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Research Project: Sustainable Production and Pest Management Practices for Nursery, Greenhouse, and Protected Culture Crops

Location: Application Technology Research

Title: Tinkering for Profit: pH got you down? Here is a foolproof way to achieve your optimal pH!

item Owen Jr, James
item Altland, James

Submitted to: Popular Publication
Publication Type: Popular Publication
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/1/2024
Publication Date: 3/11/2024
Citation: Owen Jr, J.S., Altland, J.E. 2024. Tinkering for Profit: pH got you down? Here is a foolproof way to achieve your optimal pH!. Nursery Management. 40(3):16-18.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: This article describes how to perform the A+ method to more accurately predict the necessary lime rate to reach a target pH for any substrate. The A+ method is a modification of a procedure developed by James Altland at Oregon State University, refined by Erin Lowe, biotechnician extraordinaire, and further modified by Drs. Owen and Altland at the USDA Agricultural Research Service Application Technology Research Unit Laboratory in Wooster, OH. This procedure works with any combination of substrate components and amendments. It starts by accurately preparing 8 liters of your amended substrate. That 8-liter batch is moistened before being divided into 1-liter batches and amended with a range of lime rates. Finally, pH is measured in each batch to create lime by pH curve, allowing the user to accurately predict the correct lime rate to reach a target pH.