Research Soil Scientist
Eric Young
Research Soil Scientist
2615 Yellowstone Dr.
Marshfield, WI 54449
Dr. Young joined the Environmentally Integrated Dairy Management Research : USDA ARS team in August of 2018. Dr. Young's research specializes in dairy system manure management and nutrient cycle.
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-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Young, E.O., Sherman, J.F. 2024. Effects of solid dairy manure application on greenhouse gas emissions and corn yield in the Upper Midwest, USA. Sustainability.
Cook, R.M., Opelt, S.A., Firnstahl, A.D., Sherman, J.F., Burch, T.R., Heffron, J.A., Young, E.O., Wayne, R., Good, L., Stokdyk, J.P., Borchardt, M.A. 2024. Temporal and spatial variation of nitrate, fecal indicator bacteria, and microbial source tracking markers in private well water from a karst aquifer. American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting. June 13-17, 2024.
Cook, R.M., Opelt, S.A., Firnstahl, A.D., Sherman, J.F., Burch, T.R., Heffron, J.A., Young, E.O., Wayne, R., Good, L., Stokdyk, J.P., Borchardt, M.A. 2024. Evaluating association of runoff risk advisory forecasts with private well contamination in Kewaunee County, WI. American Water Resources Association Conference Proceedings. April 25-26, 2024.
Young, E.O. 2024. Stocking methods for greener pastures. Forage Focus. March 2024 issue. pg. 8-9.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Young, E.O., Sherman, J.F., Bembeneck, B., Jackson, R.D., Cavadini, J., Akins, M.S. 2023. Influence of pasture stocking method on surface runoff and nutrient loss in the US Upper Midwest. Nitrogen. 4(4):350-368.
Young, E.O., Sherman, J.F., Bembeneck, B., Jackson, R., Cavadini, J. 2023. Grazing system impacts on surface runoff water quality compared to a hay crop production field with broadcast manure application. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, 29 October 2023 - 1 November 2023, St. Louis, MO.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sherman, J.F., Young, E.O., Jokela, W.E. 2023. Factors influencing ammonia concentrations above corn fields after dairy manure application. Environments. 10(8):140.
Young, E.O. 2023. Runoff water quality in hay and pasture systems. Journal of Nutrient Management. 4(4):14-16.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sherman, J.F., Young, E.O., Jokela, W.E., Kieke, B. 2022. Manure application timing and incorporation effects on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions in corn. Agronomy. 12(11). Article 1952.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Young, E.O., Wilson, M., Sherman, J.F., Vadas, P.A., Arriaga, F., Feyereisen, G.W. 2022. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and snowmelt runoff losses after application of dairy manure with variable solids content. Water: A Multidiscplinary Research Journal. 14(22). Article 3745.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sherman, J.F., Young, E.O. 2022. Greenhouse gas emissions with low disturbance liquid dairy manure incorporation into a live winter cereal cover crop-corn system. Agronomy. 12(12). Article 2978.
Young, E.O. 2022. Organic matter: The backbone of soil health. Journal of Nutrient Management. February 2022. pg. 16-17.
Young, E.O. 2021. Alfalfa yield impacts of low-disturbance manure application. Forage Focus. December 2021. pg. 6.
Young, E.O., Sherman, J.F. 2021. Recycling and management of manure in forage crops. Western Alfalfa & Forage Symposium. November 16-18. Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, NV.
Young, E.O., Sherman, J.F. 2021. The balance of manure management. Progressive Forage Grower. January, issue 1. pg. 30-31.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ross, D.S., Young, E.O., Jaisi, D.P. 2021. Challenges and successes in identifying the transfer and transformation of phosphorus from soils to open waters and sediments. Soil Systems. 5(4):65.
Klaiber, L.B., Kramer, S.R., Haney, M.K., Young, E.O. 2021. Impacts of drainage water management on phosphorus and nitrogen losses from northern New York corn silage fields. Meeting Abstract. November 7-10. Salt Lake City, Utah.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sherman, J.F., Young, E.O., Cavadini, J. 2021. Tillage and liquid dairy manure effects on overland flow nitrogen and phosphorus loss potential in an upper Midwest corn silage-winter triticale cropping system. Agriculture.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sherman, J.F., Young, E.O., Jokela, W.E., Cavadini, J. 2021. Impacts of low disturbance liquid dairy manure incorporation on alfalfa yield and fluxes of ammonia, nitrous oxide, and methane. Agriculture.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sherman, J.F., Young, E.O., Jokela, W.E., Cavadini, J. 2021. Impacts of low-disturbance dairy manure incorporation on ammonia and greenhouse gas fluxes in a corn silage–winter rye cover crop system. Journal of Environmental Quality.
Young, E.O. 2021. Field-to-stream nutrient management. Meeting Abstract. Dairy Forage Research Center Webinar Series.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Young, E.O., Ross, D.S., Jasi, D.P., Vidon, P.G. 2021. Phosphorus transport along the cropland–riparian–stream continuum in cold climate agroecosystems: A review. Soil Systems.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sherman, J.F., Young, E.O., Jokela, W.E., Casler, M.D., Cavadini, J. 2020. Influence of soil and manure management practices on surface runoff phosphorus and nitrogen loss in a corn silage production system: A paired watershed approach. Soil Systems.
Young, E.O. 2021. Nutrient mass balances help weigh farm options. Journal of Nutrient Management. May 1, 2021. Pg. 10-11.
Young, E.O. 2020. Low disturbance manure incorporation benefits. Forage Focus. December 2020 issue. pg. 20-21.
Young, E.O. 2020. Soil testing pays. Progressive Forage Grower. 2020.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Young, E.O. 2020. Soil nutrient managmement: Fueling agroecosystem sustainability. Electronic Publication.
Young, E.O. 2020. Benefits of low disturbance manure application. Journal of Nutrient Management. Summer 2020.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sherman, J.F., Young, E.O., Coblentz, W.K., Cavadini, J. 2020. Runoff water quality following low-disturbance manure application in an alfalfa-grass hay crop forage system. Journal of Environmental Quality. 49(3):663-674.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Griffith, K.E., Young, E.O., Klaiber, L.B., Kramer, S.R. 2020. Winter rye cover crop impacts on runoff water quality in a northern New York (USA) tile-drained maize agroecosystem. Journal of Water Air and Soil Pollution. 231:84.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Klaiber, L.B., Young, E.O., Kramer, S.R. 2020. Impacts of tile drainage on phosphorus losses from edge-of-field plots in the Lake Champlain Basin of New York. Water. 12(2):328.
Young, E.O. 2020. Manure nutrient management in cold climates. Trade Journal Publication. February 2020. Pg. 16-17.
Young, E.O. 2020. Soil fertility in conservation tillage systems. Progressive Forage Grower. Volume 21, Issue 1. Pg. 25-26.
Young, E.O. 2019. What can you do to prepare for wetter springs?. Progressive Forage Grower. 20(11):16-17.
Young, E.O. 2019. Start fall off right with soil sampling and manure management. Progressive Forage Grower. 20(9):38-39.
Young, E.O., Sherman, J.F., Wilson, M., Vadas, P.A., Motew, M.M. 2019. Nutrient loss in snowmelt runoff following dairy manure application on snowpack. Meeting Abstract. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Nov. 10-13, 2019. San Antonio, Texas.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Young, E.O., Ross, D.S., Sherman, J.F. 2019. Measuring phosphorus release in laboratory microcosms for water quality assessment. Journal of Visual Experiments. (149) e60072.
-(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Young, E.O., Ross, D.S., Jaynes, D.B. 2019. Riparian buffer nutrient dynamics and water quality. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 7:76.
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