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item Lewellen, Robert

Submitted to: Genetics and Breeding of Sugar Beet
Publication Type: Book / Chapter
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/20/2004
Publication Date: 3/20/2005
Citation: Biancardi, E., Lewellen, R.T. 2005. Downy mildew. pp. 92-93. In (eds. E. Biancardi, L.G. Campbell, G.N. Skaracis, & M. DeBiaggi) Genetics and Breeding of Sugar Beet. Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, NH, USA.

Interpretive Summary: "Downy Mildew" is a book chapter that reviews the genetics and breeding for resistance to downy mildew in sugarbeet.

Technical Abstract: Downy mildew, caused by Peronospora schachtii (farinosa), attacks newly developed leaves in rainy or cool climates. Severe damage is quite frequent in northern Europe in both sugar and seed crops. Crombie and O'Connor (1960) observed a correlation between ploidy level and disease severity. In particular, tetraploid genotypes appeared more ressitant than 3n and 2n genotypes. Campbell and Russell (1964) listed six distinct independent resistance mechanisms, of which the most important is the hypersensitive reaction of host cells. In contrast to the hypersensitive response, the other factors are quantitative and relative severity is influenced by interactions with the environment.