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Research Project: Biological, Genetic and Genomic Based Disease Management for Vegetable Crops

Location: Vegetable Research

Title: Complete genome sequence of tomato leaf curl Guam virus, a novel tomato-infecting begomovirus from Guam, USA

item SCHLUB, ROBERT - University Of Guam
item Li, Rugang
item BAMBA, JESSE - University Of Guam
item MARUTANI, MARI - University Of Guam
item Ling, Kai Shu

Submitted to: Microbiology Resource Announcements
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 11/17/2021
Publication Date: 12/9/2021
Citation: Schlub, R.L., Li, R., Bamba, J.P., Marutani, M., Ling, K. 2021. Complete genome sequence of tomato leaf curl Guam virus, a novel tomato-infecting begomovirus from Guam, USA. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 10(49):e00954-24.

Interpretive Summary: A serious disease outbreak on tomato crops was observed in Guam, a United States territory located in western pacific, with an estimated yield losses between 10% and 100% since 2007. To identify the causal agent of this emerging disease, we used primer-walking strategy and amplicon sequencing to obtain a complete virus genome. Sequence analysis showed less than 91% nucleotide sequence identity in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database, a species demarcation standard for begomoviruses, suggesting a novel begomovirus, tentatively named tomato leaf curl Guam virus (ToLCGuV). Timely identification of the cause agent will offer the fundamental information to devise appropriate strategies for disease management.

Technical Abstract: Complete genome sequence of a novel begomovirus infecting tomato crops in Guam was obtained using primer-walking PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing. The complete genome of the virus is 2,750 nt with a typical monopartite begomovirus genome organization. BLASTn search in the NCBI database showed less than 91% nucleotide sequence identity to other known viruses, a species demarcation standard for begomoviruses. A provisional species name, tomato leaf curl Guam virus (ToLCGuV) is proposed.