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Technology Transfer at this Location

ARS scientists prepare annual reports for each of their projects. Listed below are the Technology Transfer components of the annual reports of appropriated projects conducted at this location for the latest fiscal year.

Year: 2023

Project: Genetic Enhancement of Sunflower Yield and Tolerance to Biotic Stress

Project: Detection and Fate of Environmental Chemical and Biological Residues and their Impact on the Food Supply

Number of New MTAs 1

Project: Biology of Weed-Crop Interactions to Improve Weed Management Strategies in Northern Agro-ecosystems

Number of Databases/Datasets 3

Project: Improvement of Biotic Stress Resistance in Durum and Hard Red Spring Wheat Using Genetics and Genomics

Number of Databases/Datasets 5

Project: Host-Pathogen Interactions Affecting Wheat and Barley

Number of Databases/Datasets 2