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Raymond (Ray) Anderson
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Ray Anderson   Ray G. Anderson
Research Soil Scientist

Agricultural Water Efficiency and Salinity Research Unit
USDA-ARS US Salinity Laboratory
450 W Big Springs Rd
Riverside, CA 92507-4617

Phone: (909) 845-2081


Dr. Ray Anderson is a Research Soil Scientist at USDA-ARS, US Salinity Laboratory in Riverside and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of California, Riverside. Before coming to Riverside, Dr. Anderson worked as a Research Associate (Research Hydrologist) at ARS-Parlier and at the University of California, Irvine, and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. Dr. Anderson’s research methods integrate direct field measurements, micrometeorological techniques, satellite remote sensing, and climatic observations to research agricultural input use and productivity at field to regional scales.


Dr. Anderson’s current research interests at ARS include (1) observing and modeling water use and growth of orchard and specialty crops using field measurements and remote sensing, (2) development and refinement of techniques to observe crop productivity and agricultural emissions of greenhouse gases and other trace gases of concern, (3) integrating observations of crop productivity and inputs into precision agricultural frameworks, and (4) assessing the impact of new production practices and strategies, including regenerative agriculture, on crop resilience to stress.


Educational Background

PhD. – University of California, Irvine - Earth System Science
M.S. – University of California, Irvine – Earth System Science
B.S. with Honors – University of Minnesota – Geography

ARS-Related Publications and Projects

ARS Publications
ARS Projects