and serotonergic responses in the chicken gut that are associated with functional shifts in the microbiome. The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology. 103(3). Article 103393.
Insect frass composition and potential use as an organic fertilizer in circular economies
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Amorim, H., Ashworth, A.J., Arsi, K., Rojas, M.G., Morales Ramos, J.A., Donoghue, A.M., Robinson, K. 2024. Insect frass composition and potential use as an organic fertilizer in circular economies. Journal of Economic Entomology. Article toad234.
Effects of the in ovo injection of an Escherichia coli vaccine on the hatchability and quality characteristics of commercial layer hatchlings
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fatemi, S.A., Lindsey, L.L., Evans, J.D., Collins Elliott, K.E., Leigh, S.A., Robinson, K., Mousstaaid, A., Gerard, P.D., Peebles, E.D. 2023. Effects of the in ovo injection of an Escherichia coli vaccine on the hatchability and quality characteristics of commercial layer hatchlings. Poultry Science. 102(11):103057.
Anaerobutyricum and subdoligranulum are differentially enriched in broilers with disparate weight gains
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Liu, J., Robinson, K., Lyu, W., Yang, Q., Wang, J., Christensen, K.D., Zhang, G. 2023. Anaerobutyricum and subdoligranulum are differentially enriched in broilers with disparate weight gains. Animals. 13(11). Article 13041071.
Ability of garlic and ginger oil to reduce Salmonella in post-harvest poultry
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Robinson, K., Assumpcao, A., Arsi, K., Donoghue, A.M., Jesudhasan, P. 2022. Ability of garlic and ginger oil to reduce Salmonella in post-harvest poultry. Animals. 12(21):2974.
Effect of Salmonella Typhimurium colonization on microbiome maturation and blood leukocyte populations in broiler chickens
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Robinson, K., Assumpcao, A., Arsi, K., Erf, G.F., Donoghue, A.M., Jesudhasan, P. 2022. Effect of Salmonella Typhimurium colonization on microbiome maturation and blood leukocyte populations in broiler chickens. Animals. 12(20):2867.
A neurochemical biogeography of the broiler chicken intestinal tract
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lyte, J.M., Martinez, D.A., Robinson, K., Donoghue, A.M., Daniels, K.M., Lyte, M. 2022. A neurochemical biogeography of the broiler chicken intestinal tract. Poultry Science. 101(30). Article 101671.
Butyrate and forskolin augment host defense, barrier function, and disease resistance without eliciting inflammation
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Butyrate, forskolin, and lactose synergistically enhance disease resistance of chickens by inducing host defense peptide and barrier function gene expression
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, Q., Whitmore, M.A., Robinson, K., Lyu, W., Zhang, G. 2021. Butyrate, forskolin, and lactose synergistically enhance disease resistance of chickens by inducing host defense peptide and barrier function gene expression. Antibiotics. 10(10). Article 1175.
Perturbations of the ileal mycobiota by necrotic enteritis in broiler chickens
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Identification of an intestinal microbiota signature associated with the severity of necrotic enteritis
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Identification of an intestinal microbiota signature associated with the severity of necrotic enteritis
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, Q., Liu, J., Wang, X., Robinson, K., Whitmore, M.A., Stewart, S.N., Zhao, J., Zhang, G. 2021. Identification of an intestinal microbiota signature associated with the severity of necrotic enteritis. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12. Article 703693.
Early life exposure to cold stress causes distinct changes in broiler chicken gut neurochemistry and microbiome that persist into later life
- (Abstract Only)
Linkage between the intestinal microbiota and residual feed intake in broiler chickens
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, J., Stewart, S., Robinson, K., Yang, Q., Lyu, W., Whitmore, M.A., Zhang, G. 2021. Linkage between the intestinal microbiota and residual feed intake in broiler chickens. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology.